Originally, Lu Yu didn't know the identity of the middle-aged man. After all, his appearance was too ordinary, just like an ordinary office worker, except that he looked a little stronger and had no features.

But when the man said the word "Pokémon", Lu Yu immediately knew the true identity of the middle-aged man in front of him.

The world of Pokémon, also known as the world of Pokemon, is the largest dark organization in the Kanto area, the leader of Team Rocket - Sakagi!

"Cough cough! Since you asked sincerely, then I will tell you with great mercy!"

Thinking of the Rockets brings back this brainwashing manifesto.

Anyway, inside the dimensional store, Lu Yu is an invincible existence, so he doesn't have much anxiety about facing the big gangsters, but he has a leisurely mind to play tricks.

"In order to prevent the world from being destroyed, and to protect the peace of the world, I... I'm Lu Yu, the manager of the Dimension Store, you can just call me the manager!"

"Dimensional store..."

Sakagi is worthy of being a person who has seen the world. After listening to the useless rhetoric with a calm face, he immediately grasped the point, his expression became solemn, and his tone became cautious and awe-inspiring.

"Manager Lu Yu, the dimension store you're talking about won't be..."

"Just as you think."

Lu Yu snapped his fingers: "This is a store connected to countless worlds, and this is outside the elf world where you are, Mr. Sakagi."

"Out of the world!"

Sakagi was so shocked that he didn't have time to care why Lu Yu was able to reveal his name in one sentence.

In his world, Pokémon that can read minds are not uncommon, and if it is a shop owner who exists across infinite dimensions, it is not difficult to imagine it.

Compared with the other party knowing his own name, the concept of countless dimension worlds is really something to be amazed at!

The Pokémon world also has Otherworlds and parallel worlds, and it is not difficult to accept the fact that Sakagi Zhizun can naturally understand the news.

After the shock, Sakagi's mind began to liven up.

He tapped the Pokémon ball around his waist lightly. After hesitating for a while, the Pokémon ball shook, and his ace elf confirmed that Lu Yu was right, this is no longer the world of Pokémon.

Sakagi's ace elf has a proper champion-level strength in his world. Even if he faces ordinary mythical beasts, it is not wrong at all. He doesn't think there is any existence that can deceive his elf.

Since his ace elves have said so, it means that everything Lu Yu said is true!

He encountered an unimaginable opportunity and actually entered a dimensional store!

"Since it's a dimensional store, may I ask the manager, what are the products in the store?" Sakagi asked immediately.

Hearing this, Lu Yu showed a smile, walked to the shelf, and picked up a jar.

"These jars are the main products of the dimensional store. Each jar may contain a treasure, it may be an item, it may be a weapon, or it may be a conceptual thing such as a godhead."

"These things all come from the world of thousands of dimensions. There are only things you can't think of, and there are no things without it."

"How about it, do you want to buy a jar and try it first?"

Hearing Lu Yu's introduction, Sakagi was a little tempted, but he didn't rush to buy it, but asked cautiously: "Store manager, what do I need to pay to buy these jars? Is it money?"

Hearing Sakagi's question, Lu Yu shook his head: "Money is worthless with me. To buy jars here, you need to consume the origin point."

"Original point?" Sakagi was a little puzzled when he heard this word for the first time.

"Origin point refers to the origin of the world. The power, knowledge, and luck you have can be transformed into the corresponding origin point, and enough energy can also be transformed into the corresponding origin point. If you take your world as an example, those advanced Fossils or dragon scales can be recycled as source points, and the more energy they contain, the more valuable they are."

"Oh, I see." Sakagi thought thoughtfully: "Then the shopkeeper, how many origin points do I have now?"

"You now have 1,000 Origin Points." Lu Yu said after using the system to investigate: "But if you plan to transfer your main Pokémon to our store, I can give you a price of 5,000 Origin Points, come Recycle the main sequence Pokémon in your hands."

Sakagi's main Pokémon have all reached the championship level, which is comparable to the second-level divine beast.

This level of Pokémon is recycled with 5,000 source points, and the price is already very black.

"No, I don't have this idea right now."

The main Pokémon in Sakagi's hand is also a partner who has been with him for decades, and he will not betray it easily.

"OK then."

Although it is a pity, considering sustainable development, Lu Yu did not persuade Sakagi to recycle his main Pokémon, but took out two jars.

"Basic jars are priced at 100 origin points, and intermediate jars are priced at 1,000 origin points. The higher the level of the jar, the more likely good items will appear. However, if the primary jar is drawn ten times in a row, the blue items will be guaranteed. What is Mr. Sakagi's choice?"

The quality of the items opened from the jars is basically classified according to the five colors of white, green, blue, purple and orange, among which the white board has the lowest quality and the orange has the highest quality.

The most conscientious activity of the Dimension Store is probably to guarantee the bottom ten times. Otherwise, with the ultra-low probability of single draw, Lu Yu feels that he may lose a big customer immediately.

"I choose ten consecutive draws!"

Sakagi, who specializes in the ground department, is very stable, and after a little thought, he decided to choose the guaranteed route.

"Okay, here's your jar!"

The moment Sakagi agreed to the transaction, the origin point was placed on the account of the Dimension Store, and Lu Yu immediately handed over ten primary jars.

"How to use this?"

Looking at the ten jars in front of him, Sakagi asked in confusion.

"Just smash it open!" Lu Yu waved his hand indifferently, "Don't worry, the items in the jar will never be damaged before they are opened!"

"Break open..." Sakagi was stunned, obviously misunderstanding something, he took out a Pokémon ball from his waist and threw it out: "Big Needle Bee, I'll leave it to you!"

The light flashed, and a huge bee one or two meters high appeared in the dimensional store. There were giant needles like drill bits on both hands, and the momentum was very powerful.

"Smash these cans open!" Sakagi ordered to his Pokémon.


The big needle bee made a sound to express his understanding, and then quickly punctured the ten primary jars in front of Sakagi with the giant needle in his hands.

Lu Yu didn't even see the process, only a cold light flashed, and ten primary jars were opened almost simultaneously.

Ten cards appeared in front of everyone.

Eight off-white cards, one green card, and one blue card. *

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