Chapter 39: Su Can: I almost kicked you out of the team! I didn't expect this girl to be so persistent in her pursuit of delicious food. For a moment, everyone present was in awe! And the few guests who had previously clamored to pay a high price for the porridge also said with some shame

"Forget it!"

"I won't argue with you."

"It's my fault for going out late today. I didn't expect that Xiaohaige would launch this limited edition delicacy."

"At worst, I'll come over early tomorrow to line up!"

Seeing that other people had also given up bidding, it seemed as if they had just staged a farce.

Only then did a smile reappear on Su Can's face.

He said calmly


"elder sister"

"You made the best decision!"

"Actually, I just tested you on purpose."

"If you really choose to give up this bowl of porridge because of money"

"Then I will ask you and the guest who bid 2,000 to line up at the back of the queue again!"..............................................

As soon as Su Can said this.

Everyone was confused.

There was something they couldn't understand.

What Su Can means by this sentence.

Why would someone be willing to pay a higher price for his bowl of porridge, which would make Su Can even more unhappy?

Shouldn't this show that his craftsmanship is excellent and that he has rare items to live in?

And this time.

Su Can went on to say

"I think everyone should be familiar with the scalper profession, right?"

"They are the kind of scalpers who resell all kinds of bus tickets and concert tickets at high prices!"

"As far as I know, recently, the catering industry has also been infected with the stinky problem of scalpers!"

"Whenever some internet celebrity restaurants, internet celebrity milk tea shops, internet celebrity cake shops, etc. appear"

"A group of professional scalpers will be born!"

"They specifically go to these internet celebrity check-in spots to queue up, just to get these internet celebrity products as soon as possible!"

"Then they resell the products at high prices to customers who cannot buy the products through normal channels."

"And I hate this!"

"If you, sister, set this precedent today, I believe there will be countless scalpers queuing up here in the future, and then reselling my food to my customers at high prices."

"This goes against my original intention!"

"Although I set up a stall to make money, I also really want customers who like my craftsmanship to eat my food at normal prices!"

After Su Can slowly finished these words, he couldn't help but bow to everyone.

Because he knew that there were many customers here, and he had been there almost every day since the first day he set up the stall. Here, there are regular customers waiting for him to come and set up a stall.

Although he knows that they want to eat more delicious food, thanks to the help of the system,

Su Can is really grateful to these customers who are willing to support him...............................................................


" Pa pa...


"That’s so well said, kid!"

"Indeed, if this is really the case, it would be very unfair to customers like us who come here and queue up!"

"Resolutely resist this behavior!"

"If you want to eat, come here early and queue up. It’s not like Chef Su Can won’t sell it tomorrow!"

For a while, everyone agreed in unison.

And this thin little girl finally got her wish and bought the food she wanted.

Looking at the fragrant white rice porridge in her hand, the girl reluctantly asked about it before. The few customers who were going to buy from her at a high price could tell that they were reluctant to give it up, just from the way the little girl looked at her. The person he loves also waved his hands and refused with a bitter look on his face.

"Forget it!"

"It’s just such a small bowl, you should eat it yourself!"

"Let's just eat some other delicious food to deal with it today."

Seeing that everyone declined her kindness, the little girl scooped up a spoonful of porridge.

After blowing it in small sips to cool it down, she tasted it happily.

However, after just a sip, she was surprised to find that her roommate was very interested in the porridge. The praise for Su Can’s cooking skills is still understated!

How delicious is this?

It’s simply unparalleled deliciousness!

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