Chapter 36 I want to see what's the trick in this bowl of porridge!

Su Can's indifferent attitude made everyone confused.

However, anyone who has tasted Su Can's cooking skills is eager to try this bowl of white rice porridge.

Especially the college student who just questioned Su Can.

After thinking it over, he decided to order only one serving of egg fried rice and braised beef noodles.

It's not that he can't afford it.

The key is that he thinks it's not worth spending nearly two hundred yuan to buy a bowl of white rice porridge.

Following closely behind were Hu Yingjun and his son.

Su Can didn't expect that after tasting the food he made, Hu Dafu no longer cooked at home.

He always felt that it was not as delicious as Su Can's stall.

Therefore, before Hu Yingjun spoke, he took the initiative to rush over to line up before Su Can opened the stall.

Therefore, after the customer in front gave up the white rice porridge, Hu Dafu rubbed his hands and asked with some heartache

"Master Su!"

"Is this white rice porridge really priced at 188?"

"How about you let me have a taste first?"

Hearing this,

Su Can was speechless.

Who are you, Boss Hu?

The boss of Fuchunju!

Such a time-honored and well-known restaurant.

The profit alone in a year is probably hundreds of thousands.

Why are you crying about poverty?

I feel a little helpless. road

"Boss Hu, this is not the first time you come to buy something from me."

"Brother Yingjun has been taking care of my old customers since the first day I set up my stall."

"You still don’t know who I am, Su Can?"

"I dare to set this price, of course there is a reason for it!"

"There were 18 bowls of rice in the casserole just now. If you take a bite, others will have one less. That won't do!"

After hearing what Su Can said,

Hu Dafu's eyes became firm.

He was a little worried at first. He thought Su Can was deliberately cheating him.

But then he thought again.

With Su Can's cooking skills, there was no need for him to sell rice porridge at a sky-high price to ruin his reputation.

Thinking of this,

Hu Dafu hurriedly took out five big red bills from his pocket and said with a firm face:

"Two bowls of rice porridge, two bowls of egg fried rice and two servings of braised beef noodles, one serving of braised egg and braised tofu for me and my son respectively.!"

Unexpectedly, two bowls of this white rice porridge were sold so quickly.

Su Can's lips curled up into a smile.

He greeted quickly!


"But I have to remind you that you'd better save the white rice porridge for last!"

"And don't eat other things when drinking porridge."

"If the taste is mixed, the taste may not be that good!"


You have to save the white rice porridge for last?

And when you drink porridge, you can't add other things?

This will mess up Hu Dafu.

Isn't this white rice porridge just porridge?

Who doesn't just order porridge ? Pickled vegetables or something?

What's the point of just drinking porridge? He had to drink porridge today. He wanted to see what kind of medicine was in Su Can's gourd.


After quickly helping Hu Dafu and his son finish cooking egg fried rice and braised beef noodles.

Su Can carefully opened the lid of the casserole.

Until this time, the casserole has been kept on low heat to keep warm.

The moment the lid is lifted.

Only a layer of water vapor was seen rising.


The alluring rice fragrance instantly filled the entire street

"Nest grass?"

"What's that smell?"

"smell good!"

"And it has a very comfortable fragrance!"


"It’s different from the rice aroma of egg fried rice, the meaty aroma of braised beef, and the marinade aroma."

"This is a very soft, non-lethal fragrance"

"But I don’t know why, among so many fragrances, it is this kind of fragrance that makes people more unable to stop!"

"It was just like the carefree childhood in my memory, when I was tired and hungry after playing outside, and the first whiff of rice aroma I smelled when I opened the rice cooker was just as tempting."

It should be said.

After smelling the aroma of the porridge, the first college student who didn't want to buy porridge regretted it.

If I had known that the porridge was so fragrant, I would have paid for a bowl no matter what! It's too late to regret now.

Because Su Can's rule is that you can't cut in line.

That means.

After he orders the meal, if he wants to order another one, he has to stand at the end of the line and queue up again................................................................

After taking the bowl of white rice porridge with an alluring fragrance from Su Can.

Hu Dafu did not hesitate.

I scooped some of it with a spoon, blew it to cool down a little, and then swallowed it in my mouth.

Originally, Hu Dafu was worried about what would happen if the one hundred and eighty-eight dollars were not worth the money.

You can eat this mouthful of clear porridge.

Hu Dafu reacted immediately! value!

It’s so worth it!

As the saying goes, laymen watch the door, but experts watch the excitement!

There are only veteran chefs who have been dealing with ingredients for decades.

Only now can you taste the quality of this porridge in one bite!

This rice!

Definitely the best rice!

Although Hu Dafu didn't know what kind of rice Su Can used.

But he knew it.

There are absolutely no extra ingredients added to this bowl of white porridge.

It’s just water and rice from beginning to end.

But it is such a simple, plain bowl of white porridge.

But it restores the original taste of the ingredients to a greater extent.

There is a refreshing sweetness that echoes between the lips and teeth.

He finally understood why Su Can said this bowl of white porridge should not be mixed with other ingredients.

That is definitely a waste of resources!

Because any excess flavor will destroy the original flavor................................................................

Seeing Hu Dafu just sip the porridge, he closed his eyes, his lips moved, and his expression seemed to be savoring the taste.

Everyone couldn't help asking

"Mr. Hu, how about this porridge?"

"You can tell me whether it tastes good or not!"

"Everyone is waiting for your comments!"

Hu Dafu's reaction made everyone feel a little unsure.

Is it delicious or not?

Give me a definite answer!

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