Chapter 20 He was born knowing how to cook?

The two drove to the gate of Jiangcheng University.

However the difference is.

Inside the queue today.

There are actually some more adults present......

It turns out.

Because today is the weekend.

Yesterday, some students from Jiangcheng University who lived nearby chose to go home after their evening self-study.

Then there was a man named Hu Yingjun.

He is Li Hua's friend.

He is also a regular customer who has been patronizing Su Can's stall before.

And this classmate Hu Yingjun.

Nothing special.

But his father, Hu Dafu, was a restaurant owner.

There is an old restaurant that has been in business for more than ten years.

It has an excellent reputation in Jiangcheng City.

It is considered a time-honored brand.

And because of Hu Dafu's good craftsmanship, Hu Yingjun grew up eating the food cooked by his father.

He is tall and tall, much taller than his peers!

But just these two days.

Hu Dafu was surprised.

What the hell.

Thinking that his child could go home, he made a special trip to the vegetable market and bought various rich ingredients such as chicken, duck, fish and meat.

Prepare to give your children a good supplement.

But who would have thought?

Hu Yingjun didn't know if he had taken the wrong medicine.

Facing a table full of delicacies from all over the world.

I can't even put my chopsticks down


"Are you sick?"

"How can you not eat?"

Hu Yingjun didn't say anything, just shook his head and said he couldn't eat.

Then he went back to his room.

And Li Hua and his bad friends didn't forget to send Hu Yingjun all kinds of photos and messages.


"A few of us have already lined up in front of the university gate. I wonder what new dishes Brother Xiao will introduce today!"

"Really looking forward to it!"

"It's a pity that our brother Yingjun doesn't have this blessing!"

Seeing the message sent in the brother group,

Hu Yingjun almost gritted his teeth!

Finally, unable to bear it any longer

, he pushed open the door and shouted at Hu Dafu


"I want egg fried rice!"

"I want to eat braised beef noodles!"

Hu Dafu was stunned! What's going on with this silly son ? This table is full of delicious food, braised pork, chicken stewed with mushrooms, pig's trotters stewed with soybeans, boiled fish........

Which one is not better than egg fried rice and braised beef noodles?

What kind of nonsense is this?


"Are you okay? It's not because you're under too much pressure from studying or you're sick, right?"

Seeing the concerned look on his old father's face,

Hu Yingjun had no choice but to tell Hu Dafu about a kid selling fried rice at the gate of Jiangcheng University!


"Do you mean to say that an eight-year-old kid can make fried rice that tastes better than your dad’s cooking?"

"This is fucking ridiculous. Even if he had learned to cook since he was born, he wouldn't be able to do this, right?"

Hu Dafu was confused.

It wasn't that he didn't believe it. The key point was that he was a cook himself. He knew how difficult it was to learn this skill. Hu Yingjun's confident look made him lose it!


"Just believe me, Xiaohai’s craftsmanship is truly the best in the world!"

"I have never eaten such delicious egg fried rice in my life!"

"If you don’t believe it, just come with me. If you’re too late, I’m afraid you won’t be able to queue up and won’t be able to eat!"

Under Hu Yingjun's instigation, Hu Dafu went out with hesitation.............................................

Arriving at the gate of Jiangcheng University,

Hu Dafu was stunned.

How can this be called a queue?

This is simply a long dragon!


Too outrageous! It

's not like he hasn't set up a roadside stall before!

In the early days when he started from scratch, he started from a small roadside stall. It was not until he saved enough money that he had his own small restaurant.

But at this moment.

Hu Dafu was stunned.

He has been in the catering industry for so many years, and he has never seen that before the stall owner came, there were already one or two hundred people consciously queuing up.

And then quietly waiting for the stall owner to arrive.

"Does this young master really have such good skills?"

Now Hu Dafu has to believe it even if he doesn't believe it.

And in the queue, there are many parents of students. They are also similar to Hu Dafu. At the instigation of his own children, he came over to try the best egg fried rice in the world..

Some parents were even surprised to see this scene and were about to take out their mobile phones to record their wonderful life, but they were stopped by their own children.


"Can’t post!"

"It’s hard enough to steal things from Brother Xiao!"

"If you make this sound, won't everyone in Jiangcheng know about it?"

Such warnings were heard one after another....................................................

And in the eyes of everyone, with great expectations.

A small tricycle was slowly coming from the corner of the street.

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