Chapter 17: Sour plums whet the appetite, braised dishes go well with rice, Su Can is so delicious!

Braised food is difficult to say, but also simple.

In the streets and alleys, you can basically see all kinds of small vendors selling braised food everywhere.

There are even well-known delicatessens such as Black Duck and Juewei Duck that have become chain brands and opened all over the country.

But it is precisely because there are too many people who can make braised food.

Therefore, if you want to kill a bloody path among so many competitors, you must ensure that the braised food you make is delicious beyond imagination!

And Su Can, who has mastered the god-level braised food skills at this moment, just has this confidence!

The method is also very simple.

First, blanch the meat ingredients and remove the foam.

Then put them in cold water, the purpose is to make the meat shrink and more firm.

Then the most critical step is to prepare the marinade.

First, add a piece of lard!

This is very critical.

It can be said that the finishing touch of this god-level braised food skill that Su Can learned lies in the spoonful of lard added to the pot.

Compared with vegetable oils such as rapeseed oil and peanut oil, lard has a stronger flavoring effect.

After the oil pan is heated, add soybean paste and bean paste in turn.

Add water directly after frying.

These two sauces can make the soup more mellow, and then simmer for a while to make the soup more flavorful.

Then remove the residue to prevent it from sticking to the ingredients.

Not only does it affect the appearance, but it also affects the taste.

Then add a little dark soy sauce to adjust the color and light soy sauce to enhance the freshness. Then add salt, chicken essence, and rock sugar in turn.

At this time, the marinade can be considered to be preliminarily completed.

Next, add the spice bag containing cinnamon, star anise, bay leaves, grass fruit, pepper and other materials that have been prepared before.

Boil on low heat for a while.

At this time, the marinade is considered to be all done!

The next step is to prepare another pot, and add dried chili peppers, ginger, and scallion segments to the bottom of the pot in turn. Then put all the ingredients neatly one by one.

Finally, pour the boiled marinade into it, and finally add a spoonful of scallion and ginger oil.

Scallion and ginger oil is made by frying the scallions and ginger over low heat until they are browned, then taking them out. The remaining base oil is the scallion and ginger oil that can enhance the flavor. When all the preparations are done, just cover the pot and simmer over high heat for half an hour.

Then turn to low heat and simmer for half an hour.

After that, you can open the lid and start eating.

However, if you want the ingredients to be more flavorful, you can leave them alone overnight.

In this way, the stewed food will be more intense.

But Su Can couldn't wait any longer.

He quickly ran to the kitchen and got a bowl of freshly steamed rice.

He was ready to eat with this big pot of stewed food.

The rice was steamed as soon as he got home.

After all, he had to prepare a batch of overnight rice for egg fried rice tomorrow.................................................

At this time, the sour plum soup was almost cooked.

It just cooled down.

It hadn't been put into the refrigerator for refrigeration.

Su Can didn't care.

He poured himself a full cup.

He drank a sip of sour plum soup first.

Although it tastes better after being frozen, the naturally cooled sour plum soup also amazed Su Can's taste buds.

The first feeling was smooth!

The second feeling was soft!

Unlike the fast-food sour plum soup made with sour plum soup powder

, Su Can's sour plum soup made by ancient methods was extremely smooth and had no sour feeling.

The fusion of sour and sweet was very clever.

Just a sip.

Su Can felt refreshed.

And his appetite increased greatly.

It seems that the effect of appetizing and strengthening the spleen is really not a joke.

The next step is to taste the stewed food.

In order to avoid destroying the taste of the whole pot of stewed food,

Su Can had already fished out the various stewed food he wanted to eat in advance.

Arranged it into a platter.

The first one to bear the brunt was the best stewed food!

That is braised tofu!

Also called braised dried bean curd!

The fried dried tofu, after being boiled in the brine, is full of soup.

And this soup not only has the freshness of vegetarian dishes such as lotus root slices and kelp.

There is also the meaty taste of ingredients such as pig's trotters, chicken feet, and chicken legs.

Take a bite.

The soup instantly fills the entire mouth.

It is even more delicious than eating meat!

Pick up a piece of braised tofu and put it in your mouth.

The rich braised flavor instantly makes Su Can a little unable to stop!

It really deserves to be a god-level braised skill.

Let alone.

Just relying on this piece of braised tofu.

Su Can can show off several mouthfuls of rice!

After trying the braised tofu.

The next is the pig's trotter!

Braised pig's trotters have always been an indispensable classic element in braised dishes. The pig's trotters stewed in the marinade are thoroughly flavored, and a light break can separate the bones and meat.

And every bite of the pig's trotter, the full collagen, will definitely make people burst out with a sense of satisfaction from the heart!

Su Can was also a little hungry at this moment.

He didn't care about his eating manners at all. He took a bite of braised pig's trotter and a bite of rice.

He took a bite of braised tofu and a bite of rice. He took a bite of braised chicken leg and a bite of rice.

He ate it with great pleasure.

It was so good!

It was so good!

Su Can could imagine.

Once this pot of braised food was released tomorrow, it would probably cause a frenzy among the college students!

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