Chapter 13: You can eat instant noodles for the rest of your life!

I saw so many likes and replies suddenly added to my circle of friends.

This classmate was extremely excited.

Never dreamed of it.

I am such a little transparent.

It's amazing that one day I can get so much attention. but.

When he saw many friends came over to consult him.

A bowl of beef noodles that looks so fragrant.

Where exactly did you buy it?

This classmate wisely chose to remain silent! joke.

Brother Kid's craftsmanship is so good.

I have to wait in line for a long time every day, and it’s hard to eat just once!

If I tell you gluttons.

Is that okay?

What will you eat next?

Think of this.

This classmate was very reluctant and chose to shut down the phone!

Whoever sends a message next will be ignored!

Even if the goddess whom I yearn for comes to me.

You have to wait until you finish showing off this bowl of instant noodles!

After saying that, he took out the small fork that came with the instant noodles bucket and started to show off the noodles.

First, I forked a piece of evenly sized braised beef.

Slowly put it into your mouth.

Rich beef aroma.

It instantly filled the entire mouth.

It’s almost overflowing!

What a sense of satisfaction!

Unprecedented experience


"It smells so good!"

"It’s really the braised beef made by Brother Kid himself."

"There is nothing to choose from, there is really nothing to choose from!"

This classmate was about to burst into tears.

How could he, Zhang Dabiao, be able to eat such delicious beef in his life! He chewed carefully for almost half a minute, until there was no fragrance of beef in his mouth.

He finally swallowed it reluctantly.

The next step was the highlight of instant noodles.

He carefully rolled up the instant noodles full of soup with a fork.

Then he stuffed it into his mouth.

Zhang Dabiao has also eaten instant noodles for more than ten years. His family conditions were not very good since he was a child. His parents had to work outside to earn money to support the family.

His grandparents also died early.

There was no one at home to cook for him.

He often cooked instant noodles and fooled around.

After a while, he ate instant noodles for several years.

As a result, Zhang Dabiao felt like vomiting when he smelled the instant noodles.

But things are different now..

Not only did he not feel any discomfort when he took a bite of the instant noodles, but he felt that the instant noodles were extremely fragrant!

He had never eaten such delicious instant noodles in his life!

The noodles still tasted the same, but because of the addition of a portion of braised beef sauce and a spoonful of broth, the taste of this bowl of instant noodles was sublimated!

Thinking of this,

Zhang Dabiao shed a line of hot tears.

If he had eaten this kind of delicious instant noodles every day when he was a child, then the memories of his childhood would have been happy, right?

Finally, he tasted the soup!

The rich beef bone broth, plus a spoonful of extremely flavorful beef sauce soup.

After taking a bite, he felt warm.

It was so comfortable!

It can be said that for Zhang Dabiao, this bowl of braised beef instant noodles completely refreshed his view of instant noodles!

"It seems like all those years of eating instant noodles have been in vain!"

"Thank you, Brother Xiaozi. Without you, those years in childhood when I ate instant noodles every day until I vomited would have been a lifelong psychological shadow."

"But until I finished eating this bowl of instant noodles today, I made peace with myself!"

"It turns out it’s not that the instant noodles are not tasty, it’s that I just don’t know how to cook them!"

"If I had the skill of Brother Xiaozi, what if I had to eat instant noodles for the rest of my life?"...........................................................

At this moment, not only Zhang Dabiao, but also some other students who bought instant noodles from the store, all showed an obsessed expression at this moment, which made the convenience store owner who came out to watch the fun confused.

"What happened to these kids?"

"Eating a bowl of instant noodles is like eating a fucking banquet!"

"It's just a bowl of instant noodles, how can it be so delicious?"

However, when the convenience store owner came over and smelled the rich aroma of beef, he had to admit that he was conquered by the aroma! He turned around and went into the store to get a box of instant noodles.

He was going to ask Su Can to make a bowl for himself.


Su Can had just sold out at this time.

"Sorry, uncle, all the ingredients today have been sold out."

"That was the last portion of braised beef."

"I have already bought it for the brother in front of me!"

Su Can said very politely.

This made the boss very unhappy.


"I followed you, the little boss, yesterday."

"The egg fried rice is so delicious!"

"It's a pity that I have to take care of the business in the store today, so I didn't have time to come out and queue up to buy one."

"As a result, I smelled the aroma of braised beef noodles this late in the evening. It really killed me and made me even more greedy!"

The convenience store owner said helplessly.

In fact, he had noticed Su Can for a long time.

It's a pity.

Today, the wave of college students suddenly barged in to buy things, which wasted his time.

After all, compared with delicious food, it is definitely still making money. More important!

But now the boss regretted it. He realized that making money was nothing. It was okay to just close the shop for a day. Chan was about to close the stall. In the end, the convenience store owner could only helplessly scratch his head and then returned to the store. He would make a bowl of noodles with some eggs, ham and sausage, and he would do it tomorrow. I want to eat the food here in Su Can.

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