American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 212 Allen’s centuries-long plan

Tribe of Shimora.

Aboriginal people worship at a wooden sculpture in a cave.

The wood carvings look like humans and animals, which look extremely abstract.

Perhaps due to aesthetics and craftsmanship, the production of totem god carriers is not so refined.

An old man with feathers on his head plays a role similar to that of a priest. He is generally called a witch doctor in the magic world. He needs to stay in the tribe for a long time to help the tribesmen cure diseases and exorcise evil spirits.

The witch doctor muttered something while holding a bronze vessel in his hands, filled with warm blood and mixed with unknown medicinal juice.

Step by step, he walked up to the statue. The witch doctor's face was particularly solemn. He dipped his wrinkled and dark hands into blood and carefully smeared it on the statue little by little.

"Great Night God, please accept our offerings!"

"Great Night God, please protect our lives!"


Hundreds of indigenous people raised their hands in worship and shouted.

Blood offerings are a very common thing among priests of a slightly primitive civilization.

Just because there is a trace of the spirituality of life in the blood, it can promote the totem god to accelerate the formation of consciousness, and it is easier to get feedback from the blood offering ceremony, which leads the natives to often hunt wild animals to collect fresh blood.

After all, in the eyes of the indigenous people, blood is not food and can be recycled as waste, which is something worth promoting.

Of course, the disadvantage is that in the summer, the statues tend to attract flies, so you must arrange for attendants to look after the statues to prevent your own gods from getting maggots.

"Master Witch Doctor, the intruders are coming to kill you."

Halfway through the ceremony, several strong natives broke in.

They pointed outside the cave with frightened expressions, as if something terrifying was chasing them.

In fact, on their way back, some people did fall behind and were burned to death miserably.

"What are you afraid of!"

The witch doctor said solemnly: "Here is protected by the Night God. Any outsider who dares to break in will definitely die."

The tribesmen present were not at all panicked. They believed in the Night God they believed in very much.

Once upon a time, there was a conflict between tribes. At the critical moment, the night god appeared and killed all the enemies, which created a strong sense of security in the heart.

Woof woof woof...

A figure broke into the cave.

The natives couldn't help but look at the tribesmen who had escaped.

It's obviously a silly-looking dog. Is there anything special about silly dogs?

Moreover, hunting tribes have the habit of raising hounds. They are not afraid of dogs at all, they just think of them as food delivered to their doorsteps.

He was completely unaware that the hunting dogs raised in the tribe were now holding their tails between their legs and not daring to make a sound.

Erha barked arrogantly and stared at the statue with unruly eyes, as if he sensed the greatest threat.

It is true that the natives are just ordinary people. Even the witch doctors are reduced to ordinary people without the support of gods.

"This is a demon. He has killed many of his companions."

"The devil can breathe fire, and as long as it touches a little, it will spread all over the body."


The tribal warriors described Erha's terror in horror.

In the eyes of mortals, hellfire cannot be extinguished by conventional methods. Allowing hellfire to devour the entire person until it is burned to ashes is completely an unexplainable divine punishment.

"Everyone pray to the night god." The witch doctor reminded loudly.

Understand the terror of Erha and immediately guide the tribesmen to respond correctly.

Calling the totem god to appear to destroy foreign enemies is undoubtedly the best choice.

As the natives devoutly praised the night god, Erha became quiet, tilting his head and staring indifferently.

"Finally caught up."

"Be careful, there's someone here."

Ancient One and Agatha rushed to the cave and looked at hundreds of natives. The subconscious magic flow formed a magic circle on their hands, already in a fighting posture.

At the same time, he noticed the statue of the totem god, but mostly he was looking for Allen.

Their duty is to supervise Allen, not to protect his safety.

It's a joke that Allen needs them to protect him. I have never seen him suffer at all, he just likes to do stupid things.

Suddenly, the black shadow spread out from the statue, growing wantonly towards the cave wall. When it passed by the lighting torch, it actually swallowed up the light brought by the fire.

The totem god appears!

Ancient Yi and Agatha felt their hearts tremble and looked around with vigilant eyes.

Of course, the mage may not be able to kill the totem god, but in the corresponding specific environment, the strength of the totem god increases exponentially.

For example, the God of Rain appears on rainy days and it is easy to kill the God of Fire instantly.

First of all, we must figure out what law element the totem god in front of us belongs to, otherwise we will not be able to find a way to deal with it.

Moreover, the upper and lower limits of Totem God are extremely exaggerated.

Not long after, shadows enveloped the entire cave, as if covered with a dark curtain.

Ancient Yi and Agatha were back to back, magic circles spread around their wrists, secretly accumulating energy to reserve spells.

Since we can't figure out the target's situation, we can only bombard it with powerful spells.

However, the charging time for powerful spells is a bit long. They are only official mages and cannot control them as easily as the veteran mages.

Woof woof woof...

Erha's eyes were ignited with hellfire, sparks overflowed from his mouth, and he let out a threatening bark towards the darkness.


A sudden sound wave rippled in the darkness.

At the same moment, Erha breathed out hellfire, and the dazzling and scorching flames shot out like a laser, colliding head-on in the center of the sonic ripples.

The two forces were in a stalemate in the air, seemingly trying to crush each other with absolute strength.

The hellfire reflected the darkness, and a giant bat could be vaguely seen.

He doesn't look like a righteous god in any way.

"Damn it, it's a beast god."

Agatha frowned and explained: "They used their blood to feed the beast totem gods, and eventually bloodthirsty and violent gods were born."

It is worth mentioning that some of the Egyptian beast gods are disguised as other gods, and they can be regarded as wearing different vests to accept offerings. Among them, the serious beast gods were not born in the primitive tribal period.

In their culture, the most precious thing must be offered to the gods, not the so-called blood sacrifice.

"How to solve it?" Gu Yi asked.

Gu Yi focused exclusively on cultivation and rarely used books on related knowledge. Unlike Agatha, who came from a famous family and had been exposed to a lot of content since she was a child.

"Destroy the idol."

Agatha said in a deep voice: "The projection of the totem god cannot be killed, and can be continuously projected from the carrier statue."

But the problem was that it was completely dark and there was no way to find the location of the statue.

"Pegasus and meteor feet!"


The darkness faded suddenly.

The cave regains its brightness.

And where the statue was placed, there was an extra figure trampling on the fallen statue.

Surprisingly, it was Allen who had sneaked in secretly, lurking next to the statue early on.

At the critical moment, a sudden attack kicked the statue over, and a simple dagger was stabbed in the head of the statue.


The shrill wail echoed through all corners of the cave.

All the natives covered their ears with painful expressions on their faces.

The Night God failed to transform, but the statue that gave birth to him was damaged. It not only damaged his own origin, but if he could not find a new carrier as soon as possible, he would disappear from the world in a short time.

Without the statue, the true form of the night god is revealed to the world without concealment.

It is a pitch-black bat with bright red eyes. It has obviously developed a bloodthirsty nature due to long-term blood sacrifices.

The primitive instinct made him immediately locate the culprit, and his blood-filled mouth wanted to devour Allen in one bite.


Erha swooped over and started biting Ye Shen.

Suddenly, the hell dog and the totem god were fighting together.

Biting each other, tearing at each other with sharp claws, even fighting with magic and divine power.

Seeing this, the natives hid aside in horror, waiting quietly for the confrontation to end, secretly praying that the night god would win.

"Intruders, you are dead. The great Night God will not let you go." The witch doctor shouted with enthusiasm.

Allen looked at the lean old man and walked toward him step by step.

"What are you going to do?"

A flash of panic flashed in the witch doctor's eyes. The fact that this person could sneak attack Ye Shen showed that he was not a strong person that he could match.

Of course, in his eyes, Allen is also a witch doctor or shaman.

After all, there is no mage-like system in the New World.

"I don't hit old people." Allen said sincerely.

"That's right..."


Before the witch doctor could scream again, Allen kicked him over, kicked him, cursed and shouted: "I like to kick."

"Yakami save me!"

The witch doctor wailed for help, hoping that the gods in his eyes could save him.

It's a pity that Ye Shen himself can't protect himself, and Erha is too difficult to deal with and doesn't give him any chance to escape.

Now Erha has reached the level of the Phantom Crown, and dealing with a totem god is no longer a problem.

"Old coffin, who on the road doesn't know my noble character of respecting the elderly and loving the young."

Allen kicked the witch doctor so hard that he looked like he was dying. He did not forget to ruffle his hair and said, "Shet, why are you pretending to be a peacock with feathers on your head?"

Allen looked at the frightened natives and said arrogantly: "Who else!?"

Hundreds of natives, as frightened as quails, huddled together and shivered.

So cruel.

Look, the person was beaten to the point of being autistic.

"Did you know that I have to go to work the next day? The construction workers are very tired. They stayed up most of the night and did night raids."

Allen roared with righteous indignation: "Is there still king's law? Is there still law?"


Brother, you are intruders, did we make a mistake?

The indigenous people are the masters of the New World. With the beginning of the Age of Navigation, the Europa bandits who visited this place are the culprits.

Afraid of Allen's terrifying strength, he didn't dare to say a word even if he was beaten upside down.

At this moment, the other side clashed to determine the winner.

Erha crushes the advantage and suppresses the Night God, thereby devouring him.

The totem god contains a hint of divinity, which can be said to be a supreme treasure for monsters. It can promote its own essential transformation and break through the upper limit of talent. It is not as simple as ordinary evolution.

One of the reasons for the influx of monsters into the human world is to plunder divinity and then advance themselves to become gods.

Devouring is over.

The three white marks on Erha's forehead changed, and the white marks in the middle glowed faintly, as if the hair was shining.

"Alan, what should we do with them?"

Gu Yi looked at the aboriginal people with a bit of sadness.

They protect their homeland and fight against the invasion of outsiders, so they should not be exterminated to death due to emotions and reasons.

"That's not easy."

Allen put his hands on his waist and announced loudly: "I, Allen, the Cobra King, am a very reasonable person. You can choose to surrender to me and become my people. Of course, you can choose not to surrender."

"Excuse me, what if you don't surrender?"

Someone dared to ask.

They would rather join other tribes than submit to an outsider.

Allen said honestly: "It's not very good, I can only be a slave."


Saying it doesn't mean saying it in vain.

Who wants to be a slave without status?

Between subjects and slaves, the indigenous people decisively chose the former.

"Alan, you have to think clearly. It's difficult to manage so many people. Aren't you worried about rebellion?" Agatha asked worriedly.

"Whoever dares to rebel will be bitten by me."

Allen kicked Erha next to him and signaled: "Show them the fierce one."

Woof woof woof...

Erha barked at Allen unruly, and it was obvious that the scolding was quite genuine.

Returned overnight.

Allen led a team of hundreds of people, which caused dissatisfaction among many mages.

Frequent sneak attacks caused a lot of human life debt, so it was naturally impossible for immigrants and indigenous people to live harmoniously.

Furthermore, the amount of food in the camp is difficult to distribute to the indigenous people.

Due to the face of the veteran mage, they dare not say it directly to their face, and they do not want to offend the future supreme mage, so they kindly ask the veteran mage to express their meaning tactfully.

The establishment of a sanctuary was imminent.

The veteran mage knows what is important and what is important.

"I can't give up on my subjects. It would be very shameful for me. Old man, you don't want me to be a foolish king."

Allen refused to let go, and he was even more unwilling to disband the indigenous people.

"You should focus on inheriting the Supreme Mage. What fun is there in being a king? Such vulgar things are not worth wasting your time." The veteran mage Walker said earnestly.

"It's a lot of fun."

Allen said seriously: "First of all, I will establish a seven-day, double-break, eight-hour work system, and then formulate twelve holidays, with five days off for each holiday, and fifteen days of annual leave a year, which is not excessive, as well as wedding leave, maternity leave, and bereavement leave. We must have them all, and we will definitely not be allowed to work overtime. Anyone who works overtime will be fined in the lightest way, or jailed in the worst case."

"What do you think?" Master Walker asked solemnly.

Whether they go to work or not, whether they take holidays or not, it’s none of your business. It takes so much trouble.

"I, with a century-old plan, will pave the way for the motherland."

Allen smiled sinisterly and said, "You think I really have such good intentions."


Master Walker couldn't figure out his inner thoughts, so he could only stare calmly and wait for an explanation.

"Hehehehe... I want to create a comfortable environment for them. When the industrial age comes hundreds of years later, the natives of the New World will be lazy and will be eliminated in the industrial wave. The ancient Eastern countries can take advantage of this opportunity to quickly Rise up and return to the great power status it deserves.”

Allen couldn't help but snickered: "Hehe... I'm so bad. Sometimes I really want to punch myself twice."


You are sick.

Who can say what will happen a few hundred years from now?

"Do as you please, but no camp supplies."

Master Walker didn't believe a word of this, and completely regarded it as having another mental convulsion.

It's a pity that such a peerless talent fell into the hands of a mentally disturbed person.

Fortunately, his nature is not bad, and he should be a qualified supreme mage under his guidance.

"Don't ask too much."

Allen wants to conquer more than one tribe. By then, the camp's supplies will not be enough to distribute.

The main reason was that he discovered that Erha could swallow the totem god and decided to feed it to a supreme mage dog.

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