American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 9 Strengthening and improving strength

"Bradley is not from Shaw, but from a secret military task force."

"Yes, that task force is a mutant task force."

"And... they have been doing some illegal things for a long time."


Under the gaze of everyone, Charles spoke slowly.

He told everyone the relevant memories he read from Bradley's mind.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became depressed.

This matter actually involved military forces, which is indeed troublesome.

"In other words, Rorschach and I killed two mutant agents of the military and captured one alive?"

Eric raised his eyebrows and felt quite troubled.

"Eric, you killed someone? What's going on? I thought you were just going to chat with others, just like you have been doing before."

Agent Mora was confused.

It's just a recruitment job, how could it cause a death?

"Agent Mora, we are just defending ourselves." Rorschach explained seriously, "They wanted to kill us for no reason, and we had no choice."

Then, Rorschach briefly introduced the situation on the scene to Mora and Charles.

After Mora heard it, her brows furrowed deeply, like an old chrysanthemum blooming in late autumn.

It was obvious that the other two agents went to silence the defected agent.

Eric and Rorschach were just involved in it accidentally.

This matter was of great importance, Mora and his men did not dare to neglect it, and immediately ordered people to bring Bradley over for interrogation.

However, Bradley kept his mouth shut, and no matter how Mora interrogated him, he did not say a word.

In the end, it was Charles who used his ability to read Bradley's memory and got more information from Bradley.

"William Stryker, Mora, the person who formed that mutant task force was William Stryker!"

Charles's face became even uglier.

"William Stryker? You mean, the son of Commander Stryker?" Mora also looked like he was screwed.

As a senior CIA agent, Mora knew very well that the name of the deputy director of the CIA's operations department was Jason Stryker.

And Jason Stryker's son was also named William Stryker!

This matter really got out of hand!

In the conference room of the CIA headquarters, Agent Mora took Charles to report the existence of mutants to a group of CIA executives, and they were undoubtedly sprayed to death.

Even the CIA director almost sent Mora to the typing group.

In the end, it was Raven who performed a cross-dressing show on the spot, which successfully convinced the executives of the existence of mutants.

And those executives who mocked Mora included Jason Stryker.

As a result, everyone only found out now that Jason Stryker's son had secretly formed a mutant task force.

Why did Jason Stryker pretend to be confused?

Or did he not know what his son was doing?

Everyone even dared not to think about it.

The water behind this matter was too deep, and everyone was afraid that if they were not careful, they would all be swallowed into the huge vortex.

The scene fell into silence for a while, and the atmosphere became more and more depressing.

"Rorschach, you go back first."

After a moment, Charles' voice sounded, and he said to Rorschach, "But remember, don't disclose what happened today to anyone!"

"I understand, Charles!"

Rorschach nodded, greeted Mora and Eric, and stood up.


When he walked to the door, Charles' voice sounded again behind him.

When Rorschach looked over, Charles said seriously, "Don't worry, we will solve it."

The voice was not loud, but it seemed to have a kind of magic, which made people feel convinced involuntarily.

This is the charm of Charles' personality.

"Of course, Charles!"

Rorschach pushed the door open and walked out.

Although everyone in the office was frowning about the mess they had made, Rorschach really didn't take it too seriously.

If the sky falls, there will always be someone higher to support it!

What is there to be afraid of with such a big man as the CIA?

There are also Charles and Eric, two hackers, guarding.

Nothing is a problem.

Rorschach returned to his dormitory in a good mood.

After closing the door, he immediately entered his personal attribute panel impatiently.

[Host: Rorschach]

[Age: 16 years old]

[Speed: 53 m/s]

[Strength: 7.2 tons]

[Physique: 124 (average value of healthy adult males: 10)]

[Mental strength: 82 (average value of healthy adult males: 10)]

[Current template: Homelander (unlocked progress 1%)]

[Abilities: Perspective (elementary), Super Hearing (elementary), Flight (unlocked), Heat Ray (unlocked)]

[Origin Points: 100 points]

The relevant data on the panel also changed accordingly.

The origin points are finally not zero.

[It is detected that the host has surplus origin points. Do you want to use them immediately for strengthening? ]

The system also popped up such a prompt.

This is of course needless to say. If you don't strengthen the origin points immediately, do you have to save them for the New Year?

It's just that how to strengthen them needs to be considered a little bit, after all, the use of origin points is still diverse.

Rorschach began to study it carefully.

He soon found that it was very uneconomical to use the origin points to add a single attribute, and its cost performance was not as good as the corresponding bonus brought by unlocking the overall template.

In this case, there is no need to hesitate.

Rorschach directly added the 100 origin points to the unlocking progress.

[Congratulations to the host, the Homelander template is unlocked by 2%! ]

"Only 1% of the unlocking progress?"

Rorschach was a little speechless. He was busy all the time, but the result was only 1%.

[Host: Rorschach]

[Age: 16 years old]

[Speed: 61 meters/second]

[Strength: 15.2 tons]

[Physique: 144 (average of healthy adult males 10)]

[Mental strength: 102 (average of healthy adult males 10)]

[Current template: Homelander (unlocked progress 2%)]

[Abilities: Perspective (elementary), Super Hearing (elementary), Flight (unlocked), Heat Ray (unlocked)]

[Origin point: 0 points]

However, when Rorschach saw the data on the panel again, he couldn't help but get excited.

All the attributes of his body have changed a lot now, the speed has reached 61 meters, and the strength has reached 15 tons!

The data alone may not be intuitive enough, if you look at a few examples, it will be more vivid.

The first is Rorschach's speed, which has reached twice the maximum speed allowed by the highway!

This means that Rorschach can now easily catch up with most cars with his legs.

The plane that Captain America grabbed on the roof of the anti-terrorist building in Captain America 3 was an Air France AS350 attack helicopter, weighing 2.5 tons, which made Captain America grimaced with exhaustion.

But in Rorschach's case, he could easily grab six with one hand!

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