American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 80: Find the Black Emperor, Magneto shows his power and lifts up the nuclear submarine

As soon as they said it, the Siren, Eric and Charles unfastened their seat belts and walked to the side of the bottom hatch of the fighter.

"Hank, open the bottom hatch!"

The Siren shouted to Hank who was driving the fighter in front.

Boom boom boom!

The bottom hatch was opened directly, and the "turbulent" sea water appeared in the sight of several people. The biting wind poured in directly, making everyone a little breathless.

"Remember, this is just a muscle, you can control it!"

Charles shouted at the side of the Siren, giving the Siren psychological counseling, "Just think so, we'll see you later!"

"Listen to my orders, three, two, one, go!"


The Siren jumped out of the bottom cabin directly and plunged into the sea water.


As soon as it opened its mouth, a sound wave came out of its mouth and spread far away in the sea water.

That's right, it is indeed a sonar system.

Charles used his ability to connect to the spirit of the Siren throughout the whole process.

Once the Siren sensed Xiao's location, Charles would know it immediately.

Eric was on standby.

After finding Xiao, he had to pull Xiao out personally.

As for Rorschach?

[New mission generated:]

[The mission is as follows: thwart the actions of Black Emperor Sebastian Xiao and kill Xiao. ]

[Task reward: 2000 origin points]

At this time, a series of system prompts sounded in Rorschach's mind.

A new mission appeared again.

And this time the mission actually has a full 2000 origin points reward, which can unlock 20% of the progress based on past experience!

This is the largest reward since the template system was obtained.

Rorschach is still very much looking forward to it.

"Xiao, it seems that it is unreasonable not to kill you."

A gleam of light flashed in Rorschach's eyes.

Then he also unbuckled his seat belt and came to the bottom hatch to coordinate.

He is not here to make a cameo appearance.

At this moment, everyone in the fighter plane focused their attention on Charles, and everyone was waiting for the result from the Siren.

Almost five minutes later, Charles, who had been connected to the Siren, was immediately excited: "The Siren has locked onto Xiao's position!"

Everyone in the fighter plane was also excited.

"Are you ready?" Charles turned his head and looked at Eric on the side and asked.

"I've been waiting for this moment!"

Eric nodded heavily.

Charles then told Hank, who was driving the fighter plane in front, the position of Xiao that he had sensed through the Siren.

Hank turned around and flew towards the sea above Xiao.

Eric took this opportunity to climb out of the fighter plane, stepped on the fighter's landing gear, and stretched out his hand to sense the nuclear submarine under the water.

"Remember, the key lies somewhere between anger and calmness!" Charles shouted to Eric on the side.

I don't know if it was because of Charles's guidance or because Eric's strength had greatly increased after yesterday's transformation, he quickly sensed the nuclear submarine under the water.

And using his own ability, he "pulled" the nuclear submarine out of the water!


But under Eric's outstretched right hand, a huge nuclear submarine was suspended in the air, caught in Eric's hand, and flew towards the shore.

The scene was indescribably shocking.

"Isn't Eric exaggerating?"

The ravager in the cabin was dumbfounded and almost popped his eyes out.

Eric's performance was indeed a bit too strong.

"God, what's going on?"

"How did the nuclear submarine fly up?"

"Look at that man, is it him?"

Even Eric's companions were shocked, not to mention the people in the two fleets of the United States and the Soviet Union on both sides of the embargo line.

They all seemed to have seen a ghost, and felt that their three views at the moment were completely shattered.

While they were extremely shocked, they also had deep fear and deep uneasiness in their hearts!

When could a nuclear submarine be dealt with so casually and easily?

The person on that fighter plane had such terrible power. If it was used against them, who could stop it?


The people on the two fleets all felt a huge threat at the same time.

"What's going on?"

"What happened!"

"It's those guys!"

In a hall inside the nuclear submarine, the faces of four or five mutants all changed.

As for the figure of Black Emperor Xiao, he was not there.

Because Black Emperor is now nestling in a "secret room", fully absorbing the nuclear energy of the nuclear submarine.

Then secretly launch a nuclear attack on one of the United States and the Soviet Union, thus completely triggering a nuclear war!

The reason why Black Emperor decided to take action personally was because the Aral Sea freighter they controlled before was blown up!

So Black Emperor and his men immediately realized that it was their old opponent, the group of mutants who came.

"How can this be!"

"How dare you ruin our good deeds?"

A man with a naked upper body and a pair of eagle-like wings on his back uttered a cold voice.

Then he climbed up the ladder without saying anything and opened the top hatch of the nuclear submarine.

He turned his head subconsciously and saw a real good guy.

The nuclear submarine actually went up to the sky!

They were still diving under the sea, but the next moment it went up to the sky.

He turned his head again and saw a man holding up their nuclear submarine with his hands.

Obviously, it was Eric that Black Emperor had mentioned to them.

It was indeed that group of people!

A cold light burst out from the eyes of the Eagle Wing Man, and then he spread his wings directly and flew towards Eric in a whoosh.

On his wings, there was an exoskeleton that was like a dagger, which was used for attacking and was also very sharp.

Eric was dragging the nuclear submarine with all his strength at the moment, so he had no time to deal with the Eagle Wing Man. He could only watch the Eagle Wing Man approach him.

Fortunately, Rorschach was on the side to help Eric.

"Do you really think we have no one here?"

Rorschach sneered, leaned forward, and his pupils suddenly became fiery.


Two heat rays immediately shot towards the Eagle-winged man.

"It's this guy!"

The Eagle-winged man's face changed.

Now Rorschach can be said to be a celebrity in the Black Emperor's side. Many of the Black Emperor's confidants know Rorschach and some of Rorschach's basic skills.

Everyone knows that the man is very strong and is a big threat to the Black Emperor.

The Eagle-winged man is naturally no exception.

So he dare not underestimate Rorschach.

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