American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 75 Magneto is born from this moment (first order requested)

Back at Xavier Manor, the atmosphere was as warm as ever.

The mutants are each undergoing corresponding training.

In a corridor not far ahead, Rorschach saw Charles and Eric standing together from a distance.

Eric just stretched out his hand and kept making gestures in the air in front of him.

"What are you doing?"

Rorschach walked over casually and looked at Eric curiously.

"Rorschach, you're back."

Charles smiled and greeted Rorschach, "The two of us were chatting just now. Although after this period of training, especially under your 'prompt', everyone has made great progress, but with you, There is still a certain gap.”

"Actually, I've always been curious, how do you do it? Why can you control your abilities so perfectly?"

"I think this is my unique talent." Rorschach also smiled at Charles.

"Rorschach, Charles is crazy."

Eric also stopped at this time, pointed forward, and said to Rorschach, "He actually asked me to move that big guy."

Rorschach looked in the direction Eric pointed, and saw a huge signal receiver several kilometers away, like a large pot lid turned upside down.

The diameter seems to be nearly a hundred meters no matter what.

This signal receiver is naturally insignificant compared to the football fields and Golden Gate Bridges that Magneto moved in the future, but for Eric now, it is very exaggerated.

He had never tried to move something so huge.

Still so far apart.

Even during this period of training, Eric has made some progress, but this kind of "monster" is still a bit exaggerated for him.

"No, Eric, with your potential you can definitely do it, I have no doubt about it." Charles said to Eric with a serious face.

"Come on, Charles, I'm not a young man like the Siren. Your chicken blood is useless to me." Eric shook his head with disapproval.

"Eric, Charles is right."

Rorschach also spoke at this time, with the same serious look on his face, "I even believe that your potential is far more than this!"

"If you really exert your power, moving that thing will be trivial to you. You can even move the Golden Gate Bridge."

"Golden Gate Bridge? Rorschach, you are exaggerating." Eric laughed, thinking Rorschach was joking with him.

"Charles, you know telepathy, tell Eric, am I kidding?" Rorschach glanced at Charles beside him.

Charles couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "You know that my ability will not work on you... But Eric, you destroyed a cruise ship at that time, you should believe in your potential."

"That was different, I was in a state of extreme anger."

"Then put your anger to good use!"

Seeing that Charles did not seem to be joking with him, Eric said nothing more.

He took a deep breath and continued to experiment with the huge signal receiver from a distance.


The receiver didn't respond at all.

"I can not do it!"

Eric shook his head a little dejectedly. This kind of thing was still too forced for him.

"Eric, when I say use your anger, I don't mean to let the anger control you, but you control the anger."

"I think the key should be some balance between anger and calm."

"Do you mind if I..."

Having said this, Charles raised his hand and asked Eric for his opinion.

Eric shook his head without any hesitation.

Now, although he has some differences with Charles on some concepts about mutants, privately, the two are really close friends who trust each other.

Eric has a troubled past, but he doesn't mind Charles knowing about it.

Charles put his hand on his temple and activated his ability on Eric.

Eric was in a daze, feeling that some memories that he had completely forgotten appeared in his mind.

A memory that he had forgotten but was very warm.

The long-lost warmth.

Eric shed tears unconsciously.

"Charles, what did you just do?"

Eric looked at Charles with a little excitement and asked, "What did you do to me just now?"

"I entered the most shining place in your memory system. It's such a beautiful memory. Thank you, Eric." Charles shrugged.

"I don't know that I still remember those." Eric smiled.

"There are still many memories that you are not aware of. Eric, there is not only pain and anger in your heart, but also many beautiful things. I feel it."

"When you remember everything, you will be invincible!"

"Let's try again!"

Under the guidance of Charles, Eric quickly adjusted his mentality.

He turned around and stretched out his hand to the signal receiver again.

And this moment.

Eric's state is different from before.

He felt the signal receiver and used his ability to "catch" the opponent from a distance!


Eric let out such a low roar, exerting all his strength, and his body trembled slightly.

And finally.

The huge signal receiver a few kilometers away actually started to rotate!

Eric was surprised and happy, he himself couldn't believe that he could do such a thing.


Eric couldn't help but laugh out loud in excitement.

Rorschach immediately looked over without blinking, and couldn't help but laugh, Fassbender was born!

Eric's smile just now really resembled that shark!

Famous scene.

Rorschach really regretted not taking a camera to take a picture of the scene just now.

"Hahaha, Charles, Rorschach, I did it! I did it!"

Eric shouted to the two with great joy.

"Eric, I told you a long time ago that you can do it." Rorschach said as a matter of course.

The strength of Lao Wan in the future is very terrifying, how can this be the beginning?

"Well done, Eric!"

Charles was also happy for his old friend from the bottom of his heart.

"The president's speech is about to begin!"

A familiar voice suddenly sounded, and Mora poked his head out of a window on the upper floor next to him and shouted to the few people.

When Rorschach left, Mora had already gone out to investigate Xiao's intelligence. Now that he came back so early, it seemed that he had indeed found nothing as Rorschach expected.

But it must be said that Mora came back at the right time.

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