American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 73 Is this something humans can do? (First order required)

"God, how could this happen!"

General Ross's shocking voice sounded again. He looked up at the huge robot in front of him and felt that his three views were all shattered.

"I told you that, General Ross?"

Howard Stark couldn't help but whispered beside General Ross.

"Yes, Stark, you are right, but what should we do now?"

General Ross spread his hands, looking helpless and anxious.

Facing such a huge guy, the weapon in his hand is simply a joke!

It has no effect at all.

General Ross even doubted that even if he really summoned an army, it might not be useful unless it was equipped with some heavy firepower.

"General Ross, don't be nervous, things are not as bad as you think."

Howard Stark looked much calmer. He said to General Ross in a confident tone.

General Ross was slightly stunned, and then he was surprised. Where did Howard Stark get the confidence?

However, General Ross had no time to ask in detail at this time, because the huge robot in front of him had already spoken.

But he saw that the other party held up his huge head and stared at Howard Stark: "You actually recognized me?"

"Yes, I recognized you, you are not the first mechanical life form I have seen."

Howard Stark quickly regained his composure, and his face was still shining with excitement, the kind of enthusiasm that only belongs to scientists.

"What are you?"

"Why did you come to Earth!"

"I found you around me and General Ross, what is your purpose?"

Howard Stark stared at the Decepticon in front of him, and asked the questions he had always wanted to figure out.

"You, a low-level creature, actually spoke to me in this tone?"

The Decepticon sneered and angrily hammered the ground with his huge fist.


With a loud noise, General Ross and Howard Stark both clearly felt that the ground under their feet was shaking.

Cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

The physical and mental shock and the unspeakable oppression felt in front of such a huge monster cannot be experienced without being there in person.

Howard Stark's anus suddenly tightened and he subconsciously withered.

He instinctively shrank in front of a car on the side and did not dare to show his head.

General Ross and his bodyguard did the same. The two quickly shrank beside the car to cover and took out a pistol at the first time.

But even if they held the big killer in their hands, they could not give them any confidence.

Only Rorschach was not in a hurry and still stood there calmly.

It formed a very obvious contrast with the other few people who were panicked like rats crossing the street.

The Decepticon's eyes were naturally attracted by Rorschach.

At this time, the Decepticon also recalled some things that happened before: "It's you! The person who really recognized me is actually you!"

The other guy finally confirmed his identity by confirming with the young man.

The real key is not the other person, but this young man.

"Mr. Stark, General Ross, you stay away."

Rorschach did not pay attention to this Decepticon, but waved to Howard Stark and General Ross on the side.

"Stark, is he your man? What is he doing?"

General Ross was confused and whispered to Howard Stark.

Is that young man looking for death?

"General Ross, don't ask so many questions, just listen to him!"

"Let's get out of the way quickly!"

Howard Stark did not have time to explain too much to General Ross, but shouted to General Ross in a very affirmative tone.

Although General Ross was also surprised why Howard Stark blindly believed in the young man, and even more surprised why the young man asked them to stay away, his reason still made him temporarily obey Howard Stark's words.

Several people quickly crouched and retreated to a distance like "rats crossing the street".

General Ross had time to ask Howard Stark beside him: "Stark, what are we doing? What is he doing? Why did he ask us to stay away?"

"Maybe... maybe... he thinks we are in the way."

Howard Stark tilted his head and thought for a while, then said to General Ross seriously.

General Ross: "..."

Boom boom boom!

Just when General Ross and Howard Stark were "whispering", the ground began to tremble again.

But while they were transferring, the Decepticon was not idle and had a friendly "conversation" with Rorschach.

As a result, he was angered by Rorschach in a few moves and began to attack Rorschach in anger.

But he rushed to Rorschach in a few moves, swung his fist bigger than Rorschach's head, and hammered at Rorschach fiercely.

General Ross's heart couldn't help but beat hard, it's over, that kid will definitely be smashed into meat paste!


But the next moment, the sound of metal collision was heard, and the Decepticon's huge fist was frozen in the air.

It could not fall down no matter what.

Because there was another fist under the Decepticon's fist.

Rorschach's fist.

Rorschach just casually raised his right fist and blocked it upwards, and he blocked the Decepticon's huge fist like Mount Tai.

It was only a tiny fist of a few centimeters, but it was like a mountain, making it impossible for the Decepticon to hit it!

It was as if Bai Yuekui easily blocked the furious Captain Mark with a wave of his hand.

The scene was too shocking.


General Ross couldn't help swallowing hard, his face was full of shock, and he couldn't believe his eyes at all.

How could such a thing be possible?

Is this something that humans can do?

"Rorschach, this is... too exaggerated, right?"

Even Howard Stark, who had known Rorschach's true identity for a long time, was stunned.

He did know that Rorschach was powerful and could kill the Decepticons, but Howard Stark was still surprised that he could do it so easily.


At this time, a loud noise was heard again. It was Rorschach who blocked the Decepticon's fist and then exerted force.

Boom boom boom!

The Decepticon staggered as if struck by lightning, and then began to retreat backwards continuously.



Rorschach was relentless and jumped and punched the Decepticon.

The Decepticon's huge body flew out directly.

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