When Howard Stark said this, Rorschach completely understood the other party's intention.

Because there will be energy radiation on both the Decepticons and the objects that the Decepticons have come into contact with, so simply detecting energy radiation can only mean that General Ross's car is "suspected."

But he couldn't be sure that the car was a Decepticon.

Under normal circumstances, regardless of whether he is a Decepticon or not, SHIELD can take the car directly back for research and investigation.

But not now.

The owner of the car has an unusual identity, he is a general!

Therefore, Howard Stark must first confirm that the car is a Decepticon before he can take the next step.

The only person with the ability to confirm the identity of the Decepticons is undoubtedly Rorschach.

This is why Howard Stark invited Rorschach over.

Rorschach understood everything.

No, wait a minute!

But the next moment, Luo Xia's expression changed, and he suddenly discovered something.

"General Ross?"

Rorschach stared directly at Howard Stark.

There won't be any direct relationship between this General Ross and the future General Ross, or Secretary of State Ross, right?

"Wilson Ross, Air Force Lieutenant General of the Seventh Formation of the Western Air Defense Zone, what's the problem?" Howard Stark was a little surprised by Rorschach's reaction.

"Wilson Ross? Does he have a son?" Rorschach thought for a while and continued to ask such a question. .

"General Ross does have a son. If I remember correctly, he should be thirteen years old this year. Rorschach, do you know General Ross?"

Howard Stark was very surprised.

"Do you know what his son's name is?"

"Let me think about it, it should be Thaddeus E. Ross..."

have to!

It's really that General Ross.

If Rorschach was asked to think about the name of General Ross alone, he would naturally not be able to recall it, but if others mentioned it, Rorschach would still be able to distinguish it.

That is Hulk's lifelong enemy!

In other words, will I see Hulk's father-in-law who is still a child this time?

It seems quite interesting.

"What's wrong Rorschach?"

Howard Stark's voice sounded, and he looked directly at Rorschach and asked.

"It's nothing, I just think the name sounds familiar. I must have recognized it by mistake."

Rorschach waved his hand and gently dropped the topic, then stared at Howard Stark and asked, "Mr. Stark, can I ask how many UB6s you have found?"

Then Rorschach saw a look of embarrassment on Howard Stark's face.

"Rorschach, things are not as simple as you think. We knew nothing about UB6 before, and even the detector to detect UB6 was just developed..."

Howard Stark's face darkened slightly as he explained to Rorschach.

"You can just say that none of them have been found, Mr. Stark." Rorschach interrupted Howard Stark.

Howard Stark: "..."

This kid really can't speak!

"In other words, the information about Megatron, what kind of cold place, etc., was not investigated?"

"Rorschach, these are the secrets of the bureau. Even I cannot reveal them at will..."

Rorschach knew for sure that SHIELD had indeed found nothing through its investigation.

These rubbish!

With this progress, when will we be able to find out the key clue that Megatron is hiding in the North and South Pole?

"So Rorschach, as long as we can catch a UB6 this time, I believe we will gain a lot."

Howard Stark's voice sounded, and he said to Rorschach seriously.

Well, in order for SHIELD to find Megatron earlier, what else could Rorschach do? He could only silently send a wave of assists to these pig teammates.

Another more important point is to see if any tasks can be triggered during this process.

Rorschach made a decision quickly.

He didn't say any more nonsense, took the suit handed over by Howard Stark and put it on smoothly.

"Wow, Rorschach, I suddenly regret calling you over."

Howard Stark looked at the young and handsome boy who appeared in front of him, with a hint of jealousy on his face, "You will steal all my limelight."

"Mr. Stark, are you just realizing this now?"

Rorschach raised his eyebrows at Howard Stark very coquettishly.

"You know, Rorschach, you have the cool cool feeling I had back then." Howard Stark spread his hands.

"Really? Then I don't feel honored."

"you should!"

The two sides were chatting about whether they had sex or not, and Howard Stark took Rorschach to the underground garage and in front of a silver Mercedes-Benz.

"Mercedes-Benz 220SE, this is the tail fin model just launched by Mercedes-Benz. How about it? Is it cool?"

"Oh, of course we can't forget that this is the first car to combine energy-absorbing deformation zones with a rigid body. It's a very forward-looking design!"

Howard Stark once again introduces Rorschach with a hint of showiness.

It's a pity that this car, just like the original Cadillac, is still very old-fashioned in Rorschach's eyes.

"But it shouldn't be UB6, right?" Howard Stark also joked.

"You sound like you hope it is."

Rorschach responded casually and got into the passenger seat.

Howard Stark suddenly started the car, leaving a trail of smoke and dust on the spot, which quickly disappeared.

Almost forty minutes later, Howard Stark's luxury car stopped at the door of a very luxurious villa.

This is exactly Howard Stark's destination this time.

In this villa, a trade fair among celebrities is being held.

Those who received invitations were all bigwigs from all walks of life in the United States. According to Howard Stark's information, there were items of interest to the military in this auction, so Wilson Ross would also participate.

"Mr. Stark!"

"It's Mr. Stark!"

"Mr. Stark is here!"

As soon as Howard Stark got out of the car, a large number of reporters rushed over to take pictures. The spotlights kept flashing, making people unable to open their eyes.

Especially when reporters from all walks of life saw that Howard Stark, who had always been a romantic man, was not bringing a female companion this time, but another young man, they were even more keenly aware of something.

Kakaka also kept taking photos of Rorschach.

Everyone was very curious about Rorschach's identity and came over to interview Howard Stark and Rorschach.

Howard Stark couldn't help but have a smile on his face, and couldn't help but look at Rorschach beside him with helpless eyes.

It's all this kid's fault for driving away his female companion in anger, making him, Howard Stark, a different person in everyone's eyes.

However, Howard Stark had long been accustomed to this kind of situation. With a smile on his face, he calmly walked into the villa lobby under the escort of the villa security guards.

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