"Everyone, I'm sorry, so sorry!"


After the mutants finished their meal, they gathered in the lobby on the first floor, and Charles, Eric and Maura appeared.

Maura apologized to everyone with an apologetic look on her face.

"Because of the wrong information I provided, I put everyone in danger. I am very ashamed. This was my mistake and I will not deny it."

"Fortunately, no one was injured in this operation, otherwise I really don't know how to face it."

Maura spoke with sincerity and spoke to everyone from the bottom of her heart.

"I also have an unshirkable responsibility."

Charles also reflected on himself, "Everyone believed in me, but I let everyone fall into Xiao's trap. This operation can be said to be a complete failure, and I need to bear the main responsibility."

Eric stood aside and said nothing.

To be honest, Eric doesn't think there is anything to apologize for this failure. War is what it is, full of surprises and uncertainties.

Whether it's Maura, Charles, or Eric, everyone else has done the best they can, and that's enough.

"Maura, Charles, how can I blame you?"

Raven immediately stood up and comforted Maura and Charles, "This is all because Xiao is too cunning. This is a game he carefully arranged against us. All of us were unexpected."

"That's right, don't blame yourself too much. Aren't we all fine?"

"In my opinion, this is actually a good thing. We all know our shortcomings, right?"

Other mutants at the scene also spoke out. No one would blame Maura and the others. Everyone was still very sensible people.

"Thank you all for your tolerance and trust."

After Charles reviewed himself, he once again made new demands on everyone.

"Everyone is right. In fact, this operation is not a complete failure. We still have some gains."

"For example, at least we know how far we are from a real warrior!"

"I don't even have to tell you, but everyone knows that this operation all depended on Rorschach, and it was even said that it was completed by him alone."

"Without him, all of us would probably be trapped. Rorschach, you performed very well. Eric and I were right."

Having said this, Charles couldn't help but cast an approving look at Rorschach.

"But what about all of us? Including me and Eric!"

What Charles said next made the atmosphere at the scene very depressing.

"I'm not destroying everyone's morale, and I'm not criticizing everyone. I'm just telling everyone that we still need to train!"

"Tomorrow morning, everyone will gather at the playground!"

Charles, Eric and Maura then left, but the atmosphere at the scene was still a little heavy.

There is no way, the reality we are facing is so heavy.

Everyone must accept this reality.

"Everyone, I'm going back to my room first!"

"Me too, see you all tomorrow."

The atmosphere was so heavy that no one was interested in continuing to talk nonsense for a while.

Everyone said hello and returned to their rooms.

It is estimated that for everyone, there are many things that need to be sorted out.


Hank deliberately lagged a few steps behind and came to Rorschach, looking like he was hesitating to speak.

"Hank, come with me."

Rorschach understood what Hank meant, and he nodded to Hank.

Hank suddenly showed a look of joy, he knew that the matter was done.

"Here, Hank, here's what you want."

Back in his room, Rorschach handed a syringe of blood sample to Hank.

That was extracted directly from the ninja before he killed it.

Since he agreed to this matter with Hank, Rorschach naturally kept it in mind.

"Very good."

Hank took the syringe in one hand, as if he was looking at a rare treasure, and he couldn't bear to let it go.

"Rorschach, thank you, thank you very much!"

Hank put away the blood samples and thanked Rorschach repeatedly.

"You're welcome Hank, I hope it can help you." Rorschach said to Hank sincerely.

Rorschach knew about Hank's pursuit. He planned to develop a potion that could change his big feet while retaining his abilities.

To put it simply, it is to be a normal-looking mutant.

If this can really be done, it would be a good thing.

It's just that the reason why Hank turned into the beast was because the medicine he researched not only failed to suppress the genes in his body, but instead enhanced those genes, and this was how the beast was born.

If this research on Hank is successful, he may not be as strong as before.

But whether this kind of thing is good or bad, who can say for sure?

"It will! It will!"

Hank said confidently.

He still believes in his own level very much.

Moreover, Hank's research has actually been completed for most of it. It can even be said to be completed. He just needs a blood sample for reference to make final adjustments, that's all.

"Good luck to you, man."

"Thanks Rorschach!"

Hank just walked away satisfied.

Early in the morning of the next day, all the mutants started special training again.

And it was obvious that after the actual combat in Manhattan, everyone had become more mature.

Both their spirit and mentality had made great progress compared to before.

Some people complained about being tired, hard, boring, etc. before.

But now, this situation has never happened again.

Even Eric has spent more time on training.

This action was a blow to others, and the same was true for Eric.

He also truly realized the insufficiency of his current ability.

Although the original Xiao was fake, Eric would never forget the feeling of powerlessness and despair he felt when facing the other party at the beginning.

If he did not improve his strength as soon as possible, when he met the real Xiao in the future, that kind of despair would happen again.

Eric absolutely could not accept it.

Of course, Rorschach was no exception.

He was also training himself to adapt to the various attributes of his current skyrocketing body.

In addition, there was heat ray attack training.

This thing is like shooting. It looks simple, but if you want to be a sharpshooter, you still need to work hard.

The entire Xavier Manor was in a heated atmosphere.

In this situation, Eric quietly came to Rorschach.

Thanks to the book friend 1455147117727412224 for the reward, I am very grateful!

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