"Another Deadpool."

Rorschach felt a little annoyed. The last person he wanted to face was a "martial arts master" like Deadpool.

Such a person might not cause any harm to Rorschach, but he was like a rat, too good at hiding and running.

Rorschach really couldn't do any harm to him for a while.

But the one in front of him...

was still a little worse than Deadpool.

There was basically no room for breathing in Rorschach's hands, and he was suppressed by Rorschach the whole time.

It was only a matter of time before he was killed by Rorschach.

"It would be better if the heat ray could be used for a longer time."

Rorschach couldn't help thinking so in his heart.

If the heat ray lasted long enough, it would be much more convenient to fight. There would be no need to be so troublesome. Just shoot at the enemy and it would be over.

Even if he was more skilled, how long could he last?

Like now, he had a machine gun in his hand, but he could only shoot it in bursts.

But even so, Rorschach's strength was very strong for ordinary people, even invincible.

At least that was the case for the ninja in front of him.

In front of Rorschach, he could only rely on his own body movements to dodge and move, and he didn't dare to confront Rorschach head-on.

The opponent's power was too great, and his eyes could also shoot deadly lasers. If he was a little careless, he would either die or get injured.

While Rorschach was fighting the ninja, Eric had already come to the corridor on the second floor and attacked Xiao mercilessly.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Under Eric's control, one metal object after another began to hit Xiao.

The virtual man next to Xiao did not help Xiao to become virtual this time. He just virtualized himself and stood there watching the fun.

Some metal objects also hit the virtual man, but they all passed through his body without causing any damage to him.

As for the Black Emperor.

He just sneered, ignored the metal objects, and walked towards Eric step by step.

"You are really full of anger, Eric! Shouldn't you thank me?"

The Black Emperor said to Eric in a condescending tone, in a tone of appreciation for his own masterpiece.


Eric ignored Xiao at all, just controlled those metal objects and attacked Xiao frantically, that's all.

It's just a pity.

No matter how terrifying those metal objects looked, the moment they touched Xiao's body, their kinetic energy was instantly absorbed.

Then they fell to the ground.

It didn't have any effect on Xiao at all.

But Eric didn't care about it at all.

Now he was already blood-thirsty, and there was only one thought in his mind to kill the Black Emperor, nothing else.

He just output frantically to kill Xiao, that's all, the rest of his brain was blank.

In this case.

Xiao just drove straight in, without any impact, and came to Eric with a body full of metal objects.

He just stretched out his hand and pinched Eric's neck.

Ding Ding Dang Dang!

All the metal objects suspended in the air fell to the ground.


At this time, Rorschach had already killed the ninja and threw his body on the ground.

He slowly turned his head and looked at Eric on the second floor, and fell into silence.

"Don't act rashly, otherwise, his life will be in danger."

Black Emperor pinched Eric's neck and said to Rorschach confidently.

Eric struggled madly in Black Emperor's hands, but in terms of strength, Eric was just an ordinary person and couldn't get rid of Black Emperor's clutches at all.

"Don't... care about me... kill him!"

All Eric could do was to shout this intermittent sentence to Rorschach with great effort.

"Eric, don't waste your energy. You know he can't do this. He can't just ignore your life or death. This is a common problem among you people, isn't it?"

"Besides, even if he really doesn't care about your life or death, can he kill me?"

The Black Emperor laughed, like a victorious general.

He ignored Eric and his eyes fell on Rorschach, "So... what will you choose?"

Rorschach hadn't spoken a word, but at this time, his eyes began to turn red.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you know this is useless."

The Black Emperor shook his head and said condescendingly.


But Rorschach didn't pay attention to the Black Emperor, and two heat rays shot out from his eyes.

However, they didn't shoot at the Black Emperor, but at the top of the Black Emperor's head, the "ceiling" above the corridor not far from their heads.


The reinforced concrete structure was vulnerable to the heat rays, and a large amount of rubble and debris fell like rain, and the dust instantly blurred the Black Emperor's eyes.

Even though the Black Emperor could absorb energy, his eyes could not absorb dust at all. He instinctively let go of Eric and covered his eyes and mouth with his hands.



At this moment, Rorschach stepped on the ground, and the ground broke and he was ejected like a cannonball, falling in front of Eric.

He helped Eric up.

"Eric, are you okay?" Rorschach looked at the other person and asked.

"Cough cough cough!"

Eric coughed several times before he recovered. He gasped, "I'm fine. It's all thanks to you, Rorschach!"

If it weren't for Rorschach, he would have been able to struggle feebly in the Black Emperor's hands, letting the opponent slaughter him like meat on a chopping board!

This is a greater shame than death for Eric.

"You have more potential than I thought! You gave me so many surprises! Wow, your performance is amazing!"

The Black Emperor also returned to normal at this time. He looked at Luo Xia with admiration on his face and was full of praise.

But soon, his expression suddenly turned cold, "But it's a pity that I have to kill you. It's such a pity!"

After saying this, the Black Emperor rushed directly towards Luo Xia.

What Luo Xia didn't expect was that the Black Emperor's skills were extremely powerful.

Although it is still not as good as Deadpool, it is comparable to the ninjas he just killed.

"This is cheating!"

Rorschach couldn't help complaining in his heart.

Being able to absorb all energy and being immune to all forms of attacks is already very abnormal. But in the end, this guy is still a master of martial arts?

This hanging one is almost as big as Rorschach's... one-tenth as big.


But Rorschach didn't fight the Black Emperor. He just grabbed Eric and jumped far away with a bounce, that's all.

It would be a waste of effort to fight the Black Emperor. Why should he do all that useless work?

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