"Xiao, that is not a new era, it is a shameful, heinous massacre!"

"What you are doing now is a hundred times worse than the mustache back then!"

Charles raised his head and launched a ruthless accusation against the Black Emperor.

He had read the White Queen's memory a long time ago and knew that the Black Emperor planned to provoke a nuclear war on Earth, so his anger was not fake.

"It seems that you chose ordinary humans."

The Black Emperor did not argue with Charles, but silently sentenced Charles to death, that's all.


A faint sound of breaking through the air sounded.

It was Eric who controlled all the metal objects in the hall, such as metal ornaments, knives and forks in the dining area, and so on.

He began to shoot madly at the Black Emperor on the second floor.

But at this time, the door behind the Black Emperor suddenly opened, and a person quickly rushed out from it, and a hand just put on the Black Emperor's shoulder.

The two people suddenly became that kind of translucent state.

Chi chi chi!

All the metal objects actually passed through the bodies of the two men and hit the corridor and the wall behind them.

They didn't hurt the Black Emperor at all.

"Oh my god, God's power?"

Rorschach couldn't help but complain. He could actually make himself virtual. Isn't that unreasonable?

Eric's face became ugly.

"It seems that you have made a choice."

After Eric's wave of attacks passed, the virtual man took his hand off the Black Emperor very tactfully, and the Black Emperor returned to normal.

He said to everyone with a disappointed look.

"In this case, I can only get rid of you."

Following the words of the Black Emperor, the other four mutants walked out of the rooms connected in the corridor one by one.

Although no ability can be seen for the time being, everyone can feel that these people are not ordinary people by looking at their momentum.

The atmosphere at the scene was suddenly suppressed to the extreme.


Eric shouted angrily, opened his hands, and once again controlled the metal objects to attack the Black Emperor.

But this time, before the metal objects could get close to Xiao, a man dressed like a ninja suddenly jumped down from the second floor.

Like a nimble wild goose, he fell in front of Eric.

A samurai sword in his hand chopped Eric's head.

Eric subconsciously wanted to control the other party's samurai sword, but he found that the samurai sword was not made of metal at all, and he couldn't control it at all.

"Not good!"

And this delay, the ninja's samurai sword had already chopped in front of Eric.


At this critical moment, Rorschach next to him shot a heat ray directly over, directly hitting the ninja's samurai sword.

The other party's samurai sword was bounced off.

"Thank you, Rorschach!"

Eric thanked Rorschach in shock, and then began to control the metal objects and kept shooting at the ninja.

Swish, swish, swish!

But the samurai sword in the opponent's hand was swung tightly, blocking all of Eric's attacks.

"You still have this trick?"

The Black Emperor on the second floor, who seemed to be watching the fun, couldn't help but look at Rorschach with a look of great surprise.

Rorschach looked up and glanced at the Black Emperor, but did not easily deal with him.

Because he had already experienced Xiao's skills, all attacks were ineffective against him.

Not only Rorschach, even the Destroyer, the Siren, and others did not rashly attack Xiao.

When he came, Charles had already told everyone that the Black Emperor could absorb abilities, and all attacks would be counterproductive.

So no one would attack Xiao casually.

Only Eric, when he saw his archenemy standing in front of him, could not control his emotions at all, so he made such an impulsive move.

In order to deal with Xiao, no one except Charles could do it.

This was not only understood by Rorschach and others, but also by Black Emperor.

At this time, a black man with dreadlocks standing next to Black Emperor suddenly stretched out his hand to Charles.

He was obviously a big man, but his nails were long, just like a woman.


But the next moment, the nails on the opponent's fingers shot at Charles!

Looking at the power, it was not weaker than a bullet at all.

This is Kimimaro!


Darwin screamed and blocked Charles.

Five sharp nails shot at Darwin, but Darwin's ability to survive the fittest was activated, making his body automatically become as hard as steel, completely blocking the attack of the nail man.



At this time, two more figures jumped down from the second floor.

One person's hand looked like a wolf's claw, and looking at his movements, it seemed like there was a wolf's shadow on it.

This was a wolf man.

This person used his hands and feet to rush towards the ravager quickly.

The ravager fired an energy bomb at the other party, but the wave man easily dodged it.

The other guy was a mutant who could continuously shoot out wind blades similar to air waves, and he rushed directly towards the siren.

The two sides quickly exchanged blows.

As for Rorschach?

"I heard you killed Red Devil and Riptide."

A voice sounded very suddenly behind Rorschach.

Turn around and look.

A woman in a black tights, who seemed to be hiding in the darkness, turned into a hurricane and floated in front of Rorschach.

"But it's a pity that you can't kill me."


Following this voice, Fenghua Nu quickly slashed at Luo Xia with her knife.

Naturally, it was impossible for Rorschach to be hit by the opponent. He turned his hand and swung the dagger he had prepared long ago.


With a crisp sound, the dagger in Fenghua Nu's hand was suddenly shaken out of her hand and flew backwards.

Because the heat ray's duration was too short, Rorschach planned to save the critical moment just in case, so he did not use the heat ray for the time being.

Instead, he chose to use daggers to deal with the opponent.

"You're really strong!"

The fenghua girl was stunned for a moment, then licked her lips and smiled charmingly.

Rorschach seemed not to notice and slashed at the opponent again.


The opponent turned into a gust of wind again, and Rorschach's dagger just passed through the wind without causing any damage to the opponent.

The weathering of Fenghua Nu is completely different from that of Riptide's use of whirlwind transfer. Fenghua Nu has truly turned herself into the wind!

Thinking about it, this is probably why the other party dared to deal with him even though he knew that he had killed the Red Devil and Riptide.

It's a pity that the opponent actually doesn't know Rorschach's full strength at all!

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