"It's almost similar, you can understand it that way."

After thinking for a while, Eric nodded.

He hasn't figured out Bradley's basic attitude yet, so naturally he won't just take it out on him.

"Sorry, I think we have nothing to talk about. Please leave!"

Bradley, who was still polite at first, suddenly stood up and ordered the two of them to be kicked out very coldly.

"Mr. Bradley, maybe it's not too late for you to listen to what I have to say before making a decision." Eric tried to save him.

"No need, I'm sorry to make you two go on a wasted trip."

But Bradley's attitude is still very determined.

Eric said nothing more. He and Rorschach next to him looked at each other, and then they both stood up.

Planning to leave right now.

Since people don't appreciate it, why should they show their warm face to others' cold buttocks?


The two pushed the door open, but no one expected that a rugged man in a black trench coat and a beard stood outside the door.

It was the guy who had looked at each other from a distance while smoking a cigarette.

Sabre-toothed tiger.

"Is this over? Why, it doesn't look like the conversation was very pleasant!"

The saber-toothed tiger grinned at several people, and there was a sense of oppression all over his body.


After Bradley saw the person clearly, his expression changed slightly.

During those days when he was operating with Sabre-toothed Tiger, Bradley witnessed Victor's abnormality with his own eyes. He was a murderous madman.

"Bradley, aren't you happy to see your old friend?" The saber-toothed tiger glanced sideways at Bradley.

"Excuse me, could you please give me a chance?"

Eric saw that the saber-toothed tiger had blocked all the doors, and couldn't help but frowned and said to the other party.

"No, no, no, don't say you're sorry." The saber-toothed tiger stretched out a finger on his right hand and waved it in front of him, "Because it's me who's embarrassed!"

"Really? Why are you embarrassed?" Eric raised his eyebrows.

No matter how stupid he was, he still understood that something was wrong with the guy in front of him.


The saber-toothed tiger didn't say anything, grinned, and the five fingers of his hands began to grow sharp claws outwards.

"No one of you can leave today!" The saber-toothed tiger took a step forward, walked into the house, and closed the door.

[New task generation:]

[The mission is as follows: foil Sabertooth Tiger’s actions and protect Thunder Man Bradley from being killed]

[Task reward: 100 origin points]

At this moment, a few lines of words suddenly popped up on Rorschach's system panel.

Rorschach couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

But then, there was a burst of excitement.

The system actually released a task!

And if there are tasks, there are naturally rewards. With rewards, you can quickly improve your strength!

Although Rorschach does not currently understand what the system's reward origin point is, it does not matter, and it does not hinder Rorschach's enthusiasm for completing this mission.

Sabre-toothed tiger, it seems I can’t even kill you!

Bang bang bang bang!

The sound of objects ringing was heard, and all the metal objects in the room began to fly into the air under Eric's control, just suspended in the air.

It's like Eric's patron saint.

It looks truly spectacular.

He, Magneto, is not a soft persimmon!

"I hope you can bring me some fun!"

A ferocious smile appeared on the saber-toothed tiger's face, and he jumped on the ground like a ferocious beast, then rushed towards Eric.

Whoosh whoosh!

The metals suspended in the air, under Eric's control, shot towards the saber-toothed tiger quickly like sharp swords.

Bang bang bang!

The saber-toothed tiger simply transformed into a wild beast, waving its two claws continuously, and one object after another was knocked away and smashed to pieces.

Things like TVs and cabinets were like paper in front of a saber-toothed tiger, and they were completely useless.

The saber-toothed tiger rode the wind and waves all the way with such fierceness, it was called fierce.

But Eric was not a vegetarian. One piece of metal after another kept shooting at the saber-toothed tiger.

No matter how powerful the saber-toothed tiger is, it is impossible to evade them all.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Several table knives, under Eric's control, pierced the saber-toothed tiger's abdomen!


Eric's face couldn't help but reveal a hint of joy.


But the next moment, a beast-like roar came from the mouth of the saber-toothed tiger.

The opponent's vital parts were pierced, but he seemed to be fine. He leaped suddenly, and the last distance was crossed instantly, and he came to Eric in the blink of an eye.

His right hand was waved high, and the sharp claws on it began to slash hard at Eric!

Eric's pupils shrank suddenly, and at the critical moment he suddenly controlled a metal cabinet to block in front of him.


The saber-toothed tiger's sharp claws suddenly hit the metal cabinet, directly deforming the metal cabinet.

The Eric behind him felt as if he had been hit by a big hammer. His body shook and he flew backwards!

At this time, Eric had not yet received special training with Charles. He was not yet Magneto in the future, and his strength was not that strong.

In addition, the space in Bradley's house was too limited, and there were not many metal objects that Eric could control, which led to Eric's rapid defeat.


Eric felt that his sternum was almost broken, and his breath was stuck in his chest and his brain was a little confused.

"Go to hell!"

But the saber-toothed tiger didn't give Eric a chance to breathe, and pounced on him again like a beast.

The sharp claws continued to swing down mercilessly.

Although Stryker's order was to kill or kill, for the bloodthirsty saber-toothed tiger, unless it was a target that Stryker explicitly asked to keep alive, he would usually kill it directly.

After all, for Stryker's research, taking the serum back was the same.

Seeing that the saber-toothed tiger was about to pounce in front of Eric, he suddenly felt that his eyes were blurred.

It was the young man who he had never taken seriously before, who appeared in front of Eric incredibly quickly.

He punched the saber-toothed tiger directly in the chest.


The sound of broken bones was heard immediately, and the huge body of the saber-toothed tiger was smashed out like a cannonball.

With a loud bang, a big hole was knocked out of Bradley's wall, and it fell hard on the ground outside.

It slid a long way on the ground before stopping.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

A series of astonished eyes were all on Rorschach's face.

This kid is so strong?

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