Hank also fell into deep thought.

He is a scientist himself, and a scientist who has done extensive research in the quantum field.

After all, Hank also copied the time machine!

In the quantum field, he does have a say.

Because of the instability of the quantum field, building a laboratory on the seabed is a high-risk approach.

Even from other perspectives, it is not a logical choice to put it on the seabed.

But if not, where did that quantum energy tide come from?

"Forget it, no need to guess blindly, what's going on, I'll go and see it myself."

Rorschach's voice sounded, and he quickly made a decision.

He took out the Infinity Gauntlet and opened a space door.

A space door like Miss America.

"I'll go and see."

After greeting Hank and the others, Rorschach immediately passed through the space door.

He flew to the vast sea surface of another universe.


He dived in and dived directly into the seabed.

The huge mental power spread out, and the seabed was scanned and investigated in a carpet manner.

What can I do?

Rorschach searched the area of ​​dozens of kilometers, but found nothing.

It was not like what I had guessed before.

There was no secret quantum laboratory hidden under the sea.



Going back to tell Hank the news also made Hank feel a little confused.

Since the source of the quantum energy tide was not the other universe opened by Miss America, nor their universe, where did it come from?

"Rorschach, are you sure that the universe you just opened was the universe opened by America?"

Eric pondered for a moment and couldn't help staring at Rorschach and asked.

Although he knew that it was unlikely that Rorschach was wrong, Eric really couldn't think of any other more reasonable reasons except this possibility.

In fact, not only Eric, but Rorschach himself also thought so.

Could it be...

Is it my fault?

Rorschach opened the space door again and checked it again.

The result was the same as before, nothing was found.

The mutant backbones were in a dilemma.

Each of them was as big as a nut.

Why was this so strange?

"Wait a minute!"

After a long time.

Hank, who had paced around the room for who knows how many times, finally had a flash of inspiration and realized something.

"I think I know what's going on." Hank, who had been walking around, suddenly stopped.

This made the mutant backbones at the scene all look excited.

"Before, I failed to break away from my fixed mindset and subconsciously regarded the quantum realm as another material realm, but in fact, the quantum realm is not a material realm."

"No, it's not accurate to say that, but the quantum realm is completely different from the material realm we know."

"Its physical rules and even time and space rules have their own laws..."

"Hank!" Charles was really confused and couldn't help raising his hand to interrupt Hank, "I think it might be better for you to tell us the conclusion directly."

"The conclusion is... the source of the quantum energy tide can be any parallel universe!"

Hank gave his answer neatly.

Any parallel universe?

Rorschach, Charles, and Eric looked at each other and saw a hint of doubt and confusion in each other's eyes.

There is such a thing?

Rorschach didn't understand it at all.

But then Hank explained it, and Rorschach understood it completely.

"Let's put it this way. The quantum realm is an independent realm from the multiverse. It is different from any multiverse. We can even regard it as a realm of another dimension."

"Any parallel universe may open the entrance to the quantum realm and cause a quantum realm frenzy."

"Once the quantum realm frenzy appears, it may also affect other parallel universes."

"For example, the Yingyue Lake in Krako is a quantum realm, and everyone around Yingyue Lake is a parallel universe."

"No matter who throws a stone into Yingyue Lake, the waves will splash on many other people."

After Hank explained this, several people, including Rorschach, finally understood it completely.

"In other words, the parallel universe that triggered the quantum frenzy is not the universe opened by America, nor is it our universe, but another universe?"

"That's right." Hank nodded and continued to explain, "No matter which universe it is, the quantum frenzy caused by the other party affects the stability of space-time."

"At this time, America happened to open a gap in the unstable space-time, and the quantum frenzy naturally broke out towards this gap."

So, is this the case!

Up to now, after everyone's analysis and discussion, things have finally become somewhat clear.

"Hank, if we enter the quantum field, what is the possibility of finding Raven and the others?"

Eric's voice sounded, and he stared at Hank with a serious face and asked.

"The possibility is very slim. The quantum field is endless. Entering the quantum field to find someone is like an ant entering the Pacific Ocean."

Hank shook his head, "The only way is to find the person who caused the quantum frenzy and enter from the entrance to the quantum field they opened."

Everyone around was silent.

That's the truth, but there are so many parallel universes. Who knows which person in the parallel universe caused the quantum frenzy?

This method seems to be no easier than an ant jumping into the Pacific Ocean to find someone.

"Rorschach, you once said that Conqueror Kang wrote the life script of everyone in the multiverse?"

In the end, Charles came up with a solution.

"That's right!"

Eric's eyes lit up, and he nodded heavily on the side, "The only one who may know the answer now is probably Kang."

Rorschach couldn't refute this.

Looking at the entire multiverse, I'm afraid Kang is the only one who knows the answer.

But what can I say.

Rorschach didn't want to ask Kang for help, after all, he just rejected Kang's recruitment.

If you owe Kang a favor this time, you will be very passive in the future.

Kang the Conqueror is a vortex of trouble, no matter which Kang he is.

Rorschach naturally wants to stay away from such a person.

But if he doesn't go to Kang, Rorschach really can't think of any better way.

"Forget it!"

After a little thought, Rorschach made a decision.

Raven, the White Queen and others are very important people to Rorschach.

Even if it causes some trouble, it is an obligation.

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