American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 49 Charles's ability is abolished

"Rorschach, we plan to leave immediately to capture Xiao."

"What I need you to know is that this operation no longer has the support of the CIA, and Agent Mora is still on suspension, so this is our private operation."

"Whether you decide to participate or not, I think this needs to be explained to you in advance."

Charles's voice sounded, and he looked at Rorschach solemnly and said.

Of course, there is still a faint expectation in his eyes. Although to be fair, Charles will not force Rorschach, but if Rorschach fails at such a critical moment, he will still be very disappointed.

After all, he and Eric have always had high hopes for Rorschach.

"I understand, so when will we set off?" Rorschach asked matter-of-factly.

This is a great opportunity to refresh the mission. How could Rorschach refuse?

What's more, she spent all day eating, drinking, and living here at Charles's house for free. Now that someone has something to do, it would be really unethical for Rorschach to pretend that nothing was wrong.

Then Rorschach saw the faces of Charles and Eric, and both couldn't help but reveal a hint of imperceptible joy.

"Call the others together!"

Eric added at this time.

"Eric, they are not ready yet." Charles hesitated.

It is true that everyone's training during this period has been very effective, and everyone's strength has been greatly improved compared to before.

But in Charles' eyes, it has not yet reached the level of "departure".

Even Eric can only blindly rely on his own anger to unleash the potential in his body. Under normal circumstances, he can only resist bullets, that's all!

Not to mention others.

"Charles, when Xiao contacted the CIA, he didn't consider whether they were prepared or not. The reality is so cruel. Can you guarantee that they will be prepared when they face all difficulties and setbacks in the future?"

"In my opinion, they are well prepared!"

Eric said very forcefully.

"Charles, Eric is right."

Maura also agrees with Eric on this point, "You can't protect them for a lifetime, and we also need them."

Charles fell silent.

After a moment, he nodded: "fine!"

Next, Charles called all the mutants together and told everyone about the discovery of Xiao.

"I believe you all already know who Xiao is. If you want to stay in this operation, I can completely understand. You have every reason to do so."

Charles finally said to everyone with a serious face.

The atmosphere at the scene became visibly depressing. The incident with the CIA last time really left a heavy psychological shadow on everyone.

"Go, of course, I've been waiting for this day for a long time!"

The voice of Alex the Destroyer was the first to sound, and he responded loudly.

"Count me in! I am no longer a weakling protected by others." Mystique Raven spoke for the second time.

People have a herd effect, and with Devastator and Mystique taking the lead, although the other mutants were nervous, doubtful and worried, in the end they all joined in.

Charles and Eric couldn't help but glance at each other, and both saw a hint of relief in each other's eyes.

The painstaking training these days has finally paid off.

"OK! Everyone go back and get ready. We will meet on the playground in twenty minutes!"

Eric clapped his hands and said to everyone.

The mutants left with different expressions.

It was only then that Maura glanced at Charles Eric and Rorschach, and asked very uncertainly: "Do you think we can catch Xiao this time?"

"There is no way or no, I must catch him!" Magneto said firmly.

Two hours later.

A plane from New York landed in Manhattan, and a group of mutants walked out along the aisle.

“Hell, it’s so cold in Manhattan!”

Siren pulled his sleeves with his hands to lock in more body heat, "By the way, Xiao is in Manhattan. I wonder if he plans to invade Wall Street."

"You can ask him this question after we catch him." The Devastator said on the side.

"Of course, you can't 'ask' him properly." Darwin raised his fist on the side.

Obviously, when he asked, he asked with his fists.

After the emotional dilution of the long journey, the mutants have almost adjusted and are no longer as nervous as before.

This is a good thing.

Outside the airport, Maura had prepared the car in advance.

The group of people got into the car and followed Maura around. After turning around for an unknown number of streets, they finally stopped on a slightly deserted street.

Not far from where everyone parked, there was an ordinary hotel.

"You guys wait for me for a moment!"

Maura greeted everyone in the car and then got out of the car.

After walking forward for almost three hundred meters, I sat down on a public wooden chair in front of a crooked-neck tree.

It's like finding a place to rest when you are tired from walking.

After a while, a middle-aged man passed by Maura.

He did not stay beside Mora, but just made a very obscure gesture to Mora.

Mora knew what was going on, and soon after the middle-aged man disappeared, he returned to the car.

"I have confirmed with my informant that Xiao is inside!"

Mora pointed to the hotel and said.


Eric was refreshed and immediately said to Charles.

Charles did not say anything nonsense, and immediately put his hand on his temple and sensed the interior of the hotel in front.

Soon, his face became ugly, "There is bad news, my ability is limited outside the hotel."


Eric smiled very coldly, "This is good news for me!"

Charles' ability was blocked, what does this mean?

Everyone did not come to the wrong place!

"How could this happen? Do they have another telepath?" Mora frowned and asked Charles.

This is not good news for her, because no one will know what the specific situation is in the hotel.

"Maybe, I'm not sure, but I'm sorry, I may not be able to help with the next action."

Charles shook his head, a little frustrated.

His skills are all in controlling people's hearts and playing with consciousness. Once this ability is restricted, it will be completely useless.

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