American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 486: Being tricked by Conqueror Kang

"Rorschach, we have detained these devices, is there really no problem?"

In the laboratory.

Hank looked at the equipment as if he had found a treasure, but he still couldn't help showing a hint of hesitation.

That's right.

As a top scientist, TVA's equipment that can be used to travel through time and space does have a fatal attraction.

Hank wished he had forty-eight hours a day to study those devices.

That is a device that involves time and space, the ultimate secret of the universe.

But Hank is also a reasonable person.

After knowing what kind of organization TVA is, I feel deeply worried.

Is it really good to deduct this kind of organizational thing?

Rorschach is really not afraid of offending people.

"Hank, just do your research boldly and leave it to me at TVA."

Rorschach patted Hank's shoulder and smiled at Hank.

Whether TVA is scary or not depends on the person.

For ordinary people, TVA is indeed a very scary organization that should not be messed with.

But here in Rorschach, it really doesn’t matter.

If TVA is not convinced, then send someone to try!

"Okay Rorschach, now that you say so, I'm relieved."

Hank nodded.

He understands Rorschach. Since Rorschach is so confident, it means that Rorschach must be sure of doing this.

The fact was just as Rorschach expected. Unexpectedly, Kang the Conqueror still refused to give up on Rorschach and personally greeted TVA.

Kang the Conqueror planned to give these things to Rorschach to show his goodwill towards Rorschach.

After those heaven-defying equipment were taken away by Rorschach, there were no subsequent troubles.

More than half a year has passed, and TVA has not sent anyone at all.

It was as if nothing had ever happened.

However, Rorschach went to Hank's place and found that the results of the research were not so satisfactory.

TVA's equipment is equipped with a protection mechanism, which is fine for use, but it is almost impossible to dismantle it for research.

Hank has been trying to crack the protection mechanism for so long, but he hasn't found any good way.

Once the device is damaged or the system is invaded, the self-destruct program will be activated.

Even more fucked up.

Although those devices can be used to travel through time and space, they cannot do this casually.

Instead, it requires a very rare energy source to drive.

What exactly that energy source is, Hank has never figured out.

The remaining energy source in the device, according to Hank's analysis, is only enough to support a few shuttle trips, nothing more.

In other words, those heaven-defying devices can only be used a few times before they are completely useless!

Rorschach's previous expectation of mastering the ability to travel through time and space was completely nonsense.

No wonder.

No wonder Conqueror Kang didn't care at all, the old man had already planned it.

For Clarko, who possesses infinite gems, the ability to travel through the multiverse, and even Miss America, what's the big deal if I let you wear it a few more times?

It's completely useless, okay?

"Rorschach, America's assessment is about to begin. Do you want to go over and take a look?"

Just after returning from Hank's place, she happened to meet Raven walking out, and Raven asked Rorschach casually.

"Okay, let's go and have a look."

Anyway, there was nothing wrong now, so Luo Xia nodded without much hesitation.

Together with Ruiwen, we came to the X-Men base.

Looking around, I saw the White Queen, Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm and other veteran X-Men all there.

As for the two major leaders, Charles and Eric, they are not here.

There is no other reason. These two people hold high positions and have too many things to deal with and be responsible for.

They don't have much energy to participate in such a trivial matter as the X-Men assessment.

And both of them also understand that with Miss America's incredible ability and Rorschach's optimism, it is absolutely certain that the other party will join the X-Men.

Assessments or something like that are just a formality.

There is no need to waste that time.

"Rorschach, you're here too."


Seeing Rorschach and Raven appearing together, all the X-Men stood up to say hello.

Standing opposite the X-Men, Miss America was waiting for the "performance".

Seeing that even Rorschach appeared in person, he was even more excited and almost cheered.

"Your Majesty, are you going to personally assess me? Well, to be honest, I'm really excited, but at the same time I feel a lot of pressure!"

Miss America looked at Rorschach with great excitement and said.

After almost a year of hard work, Miss America finally got her wish to join the X-Men.

As long as you pass the assessment, you will become a real X-Men.

This is a major event in her life.

Originally, Miss America thought that she would only be tested by those ordinary X-Men. Although she also longed for a character like Rorschach to appear, she never dared to really hope for it.

But who would have thought.

Rorschach actually showed up.

This is enough to show that His Majesty Luo Xia attaches great importance to her.

For a moment, Miss America seemed to have been given a shot of chicken blood.

"I just came to take a look. The assessment is still for everyone."

Rorschach just waved his hand lightly and sat down in his seat.

"Okay, America, it's time to start."

Wolverine looked at the time and cleared his throat and spoke to Miss America.


Miss America nodded, then took a deep breath and slowly raised her fist.

The assessment of the X-Men is actually divided into several stages, but the most important one is the mastery and application of one's own abilities.

What Miss America has to do next is to open a shuttle gate in front of everyone maturely and smoothly.

"Next, I will open a space gate to a specific universe."

"I don't know how to name that specific universe, but how should I put it, it is a universe with only X-Men but no Avengers."

"I will open the location of the space gate...above the sea, which is not easy to be discovered."

"Or, you specify the specific conditions."

Before taking action, Miss America said confidently to the X-Men.

Since she dared to make such a big statement, it seems that Miss America is indeed very skilled in using her abilities.

"Let's talk about the universe you mentioned. If you can do it, others may not know, but you must have passed it here."

The White Queen smiled and nodded to Miss America.

Although Raven and others did not express their opinions clearly, they actually silently agreed with this in their hearts.

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