American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 481 Invasion of the Time Management Bureau, the action begins!

Logically speaking, Rorschach's method is indeed a way to completely solve the problem, and everyone understands it.

But after learning who TVA is, it is difficult for the mutant backbones to completely let go.

Even if Rorschach has accumulated great prestige with the blood of countless strong men and the myth of invincibility.

But at this moment, it is impossible for everyone to believe it as usual.

The reason is simple.

TVA is really too against the sky.

"Rorschach, I think we should take a long-term view."

Raven said to Rorschach with a serious face.

"Yes, Rorschach, let's think of a solution together." The White Queen also spoke up on the side.

"Rorschach, how sure are you?"

After a moment of hesitation, Eric looked at Rorschach with a serious face and asked.

"50% to 60%."

After thinking about it, Rorschach told the truth.

If it was before he came into contact with those TVA agents, Rorschach would definitely not be sure at all.

Even if he has great abilities, it is useless to go to TVA.

But not long ago, Rorschach discovered that TVA's ability to make people lose their abilities seemed to be ineffective in front of him.

No matter what means TVA used to do this, whether it was magic or other rules or other means.

But the principle should be the same.

Since it is ineffective outside, what about inside TVA?

Logically speaking, it should be ineffective.

And this is the reason why Rorschach is 50% to 60% sure.

"50% to 60%? Even the dean is only 50% to 60% sure?"

Cyclops couldn't help but secretly shocked.

With such a great ability of the dean, is he only so sure?

"Forget it with such a low confidence."

"Yes, Rorschach, this matter can't be rushed."

Other mutant backbones also comforted Rorschach.

Rorschach waved his hand and smiled, then turned his attention to Charles: "Don't worry, I won't act rashly, Charles, I need you to help me do something."

What does Rorschach want Charles to do?

The first step is to read the memories of those TVA agents and find out the key to TVA making people lose their superpowers.

This is a very simple thing for Charles.

He went to the prison and soon figured out what was going on.

"This thing."

Charles held the "stick weapon" used by TVA agents in his hand and introduced it to Rorschach and the mutant backbones, "It will emit a special energy wave. Although I don't know the specific principle yet, that energy wave can make people lose all their abilities and become an ordinary person."

"But that kind of energy wave is only useful when it is emitted at a short distance. If the distance is too far, it will fail."

"Not only that, this energy wave is also a one-way wave."

Is that the case?

Rorschach suddenly realized.

Can those TVA agents really do this?

But frankly speaking, this weapon has many limitations, especially for those who know the details.

Isn't it enough to just keep the TVA agents away?

But the key question is, looking at the entire universe, how many people know the details of this weapon?

I'm afraid there are no people who know TVA!

This weapon is very lethal when it is taken out unexpectedly.

But now.

For the X-Men, it is no longer a threat at all.

As soon as everyone sees the TVA light gate appear, they just stay away and launch a long-range attack on the TVA agents.

Thinking of this, the mutant backbones felt a lot more relaxed.

Even if they can't invade TVA, the threat of TVA to them has been reduced to the minimum, right?

"What about inside TVA?"

Rorschach's voice sounded, and he looked at Charles and asked the most critical question.

"Bad news, Rorschach."

Charles's face became extremely solemn. "TVA is full of this kind of energy wave, which is why all TVA agents are ordinary people."

Everyone at the scene frowned slightly. This is indeed not good news.

Even if this small stick does not work on Rorschach, what if the strength is increased by thousands of times?

In this case, no one dares to let Rorschach take risks.

"I guess, why this thing does not work on me, they should not know, right?"

Although he had guessed it, Rorschach still couldn't help asking Charles for confirmation.

If this question is clear, Rorschach can make more targeted preparations.

But Charles shook his head as expected.

And Charles couldn't detect it with his psychic ability, which means that those TVA agents really don't know.

Why this happened, only Rorschach and his team can slowly explore it.

"Is it... because of the system?"

Rorschach had such a natural guess.

All his strength comes from the strengthening of the system, and the system should obviously be superior to TVA, right?

This is a more reasonable explanation.

And if that is true, then even if Rorschach goes to TVA, he will not lose his skills.

But this is just Rorschach's guess anyway, nothing more.

Rorschach dare not really gamble his life, once he loses, he will have nothing.

"At this point, I have to verify it myself."

After thinking about it, Rorschach made such a decision.

And this is the second thing Rorschach needs Charles to do.

He then told Charles about his plan.

Charles didn't say anything nonsense.

He immediately used his psychic ability to completely control the black female TVA agent.

"OK, Rorschach, she will now completely obey your orders, what do you need her to do?" Charles brought the black female agent to Rorschach and asked Rorschach for his opinion.

"Sir, please give me your orders!" The black female agent immediately echoed.

"I want you to use your equipment to open a portal to TVA, but there is one thing, that space portal must be opened in a hidden place where no one is around and not easily discovered."

"After the portal is opened, you can't follow in. Only I can go in alone. You stay here. Do you understand?"

Rorschach gave this order to the black female agent without hesitation.

That's right.

Since he is not sure whether his ability will be invalid in TVA, why not verify it himself?

Rorschach can go around in the unmanned corner of TVA through this black female agent and feel it.

If his ability still does not disappear, then everyone is happy. If it disappears, then he will escape back as soon as possible!

"Got it!"

The black female agent nodded immediately after hearing this, and without any nonsense, she made some settings in front of Rorschach.

A portal was opened.

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