American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 472 Homelander: You don’t know how strong I am!

"I wonder if clairvoyance would be useful here."

Just looking at the bamboo forest, Luo Xia couldn't help but have such an idea in his mind.

With this thought in mind, Rorschach did not hesitate and immediately used his clairvoyance ability to conduct some experiments.

But it turned out.

Perspective ability completely fails here.

On the surface, this is indeed a bamboo forest, but even if you think about it with your thighs, this bamboo forest cannot be that simple.


What kind of bamboo forest can move?

Yes, you have to go in according to the map.

As for destroying all the bamboo forests in front of him, Luo Xia didn't even think about this idea.

Anyway, since there is a map, there won't be such a big disturbance.

Rorschach walked to a specific location based on the map, and then stepped inward.

Click, click, click!

Click, click, click!

The lush and lush bamboo forest suddenly seemed to be moved by an invisible hand.

Amidst the turmoil, a road branched out.


Rorschach's body sank directly into it and disappeared.

Click, click, click!

The moment Rorschach stepped into the bamboo forest, the bamboos behind him began to move again.

The original road was completely blocked.

It was as if it had never appeared before.

Click, click, click!

Click, click, click!


Within the entire bamboo forest, a dynamic road began to appear.

If you are not familiar with the details, it is impossible to know how the road will change in the next second.

You will be instantly submerged in the bamboo forest.

But for Rorschach, it's not a problem.

Following the map's guidance, he easily passed through this dynamic bamboo forest.

We arrived outside the cave with gurgling water and waterfalls.

"found it!"

Rorschach felt slightly excited, and without any hesitation, he passed through the flowing water and entered the cave.


In the cave that was originally fine, a portal-like existence immediately appeared inside.

After Rorschach passed through the portal, the scene in front of him immediately changed drastically.

Another paradise, like a fairyland, appeared in front of Luo Xia.

The word "wonderland" used here is really not an exaggeration.

Look around.

But I saw the green mountains and green waters here, as beautiful as a picture scroll.

Rorschach doesn't know if there is spiritual energy from heaven and earth, but the air here can really be described as "sweet".

Rorschach can also feel that the cosmic energy here is much richer than the outside world.

Not only that.

In the mountains and forests and on the grasslands, you can still see some legendary oriental mythical beasts and auspicious beasts everywhere.

At the very least, they are very similar in appearance.

But it is unknown whether Rorschach has the abilities recorded in the records.

Anyway, during the final battle at the end of "Shang-Chi", these mythical beasts didn't take action.

Not far ahead, a group of "loaded and armed" Tarot guardians had already gathered together.

The two leaders were surprisingly the leaders of the guardians: Guang Bo and Ying Nan.

These two names may not be recognizable, but Ying Nan looks very similar to Michelle Yeoh.

Surprisingly, it was Shang Qi's aunt, the one who said Shang Qi looked like him.

"He who comes is stopped!"

After seeing Luo Xia appear, Guangbo immediately slammed the stick in his hand and shouted at Luo Xia.

"Who are you? How did you get in?"

Ying Nan stared at Luo Xia and asked in a deep voice.

That's right.

Although Rorschach is already a super celebrity known to everyone in the "outside world".

But in this isolated place of Tarot, no one knew him at all.

"Everyone, don't get me wrong. I'm here just to solve one thing."

When Rorschach said this, he suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed towards a cliff on the other side of the lake.

The expressions of Yingnan, Guangbo and the others all changed slightly.

Because the place Rorschach pointed to was the place where the soul-eating beast was sealed.

Could it be?

Yingnan and Guangbo looked at each other, and they both vaguely guessed what was going on.

During the thousands of years that the Soul-Eating Beast was imprisoned, it had lured many strong men from the outside world to come.

The person in front of me is probably for the same reason.

"what do you want to say in the end!"

Guangbo's voice continued to sound. He stared at Luo Xia and asked confirmingly.

"There's an evil presence in there, I don't know what it is, but it's definitely evil."

"It messed with my friend's head for three years and caused huge harm."

"I came here this time to completely resolve this matter."

Rorschach briefly told the guardians of the Tarot about his purpose of coming.

Sure enough!

After Yingnan and Guangbo heard Luo Xia's explanation, the vigilance and hostility on their faces suddenly lightened a lot.

"Stranger, we need to talk about this matter."

Yingnan walked forward and said to Luo Xia with a serious face.

Seeing this, Uncle Guang dismissed the people he had summoned.

Only Yingnan and Luo Xia were left walking along this beautiful and picturesque river.

"Stranger, we're deeply sorry about your friend, but I'm afraid there's nothing you can do."

"We have lived here for more than four thousand years, with only one purpose, which is to guard the Dark Gate and prevent the demon behind the gate from coming out, that is, the demon that disturbed your friend's head."

"Once it comes out, it will be a disaster for our world and your world."

"So, we just keep it locked behind the Dark Gate."

Yingnan explained to Luo Xia with a serious face.

"No, I'm here to kill it."

Luo Xia's attitude was very determined, "You also want to completely solve this trouble, don't you?"

"Do you think, if it is so easy to kill, our people will still guard here for thousands of years?" Yingnan asked as a matter of course.

"Perhaps, your people can't kill it, just because your power is not strong enough."

Luo Xia shrugged with a nonchalant look on his face.

According to the fight between Shang Qi and Soul Devourer in the movie, the Soul Devourer is actually just like that.

Luo Xia is fully confident that he can kill it.

"Young man, you are very confident." Yingnan couldn't help laughing.

This young man is really ignorant and fearless, and dares to say anything big.

That's a soul-devouring beast!

Even the dragon can't kill it, it can only be sealed!

There is no way anyone in the world can do such a thing.

"I know you don't believe me, but you can't stop me. I must kill that demon today."

Luo Xia's attitude is still very firm, without any room for maneuver, "When that time comes, you will be grateful to me."

"You are much more stubborn than I thought."

Yingnan stared at Luo Xia for a few seconds, and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.


Then, the other party put his hand on Luo Xia's shoulder.

It was a grappling start.

"In that case, I can only drive you out."

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