American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 464 Homelander: Wanda, I have no choice but to beat you into submission!

Miss America was still a little nervous when she was about to face Wanda.

After all, no matter what, that was the super demon who had hunted her down in several parallel universes.

It brought her a psychological shadow that she would never get rid of for the rest of her life.

But after thinking about it carefully, Miss America calmed down a lot.

Let alone that Doctor Strange had seen Homelander easily defeat Wanda, just saying that Homelander had the Infinity Stones in his hands was the biggest guarantee.

No matter how powerful Wanda was, could she be more powerful than the Infinity Stones?

So Miss America was still a little confident on this trip.

As for Doctor Strange from another dimension, let alone, he was much more relaxed than Miss America.

This time, I came here purely to sweep away the bad air in my heart!

On the other hand, Rorschach?

He looked even more relaxed, as if he didn't take this matter to heart.

He was spreading his super hearing to try to catch Wanda's voice and determine Wanda's location.


A very familiar space door suddenly appeared beside him.

"No way."

The Doctor Strange from another dimension suddenly looked speechless.

He was very familiar with this space gate.

Even if he used his thighs to think, he knew who the uninvited guest was.

Sure enough.

The next moment.

The second Doctor Strange came out of the space gate.

"Another me, a girl, a young man, three guests from other universes, can I go to Kamar-Taj to talk?"

The second Doctor Strange glanced at the people at the scene.

Although the words were negotiating, the tone was definitely not a negotiating tone.

The duty of Kamar-Taj is to monitor any threats from outside the earth.

The three people in front of him are definitely one of them.

Or the most dangerous one.

After all, who can travel through the universe?

"Strange, you can handle yourself."

Rorschach was too lazy to deal with these messes, so he waved to the Strange from another dimension as a matter of course.

"Ok, I can't deal with Wanda, but I can still do this kind of thing."

The Doctor Strange from another dimension nodded and walked towards the second Doctor Strange, "Since you are another me, then I think you will definitely know the magic of reading memory, right?"

"You mean..."

"Yes, come on, I will cooperate with you!"

The Doctor Strange from another dimension waved at the second Doctor Strange.

The second Doctor Strange didn't say anything nonsense and walked straight to the Doctor Strange from another dimension.

His hands condensed a magic ball and shot it into the head of the Doctor Strange from another dimension.


In an instant.

The memories of the Doctor Strange from another dimension flooded into the mind of the second Doctor Strange like a tide.

The other party's face suddenly showed an extremely shocked look.

There was no way, the memories of the Doctor Strange from another dimension were too "heavy".

Since the incident in Westview, the second Doctor Strange knew that Wanda's magic had reached a level that even he could not match.

But the second Doctor Strange never expected that Wanda would be so amazing.

She has become the great devil of the multiverse!

What the second Doctor Strange did not expect was that the young Asian man, whom he did not take seriously, was even more perverted!

Not only did he easily defeat Wanda, who was at this level, but he also carried six infinite gems with him!

Isn't this too amazing?

The second Doctor Strange could not help but look Rorschach up and down.

He still couldn't accept it. This ordinary guy would be so exaggerated.

"So, can we go?"

The voice of the Doctor Strange from another dimension sounded, and he spread his hands to another self.

"Of course!"

The second Doctor Strange made this decision after a little hesitation.

After understanding the cause and effect, he could not find any reason to stop the other party from doing so.

"I hope you can finish your business as soon as possible, and then leave this universe."

"Also, I will keep an eye on you. You should know this, right?"


After saying this to the few people, the second Doctor Strange opened a space door again.

Stepped into it and disappeared.

But both Rorschach and the Doctor Strange from another dimension knew that the other party could not just leave simply, and would definitely monitor them throughout the process.

However, Rorschach didn't care about this kind of thing at all.

Anyway, he didn't intend to mess around in this universe.

While the two Doctors Strange were communicating with each other, Rorschach had already found the location of the blackened Wanda.

Because the other party also noticed that someone had broken through the universe!

"Let's go!"

Rorschach didn't say anything nonsense, greeted the two people around him, and continued to walk.


Came to a forest hut that looked like a paradise.

And there.

Wanda, no, it should be said that Scarlet Witch, was already standing at the door waiting for Rorschach.

At this time, Scarlet Witch was no longer wearing casual clothes, but a witch uniform condensed by chaos magic.

This shows that the evil Scarlet Witch was ready for battle.

"This doesn't make sense. You are so powerful in other universes, but you don't exist in my universe at all."

"This does not conform to the universal law of the multiverse."

The voice of the blackened Scarlet Witch sounded first, with a trace of doubt on her face.

Rorschach spread his hands and smiled without saying anything.

Will he tell the other party that he is a time traveler?

If it weren't for his own time travel, his predecessor would have died long ago.

Then in other parallel universes, he naturally does not exist.

"Wanda, I'm not your enemy. In fact, I'm here to help you."

Rorschach just said to the blackened Scarlet Woman with a sincere face.

It's not that Rorschach is fooling the blackened Scarlet Witch. This is indeed his purpose.

Yes, he is indeed here to solve the trouble, but he is not here to be an enemy of the blackened Scarlet Witch.

"I've heard this a lot."

The blackened Scarlet Witch sneered, "The greatest help you can give me is to roll as far away as you can and don't come to hinder me!"


After saying this, the Dark Scarlet Woman suddenly attacked and made a move towards Miss America from a distance.


A cry of surprise.

Miss America's body suddenly flew into the air and began to fly towards the Dark Scarlet Woman.

Rorschach couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

At this time, Wanda was too much influenced by the "Dark Book" and her temper was extremely violent.

It was impossible to communicate with the other party.

In this case.

Then we can only defeat the other party first!

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