American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 461 The powerful Homelander instantly kills the evil Scarlet Witch!

Wanda is going to kill Stark!

The faces of all the members of the Illuminati present turned extremely ugly.

I didn't expect that the woman in front of me, who was like the big sister next door, would be so ruthless!

The strength is so terrifying!

That's Iron Man!

Although he himself does not have any extraordinary abilities, with his nano-armor, he is enough to occupy a place in the extraordinary world.

Even everyone present, no one dared to say that they would definitely be able to defeat Iron Man.

The opponent is completely on the same level as them.

However, such a person seemed like a weakling in front of Wanda.

He was easily killed by the opponent!

No one would believe this unless they saw it with their own eyes.

At this moment, everyone finally understood why the other Doctor Strange was so afraid of Wanda.

Even according to the other party, the Wanda who appears at this moment is just a puppet controlled by Wanda in another universe through a kind of witchcraft.

Even the puppet has such strength, but what about Wanda herself?

No one dared to imagine it anymore.

Of course.

At this critical moment, no one had time to think about those issues in detail.

After all, one oversight and Tony Stark would die!


In that critical moment.

Doctor Strange immediately started drawing circles in the direction of Tony Stark.

A very cool space door immediately appeared in front of Tony Stark.

Tony Stark smashed into the space door and was teleported to him by Doctor Strange.


Black Bolt stretched out his hand and caught Tony Stark firmly.

"Thank you, Brother Shen Mo! Your hands are really strong!"

Tony Stark reached out and patted Black Bolt on the shoulder, and then stood still.

"Wanda, listen, we are not your enemies."

Mr. Fantastic spoke at this time and tried to persuade Wanda, "If you have any difficulties, we can work out a solution together, but there is no need to take things to an extreme."

"Is this the same thing again?"

Wanda snorted disdainfully, "Superheroes like you are all the same, in every universe! But you never think about it, why do I need you to dictate my affairs?"

"OK, Reed, you'd better save your breath."

Doctor Strange spread his hands aside, "Looking at her current state, will she be able to reason with us?"

When Mr. Fantastic heard this, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Wanda, we don't want to fight with you, but if you insist on doing this..."

Mr. Fantastic glanced at Black Bolt beside him, "Black Bolt can kill you with just one mouth."

This isn't Mr. Fantastic being alarmist, but Black Bolt does indeed have this ability.

The opponent's sonic attack is still very, very terrifying.

"What mouth?"

Wanda glanced at Black Bolt, her face still grim.

Just such an inexplicable sentence came out.

Several members of the Illuminati were confused as to what Wanda meant by this sentence.

Everyone was suddenly shocked to find that Black Bolt's mouth was gone.


That's right.

Just disappeared!

On Black Bolt's face, everything from the nose to the chin is smooth and smooth.

There is no such organ as a "mouth" at all.

what's the situation?


Mr. Fantastic, Iron Man, and Doctor Strange all couldn't help but gasp.

Even characters like them were shocked.

Erase people's mouths out of thin air?

Rewrite reality?

What the hell kind of magic is this?

"Strange, who is this Wanda?"

In the main hall inside, Charles' face could not remain calm.

He looked at Black Bolt, who was covering his mouth in panic on the big screen suspended in front of him.

I couldn't help but asked Doctor Strange from another dimension quietly.

"I told you before, you can't stop her."

"Now, it's too late."

Doctor Strange from another dimension shook his head, he had nothing to say.

There is no hope that the Illuminati can stop the Scarlet Witch.

"Let me go, this is your only chance!"

Immediately afterwards, Doctor Strange from another dimension began to try to persuade Charles to come.

Taking advantage of the little time the Illuminati people bought for him, he took Miss America and fled quickly.

This is the only chance.

"No, Strange, it's too early for you to be pessimistic. The people of the motherland haven't taken action yet."

But Charles spoke so confidently to Doctor Strange from another dimension.

People from the motherland?

Doctor Strange from another dimension subconsciously turned his attention to the young figure on the screen.

How powerful is this person?

At this point, how can people still have such great confidence?

Under the gaze of Doctor Strange from another dimension, Rorschach, who had never taken action, suddenly took action.

Because Rorschach knew that if he didn't take action, Black Bolt's head would be blown off by Wanda.

Since Black Bolt is an ally of Charles, Rorschach will naturally not sit idly by and ignore this kind of thing.

He had not made a move before, in fact, he was just observing and feeling Wanda's strength.

After all, that was chaos magic that could modify reality, so it was better to be cautious.

But now.

Rorschach already had a general idea of ​​Wanda's strength.

He was sure that the other party was not his opponent at all, so he had no scruples.


Seeing a cold light flash in Wanda's eyes, she was going to blow up Black Bolt's head.

Rorschach suddenly stretched out his hand, and an invisible telekinesis was released immediately.

Wanda was imprisoned in an instant.

Wanda immediately became like Iron Man before, and the whole person was suspended in the air.

Her limbs were stiff, and she couldn't move her whole body.

"You? Who are you again?"

Wanda, who was suspended in the air, looked at Rorschach.

There was a hint of surprise in her cold eyes.

This person's strength was so strong!

This was a "character" she had never seen in other universes.

But Wanda is not to be underestimated.

Others would be useless if their bodies were imprisoned, but Wanda would not be like that.

A large amount of "red fog" suddenly gushed out from her body.


When the red fog became thick enough, it exploded like a bomb.

Rorschach imprisoned Wanda's telekinesis and collapsed.

"Even if it's you, don't think of stopping me!"

Wanda roared at Rorschach with murderous intent.

She swung her hands violently, and a series of red magic attacks hit Rorschach.


But a sonic boom sounded, and Rorschach in front of Wanda shook.


Wanda herself flew backwards and fell to the ground.

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