American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 451 The Flash: Homelander is a big devil!

"Well, it's a little more conspicuous."

But soon, Rorschach discovered another problem.

This is the North Pole, and it is really abnormal for a huge mountain to suddenly appear.

He pondered for a moment and put on the Infinity Gauntlet again.


The light on the gloves flashed again, and the mountain in front of him disappeared.

He was transferred by Rorschach to a primitive and vast mountain group.

Clark Clark Kent on the other side raised his eyebrows fiercely.

He had not seen with his own eyes how Rorschach "teleported" kryptonite fragments from space to the earth.

But at this moment, Clark Kent witnessed with his own eyes how the mountain disappeared.

It was fine a second ago.

The next second, he completely disappeared!

It was as if he had just been blinded.

Clark Kent couldn't help but focus on Rorschach's Infinity Gauntlet.

Incomparable fear arose in my heart.

What the hell is that glove?

It’s too scary!

Under Clark Kent's shocked gaze, Rorschach gently took off the Infinity Gauntlet.

A gentle move of the hand.

A flash of light flashed by, and the Infinity Gauntlet disappeared.

It is worth mentioning that.

This method is not the power of the Infinity Gauntlet. After all, the gloves cannot be activated from a distance.

The reason why the Infinity Gauntlet "disappeared" was because Rorschach was carrying a magic item.

That magic item exists in a dimensional space, and Rorschach usually stores the Infinity Gauntlet in that dimensional space.

Similar to Najie.

It's still very, very convenient.

"Clark, I'm leaving Smallville."

At this time, Rorschach began to formally bid farewell to Clark Kent.

Now that the Kryptonian fragments have been collected, there is no need to stay in Smallville.

"Are you leaving? A native of the motherland?"

Clark Kent was caught off guard by the news.

When Rorschach first came to Smallville, Clark, like Batman, wanted Rorschach to leave immediately.

But now that Rorschach is really leaving suddenly, Clark still feels a little reluctant to let go.

Although "getting along" with Rorschach has not always been pleasant, Clark Kent now recognizes Rorschach as a friend from the bottom of his heart.

"I've been in Smallville for a while, and it's time to leave."

Rorschach smiled at Clark Kent.

"Will you come back in the future?"

Clark Kent asked Rorschach sincerely.

"Maybe, don't forget, I have a house here." Rorschach also smiled.



After saying these words to the other party, Luo Xia swayed and disappeared.

According to the original plan, Rorschach first took a few Krypton fragments to Star City to finalize the "cooperation" with Oliver.

Then without any nonsense, we started to set off and came to Midtown.


Cutting-edge technology laboratory.

Barry Allen the Flash, Cisco Ramon and Katherine Snow from Team Flash, and Dr. Harrison Wells from Earth-2.

A group of people were all sitting in front of a big screen.

On the big screen, it was Rorschach's information.

"The Motherland, who appeared in Gotham a year and a half ago, single-handedly frightened all the criminals in Gotham, and is known as the Bright Knight of Gotham."

"Before the emergence of the Homelanders, Gotham had one of the highest crime rates in the world, but since the emergence of the Homelanders, Gotham's crime rate has finally been reduced to zero."

"After staying in Gotham for nearly a year, the Homelander showed up in Smallville and killed the aliens who invaded Smallville."

"Barry, it seems that this guy is the same person as you to some extent."

After Sisko introduced Rorschach's information to everyone, he couldn't help but glance at Barry next to him and sighed.

After Barry fell into the hands of Rorschach and returned to Midtown, it was naturally impossible to just let it go.

He immediately worked with his team to conduct a corresponding investigation on Rorschach.

It turned out that I wouldn’t know if I didn’t check it, and I was really shocked when I checked it.

That guy called a native, what he did was really a bit aggressive.

"No, he is not the same person as me."

But Barry shook his head without hesitation.

The information makes it very clear that although the man from the motherland also fights criminals, he directly kills people!

Even when the Motherland just started to clear Gotham, hundreds of people were killed in just a few days!

This guy is totally a murderer, right?

"So I said it, to a certain extent." Sisko added.

"According to the data, he is indeed a speedster." Catherine looked serious, and she still couldn't believe it, "But Barry, is he really that fast?"

"I can't believe it, but I think he might be faster than the top speed." Barry told the truth.

Faster than top speed?

Several members of the Flash team couldn't help but be a little stunned.

That guy Ji Su is so despairing. According to everyone's current information, Ji Su rules more than one universe and is completely at the level of a big devil.

Are there really people in the world who are faster than top speed?

"These are not important. What is important is that the goals of the motherland are also extremely fast."

Dr. Harrison is more concerned about this point, "Perhaps, we can unite the people of the motherland to deal with the speed."

"Dr. Harrison, no, I will not cooperate with an executioner."

But Barry shook his head firmly, "We won't do such a thing."

"Barry, need I remind you, have you done this before?"

Sisko said weakly on the side, "Remember? You worked with Captain Cold."

Barry was immediately speechless.

"That's a special situation, okay?"

After a pause, Barry spread his hands.

"Now it's an even more special situation!"

Dr. Harrison looked extremely serious, "Our entire universe is facing threats! Once we are unable to stop the speed, this universe will also fall into the hands of the speed!"

"Barry, do you really want this to happen?"

Barry was speechless again.

"Barry, I don't care if you want it or not, but my daughter is in Speed's hands, and I will save her no matter what method I use!"

"I won't miss any opportunity!"

Dr. Harrison spoke firmly to Barry again.

"If you cooperate with me, I can guarantee to save your daughter."


Along with the sound of a sonic boom, a sonorous and powerful voice immediately sounded.

A young figure also appeared in front of everyone.

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