American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 448: Homelander's plan to steal the Speed ​​Force

Of course.

Even though those meteorite monsters were not treated as inhumanely as other experimental subjects, and were completely guinea pigs, it was still difficult for Green Arrow and Flash to agree.

In any case, this is also illegal detention, right?

This also exceeded the bottom line of the two superheroes.

"You don't think that we will think you are a good person just because you say that?"

Oliver looked at Rorschach with a hint of sarcasm on his face.

After confirming that Rorschach was indeed the mastermind behind the experimental base, Oliver knew what his attitude towards Rorschach was.

"I don't care what you think of me."

Rorschach shook his head, looking indifferent, "The important thing is that you have invaded my place, so you must pay the corresponding price."

"I said I would cooperate with you, but it was just a polite way of saying it. You don't really think you have any choice, do you?"

Rorschach said, with a hint of sarcasm on his face.

His countrymen are not good people.

"Really? So what can you do to us? Kill us?" Oliver sneered.

After becoming the Green Arrow, he had faced countless crises and walked on the brink of death countless times.

He was not so easily threatened.

But unfortunately.

He met Rorschach.

A cheater who was far beyond the imagination of the Green Arrow.


Seeing Oliver's confident look, Rorschach didn't say much.

He just shook his body and disappeared.

Only a sonic boom was left at the original place.

And a huge airflow.

The clothes of Oliver and Barry were rustling.

Oliver and Barry looked at each other, each of them was a little confused.

Just left like that?

That guy just left like that?

What's going on?

Oliver was still waiting for Rorschach's next move, why didn't the other party play according to the routine at all?

It made Oliver a little confused.


But just when they were confused, the corresponding sonic boom sounded again.

Oliver and Barry suddenly felt their eyes blurred, and they saw a large group of people suddenly appeared in front of them.

The atmosphere in the room froze.

Oliver and Barry looked at the group of people in front of them, as if struck by lightning, and they were all dumbfounded.

Because that group of people were none other than the old acquaintances of the two.

In other words, they were all old acquaintances of Oliver Queen.

Loyal bodyguard John Diggle, Black Canary Dinah, Oliver's sister Thea, Green Arrow Team's technical support Felicity...

Without exception, all of them are the backbone of the Green Arrow Team!


Oliver was completely dumbfounded.

His eyes were wide open, his face was full of shock, and his breathing became extremely rapid.

It can be seen how uneasy his heart is.

How could it be!

How could it be like this!

Even if this guy saw his face and knew that he was Oliver Queen, why did he know all the people on Team Arrow?

This doesn't make sense!

I can only say that this is the benefit of the cheat.

When Green Arrow was knocked unconscious by Rorschach, the members of Team Arrow were so anxious that they gathered together to discuss how to rescue Green Arrow.

Those voices were all heard by Rorschach.

Accurately locked.

It was so easy.

"Oliver, what's going on?"

Felicity's voice sounded, she adjusted her glasses, and looked at Oliver in confusion.

Everyone was originally at the Green Arrow base in Star City, studying what happened to Oliver, what happened after he was knocked down, where he was imprisoned, how to rescue him, etc.

As a result, in a blink of an eye.

An inexplicable force brought everyone to this strange place.

Brought to Oliver.

"Barry, is that you?"

In a blink of an eye, Felicity saw Barry standing next to Oliver again, and a trace of suspicion appeared on her face.

Could it be that Barry brought everyone here?

"Excuse me, who are you?"

Diggle stared at Rorschach with his eyes fixed on him, and asked in a deep voice.


Rorschach did not say any more nonsense, and disappeared with a shake of his body.

At the same time, so many members of the Green Arrow team also disappeared.


The next moment.

Rorschach's figure appeared again.

And Oliver's attitude finally changed.

He may not care about his own life or death, but Oliver cares more about the life and death of his entire team than anyone else.

When Rorschach showed his abnormal strength that could crush all the members of their team like crushing an ant, Oliver's weak spot was caught.

"It seems that I have no choice, right?"

Oliver recognized the situation.

"Yes, you have no choice."

Rorschach nodded seriously.

"So, what do you need me to do?"

Oliver stared at Rorschach with his eyes fixed on him, and asked unwillingly and helplessly.

"I want you to use the resources of the Quinn Group to help me synthesize a kind of stone."

Rorschach directly stated his purpose.

Hearing that it was not illegal, Oliver was secretly relieved.

"What kind of stone?"

"A kind of meteorite."

Rorschach said this, and then he took out a hard drive and threw it to Oliver, "There are relevant technical data in it, you can go back and take a look first."

Although Oliver was reluctant, he had to take the hard drive.

At this time, Rorschach turned his attention to Barry on the side.

Barry suddenly felt his anus tighten slightly.

Since the speedster in front of him already knew all the people in the Green Arrow team, what about his own team?

Judging from the strength shown by this person, if he wanted to attack the people in his team, Barry would be powerless.

"Next is you, Barry."

Rorschach spoke, making Barry feel nervous immediately.

But Rorschach's next words made Barry feel stunned.

"Tell me about Speed."

Rorschach looked at Barry seriously and asked.

Speed, if I remember correctly, is a super villain in DC.

Like Reverse Flash, he is also the main opponent of Flash.

And in some works, Zoom is the third generation Reverse Flash.

Of course, this is not important.

What is important is that Zoom, like Flash, has the Speed ​​Force!

In addition, Rorschach accidentally learned that Flash's speed was stolen by someone else, and a bold plan was born in Rorschach's mind.

He plans to steal Zoom's Speed ​​Force!

Although the biggest and most intuitive manifestation of the Speed ​​Force is to make people faster, the Speed ​​Force is not just as simple as making people faster.

In any case, this is also one of the four basic cosmic forces in the DC world.

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