American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 442: Comprehensive cooperation between the motherland and Dachao

Rorschach and Clark Kent looked at each other, and without any hesitation, they both walked into the Fortress of Solitude.

Perhaps because it had been activated last time, it didn't need to be activated again this time.

When the two walked in, Jor-El was already standing there.

"Kal-El, it seems that you have taken back the Fortress."

Jor-El had a faint smile on his face, and looked at Clark Kent with some relief.

Brainiac is also a very famous intelligent robot in Krypton, and it is very difficult to deal with.

Jor-El didn't expect that his son actually took back the Fortress from Brainiac in such a short time.

"No, it's not me, it's Homelander."

Clark Kent explained to Jor-El with a serious face, "It was Homelander who took back the Fortress."


Jor-El put a surprised look on Rorschach, and couldn't help looking Rorschach up and down.

Last time, his son brought this person in, and this time it was the same.

It seems that this person has a special relationship with Kal-El.

In addition, the fortress was also taken back by Homelander, so Jor-El's attitude towards Rorschach has changed accordingly.

"Homelander, it seems that you have helped Kal a lot."

Jor-El also greeted Rorschach, "I detected that the exit of the Phantom Zone was opened once, and you, well, and you, Kal, you also look embarrassed."

"So, you have fought with some people, right?"

"Yes, Joe, Brainiac released three Kryptonians, who planned to invade the earth, and it was Homelander who stopped them."

Clark Kent immediately added an explanation.

Jor-El knew it in his heart.

It seems that the relationship between Homelander and his son is much closer than he imagined.

His involvement with the Kryptonians is also much deeper than he imagined.

"Jor-El, we need a way to kill Brainiac completely."

Rorschach saw that the time was almost right, so he didn't say too much nonsense, and immediately looked at Jor-El and said seriously.

"If it was before, it would be difficult to do this."

"But you are lucky. When Brainiac invaded me, I did not do nothing. I left a protocol in his program."

"And that is enough to completely destroy Brainiac!"

Joel said this and waved his hand gently.

A crystal in the fortress flew up into the air and flew towards Rorschach.

Rorschach naturally didn't say anything and took it.

"When Brainiac appears again, use this to pierce his body and he will be killed completely."

Joel said to Rorschach.

Rorschach nodded secretly and put the crystal away carefully.

"Besides that, Joel, I have some other questions to ask you."

Rorschach then looked at Joel again and spoke with a serious face.

"Please ask."

Joel nodded, but did not promise, "If it is a question I can answer, I will tell you everything I know."

"The specific coordinates of Krypton."

Rorschach asked directly, which was the question he cared about most.

Just like Brainiac at the beginning, Jor-El couldn't help but reveal a puzzled look: "Krypton has been destroyed, don't you know this?"

"I know, but I still want to know the coordinates of Krypton. In addition, I want to know all the details about the destruction of Krypton, the data and images of the explosion of Krypton."

"Homelander, why are you interested in these?" Jor-El was more and more confused.

"I naturally have my own purpose, but Krypton has been destroyed, what else do you have to worry about?"

Rorschach spread his hands to Jor-El.

Jor-El was silent slightly.

That's right.

Krypton has been destroyed, what else is there to worry about?

Can't Homelander do anything else to Krypton?

Considering Homelander's continuous help to his son, the other party just made a harmless request.

Jor-El thought about it for a while and agreed.

According to Rorschach's request, the specific coordinates of Krypton, as well as some related images and data of the explosion of Krypton, were given to Rorschach.

The latter will be an important basis for Rorschach to transform the Krypton fragments into Krypton.

"Then Clark, I won't disturb your reunion."

Having gotten what he wanted, Rorschach didn't delay too much.

After saying hello to Clark Kent, he left the Fortress of Solitude.

What to do next is very clear.

For Rorschach, there are only two things:

"Cooperate" with Lex Luthor to find a way to completely remove the kryptonite toxin.

The second is to kill the enemy Brainiac.

But Brainiac is not a fool.

After two consecutive "tragic deaths" at the hands of Rorschach and seeing Rorschach's unparalleled strength, the other party has become completely honest.

After Rorschach's search, he found nothing and simply didn't pay much attention to him.

Anyway, Brainiac is not a big trouble for Rorschach.

It's just that it's more difficult to kill, that's all.

With Rorschach's current ability, it can be guaranteed that as long as Brainiac dares to show up, he will be destroyed with thunder!

In the next period of time, Rorschach basically focused all his energy on Lex Luthor.

Under Rorschach's attention, Lex Luthor used huge resources to capture the meteorite monster, collect meteorites, and secretly build a laboratory.

at the same time.

He is also secretly looking for ways to deal with Rorschach.

Rorschach did not expect that his search for Brainiac would be fruitless, but when he paid attention to Lex Luthor, he had an unexpected gain.

"Professor Finn!"

In the Luthor Mansion, Lex Luthor met with Brainiac again. "Is there any progress on the question I asked for last time?"

"What makes the people of the motherland stronger than other meteorite monsters?"

Lex Luthor asked, staring intently at Brainiac.

"I'm sorry Lex, this has been bugging me too."

Professor Finn's eyes were solemn, and he looked at Lex Luthor with a serious face, "I need biological samples from my motherland for further analysis, and I need to leave this to you."

Brainiac wants Rorschach's biological samples, and the purpose is naturally not what Lex Luthor imagined.

But this guy is trying to find out the weaknesses of the people of the motherland.

Even a way to kill the people of the motherland!

Looking at it now, the biggest obstacle Brainiac encountered was not Kal-El at all.

But that person from the motherland.

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