American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 437 The powerful motherland easily ravages the blackened Dachao

Feeling the immense power, it was as if countless big hands were holding him tightly.

The dark version of Superman began to struggle desperately.

However, he used all his strength and found that he could not break free at all.

"This is impossible!"

"Who are you!"

The dark version of Superman shouted in shock.

He was really stimulated.

Even if he couldn't beat Homelander, wasn't the gap too big too exaggerated?

Is this person really that powerful?

"Don't you have the previous memory? Then you should know that I am your big brother!"

Rorschach glanced at the dark version of Superman in front of him with an extremely sarcastic look on his face.


A voice sounded.

Clark Kent, who was knocked unconscious by the dark version of Superman, woke up slowly at this moment.

He quickly came to the dark version of himself.

"Wag your tail like a dog and beg for help from Homelander. Is that your confidence?"

The dark version of Superman glanced at Clark Kent with contempt and scorn, "You are simply a disgrace to the Kryptonians!"

"Interesting, you and I are originally one person."

Clark Kent didn't care and didn't feel angry at all.

It's just scolding himself anyway.

"And this will be my lifelong shame!" The dark version of Superman was angry.

"Lifetime? Man, I won't give you a lifetime."

After Clark Kent said this to the dark version of Superman, he looked at Rorschach again.

"Homelander, this is one of the reasons why I came to you."

Clark Kent then looked at Rorschach seriously, "I hope you can help me get back to the way I was."

One of them?

Rorschach raised his eyebrows.

He keenly grasped the key point in Clark Kent's words.

It seems that in addition to asking him to help him recover, there is another purpose.


"Clark, I don't know how to restore you to your original state. All I can do is catch him or kill him."

Rorschach looked at Clark Kent with a serious face and told the truth.

"Black kryptonite!" Clark Kent said to Rorschach, "It is black kryptonite that separates us, and only black kryptonite can make us one."

Black kryptonite?

Rorschach raised his eyebrows.

"Wait a moment."

After saying this to Clark Kent, Rorschach shook his body and disappeared.

But just the next moment, his figure reappeared.

And in his hand, there was an extra black stone.

It was exactly the black kryptonite that Clark Kent needed.

That's right.

During the time when Rorschach was searching for kryptonite, he collected not only green kryptonite.

Other kryptonites of various colors were also "in stock".

It can only be said that Clark Kent came to Rorschach for help, and he really found the right person.

Clark Kent: "..."

Dark version of Superman: "..."

"Black kryptonite, great!"

Clark Kent immediately became excited, surprised and happy.

He originally thought that even Homelander would need to spend some time to find black kryptonite.

Who would have thought that Homelander already had black kryptonite in his hands.

Well, the problem is solved now.

"Homelander, it seems that I owe you again."

Clark Kent sighed leisurely.

So far, he has owed Homelander two favors.

And each favor is not small.

"Yes, you owe me twice."

Rorschach did not deny this. He nodded and handed the black kryptonite to Clark Kent.

Clark Kent didn't say anything nonsense. He took it and began to press the dark version of Superman who was imprisoned in front of him.

"No, don't!"

"Take this thing away..."

Dark version of Superman screamed and struggled desperately.

But everything was in vain.

Clark Kent pressed the kryptonite on the dark version of Superman without any obstacles.


A shadow flashed by.

Two Clark Kents who looked exactly the same but had completely different "temperaments" merged together in front of Rorschach.

Clark Kent is back again!

"Homelander, I'm sorry, it was not my intention to attack you."

All the memories and feelings of the dark version of Superman were synchronized, and Clark Kent immediately apologized to Rorschach.

Apologize for what the dark version of Superman did.

"I accept your apology."

Rorschach waved his hand casually, and glanced at Clark Kent with a little curiosity, "You just said that returning to normal is just one of your goals?"

"Yes, Homelander, we still have to stop Brainiac!"

Clark Kent nodded, his face became unprecedentedly solemn, "He and another me have reached a cooperation, and they plan to release Krypton prisoners!"

"The other me is not only against you for revenge, but also at the instruction of Brainiac!"

"You are the only obstacle for him to release Krypton prisoners!"

Of course.

Brainiac's plans and so on are all Clark Kent's memories from the dark version of Superman.

The only obstacle?

Rorschach could not help but be slightly speechless.

Did Brainiac misunderstand something?

You want to release Krypton prisoners or something, it has nothing to do with me!

When did I say I would stop it?

But Rorschach also understood the logic of Brainiac's behavior. In any case, Rorschach is his biggest threat.

Not to mention, in Brainiac's eyes, Rorschach and Clark Kent have an extraordinary relationship.

It is not strange to eliminate such a threat before he carries out important actions.

"I don't care about his plan at all."

Rorschach then curled his lips, "But since Brainiac is my enemy, I have no choice but to destroy him again."

Rorschach clearly stated his attitude.

Clark Kent on the opposite side immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter what the reason is, it is an inexplicable relief to have such a powerful person like Homelander standing on his side.

"Crystal Fortress!"

"Brainiac also took the Crystal Fortress!"

"His plan may require the Crystal Fortress!"

Clark Kent's voice sounded again, and he spoke to Rorschach seriously again.

Rorschach nodded secretly after hearing this.

According to his memory, there seems to be an entrance to the Phantom Zone in the Fortress of Solitude.

What Brainiac did, Clark Kent's information, and Rorschach's memory all matched each other.

There seemed to be no doubt that Brainiac intended to use the Fortress of Solitude to release the Kryptonian prisoners.

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