American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 434 The confusion of Dachao and his father: Who are the people of our motherland?

"People of the motherland, what kind of place is this?"

While Clark Kent looked at everything in the Fortress of Solitude excitedly and curiously, he couldn't wait to ask Rorschach.

"The Fortress of Solitude."

Rorschach told the truth, "Besides, it is very likely that this was left to you by your father."

That's right.

There is actually not only one Fortress of Solitude, it seems to be the "standard configuration" for Kryptonians coming to Earth.

After all, to put it bluntly, the Fortress of Solitude is actually a high-tech secret base.

Of course.

Considering the obvious connection between Brainiac and Superman, Rorschach is naturally more inclined to believe that this thing is Jor-El.

So, if this is really Dachao's Fortress of Solitude...

Rorschach thought for a moment and made a decision.

The Fortress of Solitude is of no use to him, and at best it serves as a collection.

If you keep it in your hands, you might as well return it to Da Chao.

The paid kind.

"My father?"

Clark was startled for a moment, then became a little excited, "You mean, Joel?"


Rorschach nodded and stopped at a place similar to a console in the Fortress of Solitude, "You can give it a try."

Clark Kent followed Rorschach's gaze and found that there was also a card slot there.

And above the card slot, Clark Kent's key was inserted.

It just happened to be placed on the card slot, but it didn't get stuck in.

Clark Kent walked forward with great anticipation and pressed all the keys.


A figure suddenly appeared.

That was a middle-aged man with infinite majesty, but at the same time, a hint of gentleness.

Even though it was just a holographic projection, the first time Clark Kent saw the other person, he felt inexplicably friendly.


"I never thought I would see you grow up one day. I really hope Laura is here too."

The figure looked Clark Kent up and down with a look of kindness on his face.

"Are you Jor-El?"

Clark Kent stared directly at Jor-El and issued this soul torture.

"This is the first time you've activated me. I didn't expect you to already know who I am. I have to say, this is a bit beyond my expectation."

Joelle looked at Clark Kent a little surprised.

He didn't expect that his son would recognize him before he could identify himself.

Then here comes the problem.

Who told Kal-El?

"So, you are really my father, Kal-El?"

After confirming this, Clark Kent became increasingly unable to remain calm.

"Karl, let's talk about this later. I noticed that we have a person here who shouldn't be there."

Joel interrupted Clark Kent.

There is no doubt that the other party is talking about Rorschach.

"Wait a moment."

Clark Kent stopped Jor-El, "Actually, he was the one who discovered this fortress and brought me here."

"Then Karl, please communicate with your friends. This is a place that belongs exclusively to you. Do you understand?"

Jor-El said to Clark Kent.

"It's not that simple. I need some time."

Clark Kent felt slightly dizzy.

Before they decided to open the fortress with Rorschach, the two had an agreement.

The ownership of this thing belongs to the motherland, not him.

At that time, Clark Kent also readily agreed.

But how could Clark Kent have imagined that the originally inconspicuous cube was his "home"?

If that's the case, Clark Kent isn't willing to give up.

But the people of the motherland are not easy people to deal with.

"People of the motherland."

Clark Kent came to Rorschach with a serious look on his face, "What price do I need to pay before you hand over this fortress to me?"

Rorschach was still very satisfied with Clark Kent's attitude.

And he had already made his decision, so he didn't embarrass Da Chao.

"Clark, remember, you owe me a favor."


After saying these words to Clark Kent, Rorschach swayed and left the Fortress of Solitude.

No matter how you look at it, it's not a loss to exchange something that already belongs to Dachao for a favor from Dachao.

Considering the terrifying upper limit of Dachao, this wave can even be called a big profit.

"Clark, who is he?"

Joel's voice sounded. He was very surprised to see Rorschach's super speed.

According to the setting, wasn't Kal-El sent to Earth?

Since when have there been such “super humans” on earth?

"I'm not sure, but he claims to be a Kryptonian." Clark Kent told the truth.

"Kryptonian? No, Carl, he's not a Kryptonian."

Joelle immediately shook his head and categorically rejected this point, "He doesn't have Kryptonian blood at all."

"So, I am indeed a Kryptonian?"

Clark Kent looked directly at Jor-El for confirmation.

"Yes Carl, you are a Kryptonian, the last Son of Krypton to be exact."

"And I am your father, or in other words, his consciousness. He himself is already dead."

"So, you sent me to Earth because Krypton has been destroyed?"

Clark Kent recounted what Rorschach told him in front of Jor-El.

This made Qiao El completely confused.

"Carl, how do you know all this?"

Shouldn't he tell Kal-El these things?

How come he only activated it for the first time and Kal-El knew everything?

Could it be...

Are other Kryptonians also coming to Earth?

"He is from the motherland. He told me. So, is all this true?"

When Clark Kent saw Jor-El's reaction, he still didn't understand all this.

"A native of the motherland? That person just now?"

Joel became more and more confused.

That person just now was clearly not a Kryptonian!

The father and son then began to have a "long talk".

Clark Kent has many questions on Earth, and now he finally has the chance to ask them.

Joel gave detailed answers to all of them.

First time in my life.

Clark Kent has a clear understanding of who he is, his origins, and everything about himself.

But when Clark Kent asked Jo-El about Rorschach, Jo-El was equally confused.

Why does a non-Kryptonian have exactly the same abilities as a Kryptonian?

If it weren't for the technology in the Fortress of Solitude that could directly detect bloodlines, Jor-El would definitely think that the people of the motherland were Kryptonians!

So who is that guy?

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