After thinking about it carefully, Luo Xia felt more and more that his guess was very possible.

Although Rorschach does not know exactly the identity of Brainiac at present, one thing is obvious, that super intelligent robot must also come from Krypton.

And he has a great connection with Clark Kent.

in this case.

There is actually an item on Brainiac's body that matches the item on Clark Kent's body?

There is no doubt that this cannot be a coincidence.

So what exactly is this thing?

Rorschach was still very interested.

In any case, this is also a product from a planet that far exceeds the civilization of the earth.

"Forget it, I've been in Smallville for so many days, let's go visit Dachao!"

Rorschach made this decision quickly.

Just do it.

Rorschach went out immediately, drove around the town, and bought some gifts.

Finally, we arrived at the gate of Kent Farm.

Dang Dang Dang!

Knocked lightly on the door.

A middle-aged man who looked a little rough but was honest appeared in front of Luo Xia.

That turned out to be Clark Kent's father, Jonathan Kent.

When Jonathan Kent saw a strange young man appearing in front of him, he couldn't help but look Rorschach up and down.

"Young man, what can I do for you?" Jonathan Kent spoke enthusiastically.

"Hello Mr. Kent, my name is Rorschach. I just moved to this town. I am a friend of Clark. I came here to visit."

Rorschach simply stated his intention.

Jonathan Kent became even more enthusiastic when he heard that Rorschach was a friend of his precious son.

You must know that Clark's interpersonal relationships in Smallville have always been a bit awkward.

After all, the current Dachao is in the stage of growing body, and various abilities are awakening one after another.

This caused Clark Kent great confusion, and he was also considered a monster by others many times.

Under the influence of these two factors, Da Chao even had some self-doubt.

For a long time, Dachao was very autistic.

Of course, things have gotten better in the past two years, but the difference between him and others is still a thorn in Dachao's heart.

Compared to his peers, Dachao has very few friends.

in this case.

Needless to say, when Jonathan Kent saw Dachao's friends coming, he felt happy and joyful.

"It's rare for Clark to have friends over, come in quickly!"

Jonathan Kent welcomed Rorschach in with great enthusiasm.

Martha Kent also made Rorschach coffee herself.

"So~ Rorschach, where are you from?"

"New York? It turns out that you are from a big city, no wonder it feels different to others."

Rorschach and Jonathan Kent had a falling out, and the atmosphere was still very, very good.

Rorschach also learned more about Dachao from Jonathan Kent.

for example.

This year is the last year of Clark Kent's high school career.

Another example.

Clark Kent's favorite college is Metropolitan University.

Etc., etc.

Of course.

From beginning to end, the Kents took great care not to reveal any secrets about Clark Kent's Kryptonian identity.

It's just a pity that what they won't know is that the young man sitting in front of them knows Clark better than they do.


Unknowingly, the door was opened.

Clark Kent returned home after school.

"Clark, come here quickly, you have a friend coming over!"

Jonathan Kent immediately waved to Clark excitedly.


Clark Kent was slightly surprised.

Apart from Crowley, where does he have any friends?

With a trace of curiosity, Clark Kent quickly passed through the entrance hall, tilted his head and took a look into the living room.

A familiar face suddenly came into view.

People of the motherland! ?

Clark Kent's expression suddenly became serious.

The person in front of him is definitely one of the people Clark Kent least wants to see.

After being hammered several times, he truly understood how terrifying this guy in front of him, who looked like a sunny and handsome ordinary student, was.

Of course.

Rorschach's unfathomable strength is secondary.

More importantly, Clark Kent cannot see through Rorschach at all.

He knew very well that this dangerous guy must have another purpose in coming to Smallville.

But what the other party wanted, Clark Kent had no idea.

With Da Chao's ability, there are not many things or people in Smallville that can be beyond his control, but Rorschach is undoubtedly one of them.

"Clark, you're back! Just now Mr. Kent told me that you like to play rugby."

Rorschach smiled at Clark Kent and greeted him.

Acting really like Clark's friend.

"Really? That was all in the past, so don't mention it."

Clark Kent came to Rorschach calmly, full of questions and vigilance.

He and Rorschach started talking nonsense.

"Clark, you have a good chat with your friend, and Martha and I will prepare dinner."

Jonathan Kent stayed for a while, then said hello to the two of them and got up and left.

"Homelander, why are you here?"

Until this time, Clark Kent stared at Rorschach and asked seriously.

"Clark, you are a guest when you come to my house. Is this your attitude towards guests?"

Rorschach looked at Clark Kent with a smile.

"But you are not a guest, are you?"

Clark Kent was serious and pointed to the point.

"Okay, you are right."

Rorschach spread his hands at this time, and did not say any more nonsense. He took out the cube he got from Brainiac.

Put it in front of Clark Kent.

"This is why I came."

Rorschach pointed at the cube.

"What is this?"

Clark Kent's face flashed with confusion.

But then, he also found something.

"Wait a minute!"

Clark Kent took off the "pendant" hanging around his neck.

After a little gesture, the two really matched perfectly.

Clark Kent suddenly raised his head, with a look of surprise on his face.

There was also a hint of solemnity.

And a deep curiosity!

Could this thing brought by the Homelander be from Krypton?

Because Jonathan Kent had told Clark about the thing on his neck, which was found on his spaceship.

Clark Kent never knew what it was before.

But now it seems to be a key?

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