American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 430 Homelander: I am really not Superman!

And then.

Professor Finn just stood there and started to "be in a daze".

But if someone gets close to Professor Finn and looks carefully, they will find that there are not very obvious lights flashing quickly in Professor Finn's eyes.


Those rays of light were not ordinary rays of light, but strings of data that flashed by quickly!

And those data are all related to Rorschach.

Of course Professor Finn couldn't really be in a daze, but was searching the Internet for everything about Rorschach.

Soon, some information about Rorschach's great power in Gotham was also retrieved by Professor Finn.

He became more and more certain that Rorschach was Kal-El.

"General Zod, I will get you out, I know I will!"

Professor Finn immediately returned to normal from his original "daze" state, muttering in his mouth.


Along with the sound of a sonic boom, "Professor Finn" swayed and disappeared.

If Rorschach were here, he would find that this so-called Professor Finn is faster than Clark Kent!

That's right.

Professor Finn is no ordinary person either.

To be more precise, the other person is not a human being at all.

Like Lex Luthor, this guy is also a DC super villain.

One of Superman's old enemies: Brainiac.

Brainiac is naturally not as famous as Lex Luthor, but his background is equally impressive.

It is a super intelligent robot created by the famous General Zod.

Specifically, it can be understood as the DC version of Ultron.

Ever since General Zod was imprisoned in Krypton's super prison, the Phantom Zone, Brainiac has been active on Earth, trying to find a way to free General Zod.

The Phantom Zone was created by Kal-El's father, Jor-El, during his lifetime, so Brainiac needs Jor-El's blood to open it.

This guy has been active as a professor and collaborated with Lex Luthor on the study of meteorite monsters.

The purpose is to find Clark Kent.

How could I.

Clark Kent is so low-key and low-key that he hardly shows his abilities in front of others.

Brainiac and Lex Luthor have worked together for so long and found so many strange meteorites, but they have never found Elkar.

Until this moment.

Hard work pays off!

Brainiac finally succeeded.

Rorschach didn't know about the little drama between Brainiac and Lex Luthor.

After he came out of Lex Luthor's place, he went straight back to his home.

Reviewed my current plan.

Under normal circumstances, if someone is manipulated by Rorschach on Mount Everest, they will definitely let Rorschach handle it.

But Lex Luthor is no ordinary person.

Luo Xia couldn't guarantee that the other party would cooperate with him obediently.

But Rorschach didn't care about that.

If Lex Luthor really ignored him Rorschach, Rorschach wouldn't mind taking some more drastic measures against Lex Luthor.

"It would be nice if Charles were here."

Rorschach couldn't help but miss Charles' psychic abilities.

How could things be so troublesome if Charles was here?

But of course, Rorschach would not call Charles from another universe over just because of such a trivial matter.


Just as he was thinking about these messy things, Luo Xia's expression suddenly moved slightly.



next moment.

Along with the sound of a sonic boom, a figure broke into his house and stood in front of him.

"Kal-El, I finally found you!"

Brainiac looked at Rorschach with a hint of excitement and spoke.

? ? ?

Rorschach can be said to be confused.

what's the situation?

He was actually mistaken for Da Chao by others?

Of course this is not the point.

Rorschana's ability is simply a pirated version of the superpower, and it is normal for people to misunderstand him.

The key question is, is the person in front of me a Kryptonian?

"First of all, I am not Kal-El. I don't care whether you are looking for Kal-El to repay your kindness or revenge. You have found the wrong person."

"Secondly, for a guy like you who comes here uninvited, I need to be satisfied before I can let you go. Do you understand?"

Rorschach raised his eyebrows and said to Brainiac seriously.

"I have been looking for you for five years. To be honest, as Joel's son, I actually have higher expectations for you."

"But now I'm standing in front of you, and you don't even dare to admit your true identity?"

Brainiac looked Rorschach up and down and let out a cold snort.

"I've already told you. Whether you believe it or not, it's none of my business."

Rorschach waved his hand, "Now, I'll ask and you answer."

"First, what is your identity? Second, I need you to tell me everything about Krypton."

Kryptonite is the fragment after the explosion of Krypton. Rorschach actually had a bold idea all along.

Now that we know what the “raw material” of kryptonite is, can we artificially synthesize kryptonite?

Although this idea is crazy, if you put aside other factors and only consider the technical aspects, it is not impossible.

We just need to conquer the "manufacturing process".

So Rorschach is still very interested in some information about Krypton.

At the very least, we need to know the specific coordinates of Krypton.

In order to facilitate the need to collect Krypton fragments in the future.

"Kal-El, you haven't figured out your situation yet, have you?"

Seeing Rorschach being so arrogant, Brainiac couldn't help but sneer.

At this time, he slowly raised his right hand.

With a thought, his right hand began to twist and deform.

It was like a liquid terminator, condensing a sharp blade.


With a shake of his body, Brainiac appeared in front of Rorschach in the blink of an eye.

The "hand knife" stabbed Rorschach fiercely.


A light sound suddenly sounded.

Brainiac's "hand knife" stabbed Rorschach's chest at once.

But it was as if someone pressed the pause button, and it didn't move.

Not to mention stabbing Rorschach, he couldn't even cut Rorschach's skin.

"How could this happen?"

Brainiac's face suddenly showed surprise.

You know.

His body is not made of metal on Earth, but super metal from Krypton!

When he served General Zod, he also killed Kryptonians.

But now.

On Earth without a red sun, he can't even break Kal-El's defense?

Are you kidding?

"Is this the reason you are so arrogant?"

"I thought you were so powerful!"

Rorschach snorted disdainfully, and his eyes suddenly shot out two blazing heat rays at Brainiac.



Brainiac's body shook violently, and he fell out all of a sudden.

Brainiac was not created by General Zod in the comics. Here the author uses the setting in "Smallville"

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