American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 417: In Superman's hometown, grasp Superman's lifeline at the beginning

"Homelander, are you leaving?"

In the high-end apartment, Catwoman's voice trembled slightly.

Although she had guessed that this day would come, when this moment really came, she still felt a little unacceptable.

Catwoman has met many men in her life, but Rorschach is undoubtedly the most special one.

The few short months with Rorschach in Gotham will be Catwoman's lingering beautiful memory.

"I told you a long time ago that I was just passing through Gotham."

"Now that my business in Gotham has been dealt with, it's time to leave."

Rorschach nodded and did not deny it.

Although the shield fragments on Bruce Wayne's side have not been found yet, Rorschach does not plan to wait any longer.

It's just about two or three thousand origin points.

If it takes one or two months, it's worth waiting.

But if it takes longer, it's really not worth it.

Moreover, during the time Rorschach was in Gotham, I don’t know if it was because the villains in Gotham were too weak or for some other reason, but he didn’t even trigger a single mission.

In other words.

The only reason for Rorschach to stay in Gotham at present is the fragments from Bruce Wayne.

But this reason is obviously not enough.

Especially since Rorschach had just looted Paradise Island and made a fortune, he was even more disdainful of the thousands of origin points.

What’s more.

Even if he left Gotham, it wouldn’t stop Bruce Wayne from continuing to look for fragments, right?

It’s time to go!

“Will you… come back in the future?”

Catwoman was silent for a moment, then she stared at Rorschach and asked.

The girl was a very sensible woman, she knew that a place like Gotham was destined not to be Rorschach’s stage.

A man like Rorschach was destined to have a broader sky.

Therefore, Catwoman did not keep Rorschach.

She never expected to tie such a man to her side.

Catwoman just hoped that she would not completely fade out of Rorschach’s life in the future.

"I will come back to see you."

Rorschach nodded and gave Catwoman a very affirmative answer.

In any case, Catwoman was also the first woman Rorschach had come to this strange world.

He would not do such a thing as abandoning her after having sex with her.

Anyway, with his speed, even if he went to Smallville, it would only take a blink of an eye to return to Gotham.

Distance has never been a problem for Rorschach.

"Really? Homelander, you can't lie to me!"

Catwoman was immediately excited.

"Then let me send you off with a special gift!"

Catwoman unbuttoned her clothes.

One million words omitted here.



After saying goodbye to Catwoman, Rorschach came to Bruce Wayne again.


"Why are you here?"

Bruce Wayne's face immediately became extremely solemn.

There were not many people in Gotham that he was really afraid of, but Homelander was undoubtedly the first.

Bruce Wayne was originally confident. As long as people have weaknesses, Homelander must be no exception.

He will definitely find a way to deal with Homelander.

But after so long, Bruce Wayne has gained nothing.

This makes Bruce Wayne more afraid of Rorschach.

"I'll tell you a good news."

Rorschach raised his eyebrows.

Bruce Wayne also raised his eyebrows.

For someone like Homelander, he didn't think that the other party would come to tell him any good news.

"Homelander, except for finding those fragments, I won't promise you anything."

Although he didn't know Rorschach's purpose, Bruce Wayne immediately spoke up and blocked all possibilities in advance.

"For me, this is enough."

Rorschach nodded, "I'm leaving Gotham, but you have to keep looking for the fragments."

"Are you leaving?"

Bruce Wayne was slightly startled.

He had imagined countless possibilities, but he didn't expect Homelander to come and say goodbye to him.

"Why, you can't bear to leave me?"

Rorschach chuckled.

"You know, I've always wanted you to leave, but don't worry, since I promised you about the fragments, I will keep helping you find them."

Bruce Wayne nodded heavily to Rorschach.

Rorschach naturally believed in Bruce Wayne's character.

He didn't say much.

"Goodbye, Bruce!"


After saying this, Rorschach shook his body and disappeared.

Feeling the huge airflow coming towards him, Bruce Wayne felt that the haze that had been weighing on his heart for several months was finally swept away.

Homelander, finally left!



An inconspicuous town around the metropolis.

Looking around, there are endless farms and grasslands everywhere.

There are also scattered houses in various places.

America is originally sparsely populated, and the population in some less developed towns is even sparser.

Smallville was undoubtedly the latter.

Walking on the long dirt road leading to the town, looking at the green cornfields on both sides, Rorschach suddenly had an illusion.

It seems like I have returned to the time when I was working in the fields in my previous life.

"Superman's hometown!"

“Although it’s ordinary, it’s worth checking out!”

While Luo Xia walked inside like an ordinary person, he couldn't help but think in his mind.

I have to say that after a long time, it is also a very good thing to take a walk on this kind of country road and feel the pastoral scenery.

Not to mention, in a place as special as Superman’s hometown.

In this way, with this happy mood, it took Rorschach more than half an hour to officially enter the town of Smallville.

However, Rorschach was in no hurry to step into this town.

Instead, he unleashed his super senses and conducted an all-round exploration of the town.

For a while.

All kinds of sounds came to Rorschach's ears.

All kinds of scenes and things came into Rorschach's eyes.

The information was extremely messy, and most of it was useless messy information.

But there was still some information that caught Rorschach's attention.

"Meteorite weirdo."

He heard some people talking about a group that was obviously not ordinary people.

And besides that...

"Let me go, so much kryptonite, is there any mistake?"

Rorschach was shocked.

Through super vision and perspective, he could clearly see the green stones in many corners of the town.

Superman's hometown and the lush green stone. Combining these two, is there any other possibility besides kryptonite?

"If it's kryptonite... you might as well collect some."

Rorschach made this decision very happily.

Although his current strength is far stronger than Superman, Superman is DC's number one rival!

Even if Da Chao is a good guy with no blind spots, there is nothing he can do. His potential is too great and his upper limit is too high.

Faced with such a being, since the opponent's lifeline is right in front of him, why not play a safe hand?

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