American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 415 Rich harvest, great increase in strength

No way.

In order to prevent Hippolyta from getting in the way, Rorschach punched the Amazon Queen and knocked her unconscious.

Otherwise, the other party would definitely stop him endlessly, which would be quite troublesome.

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty!"

The surrounding Amazon warriors rushed up in shock and surrounded their queen.

After seeing that their queen was not in danger of life and just fainted, they breathed a sigh of relief.


Rorschach waved his hand again.

The remaining Amazon warriors also flew out and fainted on the ground.

Now, no one came to disturb Rorschach anymore.

Rorschach began to slowly harvest the treasures in the Amazon treasury.

[Extraction successful! ]

[Extraction successful! ]

[Extraction successful! ]


With the continuous prompt sounds, the treasures in the treasury continued to decrease.

In the end.

Not even one was left.

On Luo Xia's system panel, there are 210,000 more origin points!

It must be said that this is the first time that Luo Xia has had so many origin points on the account all of a sudden.

Needless to say, Luo Xia immediately chose to use these 210,000 origin points to strengthen.


In an instant.

Luo Xia's strength has been greatly improved, even doubled.

Originally, its strength was only about 9,000 tons, and its speed was only 4,000 meters per second.

But after strengthening, its strength soared to 20,000 tons, and its speed exceeded 10,000 meters per second!

Some other corresponding skills.

For example, the body of steel, self-healing ability, mental strength, etc., have also been greatly improved to a corresponding degree.

This is naturally needless to say.

"Haha, it's not in vain!"

Feeling that he was full of strength at this moment, Luo Xia was very satisfied.

If it were in the Marvel world, I really don't know when I would have to wait to harvest 210,000 origin points.

As a result, it took only a few months to come to the world of DC.

As expected.

Choosing to travel through parallel universes was an extremely correct decision.

"Now that the business is done, it's time to settle some accounts!"


A cold light flashed in Rorschach's eyes.

He walked out of the Amazon treasure house slowly.

Boom boom boom!

Bang bang bang!

The roars and explosions that sounded everywhere continued to come.

Even though the Amazon warriors destroyed a considerable number of fighters, they had to admit that they were not very good at air attacks.

In addition, Dr. Poison brought a lot of fighters.

So far, there are still many fighters circling in the Amazon.

In addition.

Rorschach also heard a panicked voice.

"Medusa, Medusa! How is it possible!"

"Isn't Medusa dead!"

"It's Medusa, don't look into her eyes!"

"It's useless, Medusa can control the will of others!"



Rorschach was slightly stunned.

This thing is also a famous existence in mythology.

Although it is not a god, its strength is so terrifying that it frightens the gods!

But to be honest, Rorschach has never seen a living one.

With a little curiosity, Rorschach immediately used his super vision to take a look from a distance.

Sure enough, he saw a very beautiful woman with countless poisonous tongues hovering over her head, sweeping a group of Amazon warriors.

And on the battlefield, there were already many people turned into stone.

There is no doubt that they must have been transformed by Medusa.

In front of Medusa, there was a heroic but equally embarrassed figure.

It was Diana who arrived in time.

Diana was leading a team of Amazons, tenaciously but embarrassedly resisting Medusa.

But they were beaten back by Medusa.

Can't bear to watch.

There is no way.

Medusa is really too exaggerated.

It has a very strong strength, and with the "petrification" big move, it is simply killing people and Buddhas.

No one can stop it.

Bang bang bang!

The dull sound of objects colliding sounded.

It was a few warriors who closed their eyes and dared not look directly at Medusa, and were swept away by Medusa in an instant.

Diana herself also dodged in a very embarrassing way.

"Diana, do you like this surprise I prepared for you?"

On one side of the battlefield, Dr. Poison folded his arms and watched the excitement.

He was so high-spirited and so arrogant.

"You actually resurrected Medusa, you lunatic!"

"Do you know what you are doing!"

Diana roared at Dr. Poison in anger.

She knew that Dr. Poison was a paranoid who wanted to defeat her, but she didn't expect that the other party would do this.

Even the dead Medusa was resurrected!

"I am enjoying the moment I have dreamed of for many years!"

Dr. Poison smiled, and smiled so proudly.

But Diana never paid any attention to Dr. Poison again.

It's not that Diana thinks Dr. Poison is right and can't refute it, but she really has no time now.

All her energy is put into fighting Medusa.

Bang, bang, bang!

Chi, chi, chi!

But as the battle continued, the warriors around Diana fell one after another.

In the end, only Diana was left.

"Medusa, kill her!"

Dr. Poison ruthlessly gave the order to Medusa, who was completely controlled by him.

Boom, boom, boom!

Medusa began to walk towards Diana step by step.

Easily knocked Diana to the ground.

"Look into my eyes!"

Medusa did not choose to kill Diana immediately, but gave this "order" to Diana.

While saying this, a green light flashed in Medusa's eyes.

Diana immediately turned her head to look at the other person's eyes as if she was hypnotized.

"No, no!"

"You'll turn into stone!"

Diana struggled desperately, fighting with all her will.

But she felt her consciousness becoming more and more blurred.

Seeing that Diana's will was on the verge of collapse and she was about to be unable to resist.

Dr. Poison on the side couldn't help but smile smugly.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

But at this moment.

There were bursts of explosions in the sky.

Dr. Poison took a look and immediately showed a look of surprise.

Because for some reason, the fighters she brought all exploded at the same time.


And then.

Accompanied by a sonic boom, Dr. Poison immediately felt his eyes blurred.

He saw a person suddenly appear in front of him.


Dr. Poison was immediately shocked.

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