American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 411 Successfully invaded Paradise Island and found the Mother Box

It has to be said that the ambitions of the criminal company are really not small.

They were not just satisfied with killing Diana, they even wanted to invade Diana's hometown!

But how to say it.

It was precisely because of the other party's ambition that Luo Xia decided not to take action against these people for the time being.

Regardless of whether Luo Xia admits it or not, even though Luo Xia has many incredible skills now, it is equivalent to having a huge problem for everyone, but he is still not omnipotent.

Don't mention anything else.

Finding Paradise Island is not an easy task for Rorschach.

Because Paradise Island is isolated from the secular world, when God created this place, he used artifacts to block everything on Paradise Island.

The isolation here is real isolation!

Rorschach's super hearing, clairvoyance, blah blah blah, all abilities are useless.

So where to start with Diana?

Feel sorry.

Paradise Island has its own protection mechanism.

Anyone on the island will automatically forget information about Paradise Island once they leave.

Even Wonder Woman Diana!

In other words, although Diana is the princess of Paradise Island, she still doesn’t know where Paradise Island is!

Unless Paradise Island takes the initiative to contact Diana.

Therefore, if Rorschach wants to "visit" Paradise Island, he really has to rely on this criminal company.

That being the case.

"Then let you dance around for a while longer."

Rorschach happily made the decision.

After the other party finds Paradise Island, it will not be too late to wipe this company from the world.

In the days that followed, Rorschach quietly lived a heartless life with Catwoman while secretly paying attention to the situation at the criminal company.

And the people from the criminal company did not disappoint Rorschach.

After they determined that Rorschach was not someone they could afford to offend, they decisively gave up on continuing to deal with Rorschach.

Instead, they concentrated on implementing the "Paradise Island Invasion Plan."

After a month and a half of planning and implementation, it actually succeeded!

"Great! The specific location has been analyzed!"

Dr. Poison looked at the computer screen in front of him, his eyes widened with excitement, "We found Paradise Island!"

"Have you finally found Paradise Island?"

The corner of Rorschach's mouth couldn't help but evoke a meaningful smile.

This group of people in the criminal company are really not formidable. They can even do such a thing.

But Rorschach was not too surprised.

Regardless, this is also a supercompany of some of Diana's top enemies.

Many of them have been hostile to Diana for decades or hundreds of years.

Just like Dr. Poison, this person is not the same person. There are two generations of Dr. Poison before and after him.

The original Doctor Poison is dead in "Wonder Woman", and the current Doctor Poison is the granddaughter of the original Doctor Poison.

There is also Silver Swan, which is even more amazing. There are three generations in total.

All dedicated their lives to fighting against Diana.

Such a company's understanding of Diana and Paradise Island is naturally beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Although the "Paradise Island Invasion Plan" was officially implemented for only one month, the early stage also went through months and months of preparation.

Wait until the time is right and you have a certain degree of confidence before starting.

It’s no surprise that they eventually succeeded in finding Paradise Island.

"Let's go and invade Paradise Island!"

After finding Paradise Island, Dr. Poison was very high-spirited.

Without any nonsense, she gathered an army and began marching toward Paradise Island in a majestic way.

Whoosh whoosh!

A row of fighter jets soared into the sky, hidden in the vast clouds, looking so mighty and domineering.

"Then it's time for me to go!"

Rorschach is even less nonsense.

After he said hello to Catwoman, she suddenly jumped into the air.

He left Gotham in the blink of an eye and caught up behind Dr. Poison's fighter group.

At a safe distance, Dr. Poison and others were locked tightly.

that's all.

Silently tracking Dr. Poison and the others, they flew over the endless sea.

Rorschach also used his super senses to the extreme to see if he could sense anything.

But it's a pity.

Nothing was found.

All Rorschach can do now is to patiently continue to track Dr. Poison and others.



The fighter jets in front seemed to have been wiped away with an eraser, and there was no trace of them!

Not only that, but the people inside the fighter jet also seemed to have suddenly disappeared from the world.

Rorschach's super hearing could no longer hear any movement.

Swish, swish, swish!

The fighter jets at the back followed closely behind and disappeared immediately.

"found it!"

"That's Paradise Island!"

Rorschach couldn't help but feel refreshed.

There is no other explanation other than Paradise Island's "energy shield" that can make those fighter jets disappear completely under his nose.

If that's the case, then what's there to hesitate about?

Rorschach couldn't help but speed up a bit.

The person swooped across the sky and disappeared where the fighter groups disappeared.

next moment.

Rorschach immediately felt a flash before his eyes, and a whole new world appeared before his eyes.

Looking around, there were green mountains and clear waters, and various buildings full of "exotic style".

Magnificent and domineering, and also beautiful.

Especially the air, so fresh that people will become addicted to it after breathing it.

It is like a paradise on earth.

The name Paradise Island is really worthy of its name.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

But it's a pity.

Such a paradise on earth was ruthlessly destroyed at this moment.

The fighter planes brought by Dr. Poison were circling in Paradise Island, and missiles were bombarding Paradise Island one after another.

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

"Amazon warriors, follow me to wipe out the invaders!"

The female warriors of Paradise Island also quickly gathered and began to resist.

It's just a pity.

Their combat methods were very primitive, and they did seem a little powerless when facing the targets in the air.

Paradise Island suffered heavy losses for a while.

Many places were on fire.

But all this had nothing to do with Rorschach, and he had no intention of intervening for the time being.

Of course.

Rorschach would not let Dr. Poison and the others go, and would definitely kill them all, but not now.

Rorschach was now eager to see if the mother box could be extracted!

He used super vision and perspective at the same time, sweeping across the entire Paradise Island.

Soon, Rorschach's eyes lit up.

The mother box, found!

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