
A corner of the city.

"Batman, I've heard rumors about you!"

Fully armed Diana looked at Batman who blocked her way, with a serious face, "But you can't interfere in this matter!"

"I can't sit back and watch you guys do whatever you want in Gotham and destroy this city at will!"

"Even if it's you!"

"The legendary Wonder Woman!"

Batman, squatting on the wall, spoke to Diana sternly from a high position.

"Say these words to the people of the country!"

Diana was unmoved, "As long as he returns my things, nothing will happen, but you and I both know that this is impossible, right?"

Batman was silent.

He knew Diana was telling the truth.

"So, I'm going to solve this matter in my own way, and you can't stop me."

Diana said to Batman expressionlessly.

"She's right, Batman, you can't stop it."

A voice suddenly sounded out coldly.

Diana and Batman's expressions changed slightly, and they turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound.

As expected, they saw that familiar figure standing not far away.

Like a ghost.


"Homelander, give me back the Lasso of Truth."

Diana stared at Rorschach with her eyes and said in a deep voice, "Don't force me to treat you as an enemy."

"That's my trophy. You want to take it back just by talking. Do you think it's appropriate?"

Rorschach's mouth was slightly sarcastic, "Is there such a simple thing in the world?"

While talking to Diana about meaningless things, Rorschach couldn't help but look at Diana.


Fully armed.

The Starlight Flying Crown was worn on her head, and the Sword of Divine Fire was in her hand.

Needless to say, the Guardian Silver Bracelet was rarely left by Diana.

It's a pity that the Guardian Silver Bracelet is not easy to grab, after all, Rorschach doesn't know how to take it off.

But even if we use our thighs to guess, we know that it must not be brute force.

In addition, she did not wear the golden eagle armor, nor did she wear a shield.

It is estimated that in addition to the broken shield, Diana has not equipped a second shield.

If we calculate this way, the only things that Rorschach can grab this time are the Starlight Crown and the Sword of Divine Fire.

Only two!

But on second thought, the Truth Lasso brought him two thousand origin points, and the Starlight Crown and the Sword of Divine Fire should not be bad.

This wave of Rorschach can earn thousands of origin points at once.

It is also a very good harvest.

"Homelander, you left me no choice!"

Diana stopped talking nonsense with Rorschach and tightly grasped her Sword of Divine Fire.


With a shake of her body, Diana rushed towards Rorschach at an incredible speed.


But a sonic boom sounded, and a strong airflow rushed towards him.

Rorschach rushed to Diana first.

Diana's face was solemn, not daring to be careless.

She swung the Sword of Divine Fire in her hand and slashed it fiercely at Rorschach.

But the next moment.

Diana's Sword of Divine Fire was frozen in mid-air, unable to move forward any further.

It was as if someone had pressed the pause button.

Because a hand directly grasped the Sword of Divine Fire!

Rorschach's hand!


Diana was shocked, and her face was full of shock.

That was the Sword of Divine Fire!

Homelander actually grabbed it directly with his hand?

How could such a thing be possible!

But Rorschach would not give Diana time to be slowly surprised.

He took the opportunity to exert force suddenly and snatched the Sword of Divine Fire from Diana's hand in an instant.

It was so easy and relaxed.

There was suppression of strength, and there was also surprise.

But no matter what, Diana was killed by Homelander as soon as she made a move, and suffered heavy losses.

This is an indisputable fact.

"How can your body be so strong!"

"This is impossible!"

Diana still hasn't come back to her senses.

She stared at Rorschach's right hand and found that there was not even a scratch on it, which was even more unacceptable.

She exclaimed.

"What a good sword!"

Rorschach ignored Diana and played with the Sword of Divine Fire in his hand.

She looked satisfied.

The moment the Sword of Divine Fire was in hand, the system also sent a prompt sound.

This thing is also 2,000 origin points.

Rorschach was in a good mood.

"And that, I think it's also good!"

Rorschach then stretched out his hand and pointed at the Starlight Flying Crown on Diana's forehead.

Diana's anus tightened immediately.

So far, two of her equipment have been robbed by the Homelander.

If even the Starlight Flying Crown is robbed, she will only have the Guardian Silver Bracelet left!

"Homelander, you have a big appetite!"

Diana snorted angrily.


But Rorschach didn't say any more nonsense to Diana.

He swung his body and rushed in front of Diana at a super speed that Diana couldn't react to.

Diana only felt a flash in front of her eyes.

She didn't react at all, and she felt a strong force hitting her.


A dull crash sounded, and Diana flew backwards.


Diana was shocked, and a huge wave of emotion rose in her heart.

So this is the true strength of the Homelander?

Apart from anything else, the speed alone is terrifying!

It makes people completely unable to react!


At the moment when Diana was knocked away, she immediately felt a lightness on her forehead.

Not good!

Diana's face was ugly.

She subconsciously touched her forehead with her hand, and sure enough, the Starlight Crown was gone.


The next moment, Diana's body fell heavily to the ground.

A big hole was smashed into the ground.

"Wonder Woman is so vulnerable!"

Batman, who was watching the battle on the side, was like Diana, and a huge wave of emotion rose in his heart.

He had always known that the Homelander was very strong and perverted, but he did not expect that the Homelander would be perverted to this extent.

That's the legendary Wonder Woman!

A demigod!

She was beaten to a pulp by Homelander in just a few blows.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Batman would never have believed it.

"Diana, you're welcome to come back and get your sword and crown."

Rorschach held the Sword of Divine Fire in one hand and the Starlight Crown in the other, grinning at Diana who had climbed up from the ground.

"Homelander, you really pissed me off!"

Diana stared at Rorschach with anger and fear.

"Really? What can you do to me?"

Rorschach spread his hands, and his arrogant attitude made Diana so angry that she wanted to hit someone.

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