American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 399 Wonder Woman beats up Batman, Homelander beats up Wonder Woman

Wayne Manor.

Collection room.

A graceful figure was squatting in front of a safe, concentrating on trying to crack the password of the safe.

But after a few attempts, the other party stopped.

He shrugged helplessly: "It seems that I am not omnipotent."

Since the safe can't be opened, then it simply won't be opened.

The graceful figure reached out, grabbed the safe, and pulled hard.


The safe connected to the wall was suddenly pulled off!

It's that exaggerated.

Wonder Woman Diana.

Yes, this graceful figure is naturally Wonder Woman Diana.

After taking off the safe, Diana easily picked up the safe with one hand, walked to the window and opened the window.

Then he jumped up and jumped down.

The distance of more than ten meters high seemed like ten centimeters in front of Diana, which was not a big deal at all.

The other party landed easily and walked away swaggeringly.

Come to the wall of Wayne Manor and jump hard again.

In a flash, he crossed the wall and jumped onto the road outside.

He stepped forward as if nothing had happened.

Soon, the body blended into the night and disappeared.

"I never thought that a beautiful woman like you would do something like this."

But not long after, a voice suddenly came.

Diana turned around subconsciously and saw a guy wearing black clothes, a black cape, and a black mask standing on the streetlight in front of him.


After Rorschach cleared Gotham for so long, Batman finally had a role to play.

"No, I bet you don't know what I did."

Diana looked at Batman with a meaningful look on her face.

She just wanted to get back what belonged to her.

"No, I bet I do."

Batman is equally meaningful.

You know, he is Bruce Wayne!

I have just dealt with Diana, and I can say that I have a clear understanding of Diana's actions.

"Put down the safe in your hands and you can leave."

Batman's voice sounded again, and he looked at Diana seriously.

Taking into account Diana's identity and the special nature of those fragments, Batman decided to "leave a wide berth" and not send her to the police station.

"Sorry, I didn't intend to do that."

Diana just laughed.

"Then I can only say sorry to such a beautiful woman like you."


After saying these words, Batman stopped talking nonsense, opened his cape and flew towards Diana, like a bat.


But at that moment, the mantra lasso in Diana's hand shook violently.

In one fell swoop, Batman was tied up in the air.

Then Diana gave another gentle tug.


Batman suddenly fell to the ground.

Among the Justice League, Wonder Woman's power is second only to Superman and stronger than Aquaman.

Batman, a mortal human being, was no different than a little sheep in front of Diana.


Batman got up from the ground and said, "I feel sorry for that boyfriend you were arguing with."

"Don't worry, I'm a single noble."

Diana gently shook her hand and took back the mantra lasso.

"Then I feel sorry for your future boyfriend!"

When Batman said this, he rushed in front of Diana and punched Diana.


But the next moment, Batman's body flew backwards.

Suddenly it flew several meters away, smashing the street lamp where it had been hiding.

The impact made Batman feel dizzy, and he felt like all his bones were falling apart.

"The legend of Wonder Woman is indeed true!"

Batman gritted his teeth, stood up, and rushed towards Diana again with determination.


But soon.

He was knocked away by Diana again.

There is no way, in front of Diana, Batman is really not good enough.

If Diana hadn't been kind-hearted and unintentionally hurtful, Batman would have died long ago.

Diana glanced at Batman, who was no longer weak, and a proud smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Holding the safe, he started walking again.

But soon.

Diana's expression changed slightly as if she noticed something.

He turned his head sharply and looked in one direction.


Along with the sound of this sonic boom, Diana felt her eyes flash.

A young figure appeared in front of him.

Blocking Diana's way.

"People of the motherland!"

Diana's expression became serious.

Batman was just a clown in front of her, but the people of the motherland put a lot of pressure on Diana.

That's right, the person coming is naturally Rorschach.

Although those shield fragments really belong to Diana, as Rorschach said, you have lost them for so many years, and the original ownership relationship has long been abolished, okay?

If you want to snatch these pieces away, not even Wonder Woman can do it.

"Diana, put down the safe in your hands. I'm only going to say this once."

Rorschach spoke to Diana lightly.

The voice was calm, as if he was talking about something trivial.

"That won't happen."

Diana shook her head firmly.

"Whether you believe it or not, I'm actually quite happy to see you reject it, because then you give me a reason to deal with you."

Rorschach smiled, stopped talking nonsense, and rushed towards Diana with a sway.


Diana was suddenly startled.

The speed of the people of the motherland is actually so incredible?

She almost didn't react!

next moment.

Rorschach's figure appeared in front of Diana like a ghost.

He raised his fist and hit Diana hard.

Diana blocked it hastily.


A dull voice sounded.

Diana's body shook violently, and she flew backwards like a cannonball.

It hit a wall behind him hard.

Cracks were made in the wall and spread like spider webs.

at the same time.

Diana also made a move with her other hand, and the safe she was holding was immediately snatched away by Rorschach.

"Diana, do you really think my things are so easy to get?"

Holding the safe gently with one hand, Rorschach looked at Diana with a touch of sarcasm.

"Isn't it too early to be proud now?"

Diana jumped down easily and moved her hands and feet.

The moment just now seemed shocking, but in fact it had no impact on him at all.

And now, she, Diana, has decided to take it seriously!

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