By the time Rorschach appeared in front of Howard Stark's mansion, it was almost two hours later.

It was a full hour late from the agreed time.

"Howard Stark has never been let off like this, right?"

Rorschach couldn't help but think with some evil humor.

However, the incident happened suddenly. Who would have thought that Stryker would send people to attack Rorschach at this time. This is indeed not Rorschach's fault.

Ding dong!

After adjusting her mood, Luo Xia reached out and pressed the doorbell in front of the compound.

After a while, Jarvis' figure appeared.

"Mr. Rorschach? You are finally here. Mr. Stark is still waiting for you."

Jarvis hurriedly opened the door for Rorschach, with a thankful look on his face.

"I'm really sorry Jarvis, I was delayed because of trivial matters. Mr. Stark, is he okay?"

Rorschach asked casually while following Jarvis forward.

"Nothing was broken, no yelling, and considering the circumstances, I think it's pretty good."

Jarvis thought for a moment, and then said to Rorschach seriously.

Rorschach: "..."

"Jarvis, I suddenly don't want to come to the appointment. Is it still too late for me to regret it?"

"Mr. Rorschach, Mr. Stark will not eat you."

While the two were talking, Jarvis took Rorschach to Howard Stark's mansion.

The playboy stood up and complained: "Luo Xia, I have met with dignitaries, military bosses, and business giants, but you are the first one to make me wait for such a long time. "

"Then I'm really flattered... Sorry, I was late to deal with some emergencies."

"It doesn't matter. I've been waiting anyway. Besides, who asked you to save me?"

Howard Stark personally welcomed Rorschach in, and then ordered Jarvis, "Jarvis, tell the kitchen to start preparations."

In fact, Howard Stark's banquet had been prepared a long time ago, but after waiting for Rorschach for a long time, he still didn't come, so this guy had to retreat for the time being.

Wait until Rorschach comes to prepare again.

It can only be said that rich people are bold when they take action.

"Mr. Stark, I saved you as a big favor, and it can't be repaid with just one meal."

Rorschach said half jokingly and half seriously as he followed Howard Stark inside.

Just kidding, it's not easy to make Howard Stark owe a favor, but you have to take it seriously.

"Haha, of course, this meal is just to express my gratitude, nothing more."

Howard Stark smiled and said, "Come on, let me show you around my home first."

"I wish I could have it!"

Rorschach was very interested.

Whether it was in his previous life or this life, Rorschach had never been to the mansion of a wealthy man like Howard Stark, and this time it was an eye-opener.

"Let's take a look at my storage room first. I have a lot of good stuff here."

Howard Stark brought Rorschach to a very luxurious room with a hint of showoff.



This was Rorschach's first reaction when he entered the storage room. This is like a small museum, okay?

All kinds of famous paintings, antiques, famous wines and watches are piled up in every corner like groceries.

That's called randomness.

"Giotto's "The Kiss of Judas" mainly shows us the moment of psychological confrontation between Jesus Christ and Judas. Frankly speaking, I don't like this painting too much. It's too heavy."

"But you know, there are some gifts that you can't refuse even if you don't like them. You even have to pretend that you like them."

"Oh, the Great Sword of Scotland, men's favorite. As expected, Rorschach, you also like it better. Man, who doesn't like sharp weapons?"

"Yes, yes, this old antique is the world's first bicycle. Although it looks very crude now, it was the crystallization of wisdom at the time."

Howard Stark saw where Rorschach's eyes fell, and introduced Rorschach from the side.

As expected, as Luo Xia expected, the things inside were all rare treasures, which amazed Luo Xia.

"Come on, I'll show you my garage again!"

After showing off his various collections, Playboy happily brought Rorschach to his luxurious garage.

Luxury cars of various colors and styles were lined up in two long rows, making people wonder if this was a 4S store.

"How about Rorschach, these are the treasures I have collected in the past fifteen years, and they are all here!"

Howard Stark's eyes shone brightly, and he began to introduce his dazzling luxury cars to Rorschach like a treasure trove.

"Cadillac V16 has been out of production for 40 years. This is the world's first mass-produced model with a 16-cylinder engine. I spent a lot of effort to get it."

In front of a red roadster, Howard Stark showed off to Rorschach again.

But Rorschach didn't take it too seriously.

Due to the limitations of the times, frankly speaking, in Rorschach's eyes, the cars of this era are extremely old-fashioned and scummy.

【Special energy source detected! 】

But at this moment, the notification sound from the system suddenly sounded in Rorschach's mind.

This made Rorschach stunned for a moment.

At the same time, Rorschach's vision was transformed into a computer scan-like vision by the system.

In that vision, the Cadillac that Howard Stark was vigorously introducing was marked by a digital projection.

A red dot flickered on it.

Obviously, the special energy source mentioned by the system was inside that Cadillac.

"Special energy source? What does that mean?"

Rorschach couldn't help but ask in confusion, but unfortunately, the system didn't respond as usual.

[Energy source analysis...]

[Energy value: 37 origin points, status: unextractable. ]

This series of prompts confused Rorschach again.

The energy value is actually measured by origin points, and it is still shown as unextractable. Doesn't this mean that there is also a state where it can be extracted?

Then if it is extracted, can the origin points be directly replenished?

"It must be like this!"

Rorschach's eyes lit up directly. After all, the logic in it is still very simple and not difficult to understand.

The only thing that Rorschach could not understand for the time being was why this energy source was in an unextractable state?

And why would there be any energy source hidden in a car?

Although Rorschach did not quite understand what the energy source identified by the system was, he was sure that it was definitely not the fuel of the car, otherwise it would be too low.

And the energy of fuel is everywhere on the street, so it is not special.

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