"This is... not good!"

Wade's pupils shrank suddenly.

Rorschach's eyes at this moment, aren't they exactly the same as the guy whose eyes could emit lasers that he caught a while ago?

Could this guy's eyes also emit lasers?


The next moment, two extremely blazing heat rays shot towards Wade.

A sense of crisis of death came immediately.

At such a close distance, Wade couldn't even dodge.

But Wade was Stryker's top warrior after all, and his strength was also at the cheating level.

When a group of people were firing submachine guns at close range, they could split all the bullets with two swords. It wouldn't be so easy for Rorschach to kill this guy.


The sound of metal and iron rang out, and it was Wade who pulled out a long sword on his back.

Just stretched it in front of him.


Rorschach's two heat rays shot directly at Wade's sword.

Then a huge force acted on the long sword, and the long sword hit Wade's chest hard under the impact.

Wade flew backwards.

He fell to the ground like a dead dog.

Rorschach's heat ray did not stop, and continued to chase Wade to cut, but Wade was as flexible as a monkey, jumping up and down, dodging left and right.

Although it was very thrilling, he managed to temporarily avoid Rorschach's attack.

So can Rorschach shoot Wade to death within five seconds?

No one knows.

Rorschach is sure that he can definitely defeat Wade if the time is a little longer, but five seconds is still a bit short to be honest.

What's more, Stryker's other special agents are not vegetarians either.

Chi Chi Chi!

Several sounds of breaking through the air came, but several tranquilizer bullets were shot at Rorschach from several different directions.

The speed of tranquilizer bullets is much slower than that of ordinary bullets. Rorschach's current super vision and motion capture can be said to be able to see it clearly.

And his body reaction can also completely keep up with this speed.

So Rorschach did not dodge, but just quickly swept his hands in front of him.

Those tranquilizer bullets were completely caught in Rorschach's hands.


Then Rorschach looked at the special agents who shot at him, sneered, and shook his hands and shot forward.

Chi chi chi!

Rorschach used the tranquilizer bullets as darts and threw them directly.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Several tranquilizer bullets flashed in the air and turned into blurred shadows.

Its power was even greater than that fired from the tranquilizer gun.

Several special agents did not react at all and were directly hit by tranquilizer bullets.

Not only that, the huge force from the tranquilizer bullets actually knocked several special agents who were shot to the ground.

It seemed that those people were not hit by tranquilizer bullets, but shotguns.


The sound of swallowing saliva sounded, and the special agents around were all dumbfounded.

Even if they knew they were dealing with mutants, this was too exaggerated, right?

As the core force of Stryker, they had seen mutants before. In fact, Stryker's island held a large number of mutants.

Although many of those mutants had various abilities, their combat effectiveness was generally not that strong, and most of them did not even have any combat effectiveness.

For example, saber-toothed tigers could help Stryker hunt other mutants, which showed the strength of mutants at this stage.

It was rare to see someone as tough as Rorschach.


A sound of breaking through the air sounded.

It was Wade who had adjusted his state during this time, holding two swords and quickly killing Rorschach.

His two swords flashed with a cold light, carrying an extremely sharp momentum, and slashed at Rorschach fiercely.

With Rorschach's current speed, it was impossible for Wade to hit him.

He shook his body, unfolded his super speed, and avoided Wade's two swords in an instant.


The opponent's two swords slashed the ground together, splashing a few sparks.

At the same time, Rorschach had moved behind Wade.

His iron fists began to hit Wade fiercely.

Once he hit, Wade would definitely be like the werewolves in the tavern, smashed in the chest by Rorschach and died.

But Wade is not an ordinary person after all.

This guy seemed to have eyes on his back. With a flip of his right hand, the long sword went straight back.

Pointing directly at Rorschach's heart!

In this case, Rorschach naturally couldn't continue to move forward. This guy could be said to be a must-see for attacking Rorschach, so Rorschach had to dodge.

And Wade also made adjustments again with the help of this lightning moment, turned around, and continued to kill Rorschach with his two swords.

"Deadpool is worthy of it!"

Rorschach couldn't help but show approval in his eyes.

Wade's skills were really too agile, especially the two swords in his hands, which were played out of variety.

Even if Rorschach has reached a speed of nearly 80 meters per second, it is difficult to kill Wade in a short time.

After all, no matter how fast Rorschach is, can he be faster than a bullet?

Wade can even hit a bullet, so he can naturally keep up with Rorschach's speed.

The most convenient way to kill Wade is actually heat ray, but it is a pity that Rorschach cannot use heat ray at will at this stage.

Of course.

This does not mean that Rorschach is not Wade's opponent. After all, there is still a big gap in absolute strength between the two sides. There is no doubt that Rorschach can kill Wade.

It's just a little more troublesome.

"Well, I can only say that Victor died unjustly!"

While Rorschach secretly praised Wade, Wade also admired Rorschach very much.

As a master swordsman, Wade could tell that Rorschach's fighting skills were extremely shabby and had no rules at all.

But even so, Wade was overwhelmed by the opponent.

This can only mean one thing. The opponent's physical fitness is too strong, even much stronger than the saber-toothed tiger.

In fact, if the saber-toothed tiger didn't have that terrifying self-healing ability, Wade wouldn't be able to kill it just by relying on its beast-like strength and explosive power.

"If you die later, it won't be unjust either."

Rorschach raised an eyebrow at Wade, then set his gaze on a tree next to him.

The corner of his mouth curled up, "You have weapons, but I am empty-handed. Isn't this fair?"


Luo Xia hugged the poplar tree as thick as a thigh with both hands and pulled it up with force.

Click, click, click!

The soil on the ground turned up and formed piles of waves.

Under the stunned gaze of everyone, Luo Xia actually pulled out the tree!

Hoo ho ho!

He just waved it like a stick in his hand a few times, don't tell me, it was extremely smooth.

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