"Charles, what's wrong?"

Eric walked up to Charles and asked in a puzzled tone.

"Maura is here."

Charles said to Eric and Rorschach that he had sensed Maura's arrival.

Eric's face became serious.

Since Mora is here, it means that the CIA has already achieved results.

The few of them looked at each other and without any nonsense, they went to the door together and took Maura into Charles' room.

"As we expected, the CIA has disbanded our organization. From now on, you will no longer have anything to do with the CIA."

After everyone sat down, Maura spoke to everyone with a solemn expression.

This result was not beyond everyone's expectations.

The CIA really gave up on everyone.

"Fine!" Eric spread his hands, "This can't change anything, and we don't need the CIA in the first place."

"how about you?"

Charles looked at Maura and asked.

During his time working with Mora in the CIA, Charles had developed feelings for Mora that went beyond friendship.

"They said it was because of my proposal that the CIA suffered such losses, so now... I'm suspended."

Maura deliberately said in a relaxed tone, but she still couldn't hide some disappointment in her heart.

"It's the usual style of those people to find someone to take the blame when something goes wrong." Charles defended Maura.

But despite this, there is nothing that everyone can do now.

"Let's not talk about this anymore, so~ what about you, what are your plans next?"

Maura clapped her hands, changed the topic, looked at everyone and asked.

"In fact, we are planning to do something big. We are planning to give Xiao a surprise." Charles smiled meaningfully.

Then he told Maura everyone's plan.

After Maura heard this, she immediately expressed that she wanted to join in.

Even if the CIA suspended her, it could not dissuade Maura from continuing to investigate Xiao.

In the past, she was worried that she was weak and powerless, but now, her worries have become unnecessary.

With Charles and his friends, many things will become much simpler.


Charles smiled even more happily, "Maura, you are welcome to join us!"

Although Eric has always had a strong prejudice against ordinary people, he also has great trust in Maura and has not raised any objections.

Mystique Raven, Beast Hank and other mutants also expressed their strong welcome to Mora after learning about this incident.

From then on, Maura served as Charles' assistant, helping Charles to provide special training for the young mutants.

Of course, Rorschach did not receive special training from Charles, because Rorschach is the only one who has perfect control over his abilities.

Even if Charles wanted to teach, he had nothing to teach.

While others were being "drilled" to death by Charles, Rorschach was training by himself in the gym.

And this is a treatment that Eric has never had, because even Eric is being trained by Charles.

The days in Xavier Manor have become in full swing and in full swing.

I have to say that Charles is indeed extraordinary, and his knowledge of genetic variation is very profound.

For all mutants, regardless of their abilities, Charles was able to formulate corresponding training strategies and achieve very obvious results.

The nickname "Professor

In just ten days, the mutants who participated in the special training have made very obvious progress.

Although there is still a certain gap between the ability to master one's own abilities and even the combat level, compared with the original, it can still be described as "renewed".

Charles and Eric felt very relieved when they saw this.

Everything is developing in a good direction.


Magneto was being trained on the playground when Rorschach appeared.

Charles and Magneto both stopped and looked over.

"Rorschach, it's really rare. Are you willing to give it up today?"

Magneto started teasing.

During these days, Luo Xia locked himself in the training room for training every day, and basically saw no one.

"Let me review your training results." Luo Xia also teased with a smile.

During these days, he and Charles Eric have become very familiar with each other, and unlike before, they still have a completely equal relationship.

So Rorschach spoke much more casually.

"Then you came at the wrong time. I haven't surprised you yet." Eric spread his hands.

"The fact is that Eric's own abilities have been developed to a great extent, so it is more difficult than others to make progress."

Charles introduced to Rorschach on the side.

This is natural. Eric has been chasing Xiao alone for most of his life. His control of his own abilities is not comparable to that of other young mutants.

"Okay Charles, I have to go, the time is almost up."

After talking a little, Rorschach spoke seriously to Charles and Eric.

Last time at SHIELD, Howard Stark had said that he would invite Rorschach to his house for a simple meal. Rorschach thought that the other party was just talking, but he didn't expect that the playboy was serious.

He really made a formal invitation to Rorschach.

To develop a rich and powerful network like Howard Stark, Rorschach could not find any reason to refuse, so he agreed.

Charles and Eric would naturally have no objection to this.

They and Rorschach were just like-minded friends, not Rorschach's parents.

They would not ask about Rorschach's private life, as long as Rorschach would not affect everyone.

And Rorschach himself was exactly the person that Charles and Eric trusted the most.

"Rorschach, do you need a car? You can drive my car." Charles also suggested.

"Thank you, Charles. Maybe next time!"

Rorschach waved his hand and rejected Charles's kindness. He had a special car to pick him up for this appointment.

After leaving Xavier Manor, Rorschach once again came to 75th Street in New York, the street where he and Jarvis separated last time.

There, Jarvis was already waiting for Rorschach.

But what Jarvis never knew was that he was not the only one waiting for Rorschach!

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