War, S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Trident Building.

A bald-headed, bespectacled agent of the information processing department, deliberately avoiding the cameras and the attention of his colleagues, stared at the computer screen.

It was only a moment, and there were clear beads of sweat rolling down his forehead.

"Everyone, we have to speed up, we don't have much time left. "

"If the traces left by Dr. Zola can't be removed, all of us will have to die if they are discovered. "

"5 a.m., two hours at most, that's the limit, you know?"

After a quick, low roar.

Several members of Hydra, who specialize in network technology, are nervously operating on the system.

And Sitville, after tidying up his appearance a little, maintained his old image and walked towards Alexander Pierce's office~.

"Agent Sitwell!"

"Well, hard work, - do it well. "

"Thank you, sir......"

Along the way, Sitwell's expression and attitude were very well controlled, and occasionally he met colleagues on duty, and he would communicate with each other very cordially.

Not for long.

Sitwell came to Alexander's office, looked left and right, and knocked on the door.


In the middle of the room, a slightly muffled voice came from the room.

When Sitwell came in, he found Alexander, who was always kind and kind, exuding a gloomy and violent feeling, frowning and smoking a cigar.

"Sir, the personnel of the special information processing department have been adjusted, no one will notice the anomaly, and everything will be solved before 5 o'clock in the morning. "

"Well, it's best to handle it, if not, remember, don't be merciful!"

"Yes, sir, all personnel are under the watchful eye of Agent Brockrumro, and nothing has been missed. "

"Remember to report to Nick Fury about the system intrusion this evening. "

"Yes, sir, it's just a matter of the abandoned base in New Jersey...?"

"Don't worry about the affairs over there, with Dr. Zola's loyalty to the organization, he won't leave any information for the enemy, it's just a pity that our Insight Project, without Dr. Zola, alas!"

"In that case, we need to send someone to investigate ...... secretly"

"No, the explosion at the abandoned base in New Jersey can't be hidden from Nick Fury, who will help us find the enemy. "


When a large number of Hydra members in S.H.I.E.L.D. were busy all night.

At this time, Wren had already taken Isabel back to William's Castle on Dragon Ball Island.

After sending Isabel to rest.

Wren went directly to the hive under Dragon Ball Island through the hidden elevator.

The inside of the hive is no longer as empty as it used to be.

After the White House incident, after determining the fact that the Osborne Group could be broken up and changed without spending a penny, and all of them were moved under his own command.

Wren converted all the tens of billions of funds originally raised into equipment for the hive base.

The current hive is a super-large ultimate research base.

It's just that the first to move into the hive base is the team led by Professor Connors and the gene fusion experimental project he is researching for the time being.

In the future, it will become the most core scientific and technological research project under the leadership of Rennes.

Only the likes of lizard serum derivative projects will remain in the outside world and earn a huge amount of money.

But this time.

Wren came to the Hive Base, not for Professor Connors and the others, but to house Dr. Zola, who was imprisoned in the Bone Bead Chain.

The core supercomputer room of the hive base.

After Wren came here, he quickly unfolded the Twelve Yuan Chen Great Array again.

The eyes are clear, scanning all the secrets of Dr. Nazzola's true spirit.

A moment later.

Wren ignored Dr. Nazzola's various roars, threats, and howls, and his fingertips condensed a touch of extreme sword intent, slashing directly into his consciousness.

It is useless to deal with pure spiritual will, relying on mana, supernatural powers, or something.

Only the purest sword will can be meticulously carved in the sea of true spiritual consciousness.

A high degree of concentration of mental energy.

One after another sword intent edges imprinted on Dr. Nazzola's true spirit, and the lower layers of prohibitions were imprinted.

This is Wren's core and underlying consciousness coverage of Dr. Zola's true spiritual will.

The true spirit of its essence was erased by the sharp edge of the will of the sword.

As the dense rune prohibitions spread throughout his sea of true spiritual consciousness, the will from Wren began to replace and populate Dr. Zola's thinking and behavior patterns.

Superfluous thinking, don't.

For the loyalty of Hydra, delete.

The aura of wisdom, amplification.

After more than 90 minutes of meticulous engraving, a new artificial intelligence, Zola, was born.

The brand-new Zola has the powerful computing power and precise execution of artificial intelligence.

At the same time, it also retains Dr. Zola's complete wisdom aura, Zola's algorithm, and artificial genetic engineering core.

Only the bottom of its memory is filled with Wren's will.

After Wren had modified it, he imported it into the Hive's core supercomputer. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A moment later.

Massive data is continuously uploaded and modified in the hive operation system to form a new system with the Zola algorithm as the core.

Zola, who had been silent, restarted, and her mind became active again.

This time, however, Zola didn't have any idea of running away or being bad for Rennes.

Instead, it is to serve Wren wholeheartedly.


"Sir, do you have any orders?"


"Yes, the Great Master, in my data, most of the extraordinary cultivators in the East are presented in the situation of the sect, and in a variety of records, for those in power, they are called the Great Master of the Sect......"

"Hahahaha, no, it's okay to call sir in the future, follow the customs. "

When Wren heard this, a very satisfied smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Artificial intelligence, core programming, data code, genetic engineering or something, Wren really doesn't understand.

But it doesn't matter, Wren can directly modify Zola's Origin True Spirit.

When Wren's will fills Zola's true spirit, it is equivalent to replacing the other party's source code with mysterious means, so that all his thoughts will serve Wren.

Even, in order to get close to Wren's behavior pattern, he directly changed his title to the big master.

It's really, really, really, fantastic.

Next, I'll instill some of the cultivation knowledge for each other.,Try the effect and talk about it.。。

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