The brilliant light of light swirled around the void like a golden flame, and the powerful aura even distorted the air.

The appearance of Captain Marvel made everyone present intuitively feel an incomparable sense of toughness, even not weaker than the scene created by Mephisto's clone in the past.

At least, Mephisto didn't fly straight in from space.

Presumably dimensional passages, demonic flames, and the like.

Captain Marvel's posture as a cosmic powerhouse really makes people feel heartily strong and at ease.

"Is Nick Fury really dead?"

However, to everyone's surprise, the first sentence of Captain Marvel's appearance made everyone's expressions a little silent.

Since Ophelia became the head of S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.

Even now, Nick Fury is still a taboo in S.H.I.E.L.D.~.

On the one hand, the mainstays of S.H.I.E.L.D., such as Coulson, Hill, and Barton, were once Nick Fury's subordinates, and even once very loyal, and Nick Fury was even more capable.

On the other hand, Nick Fury's embezzlement of tens of billions of dollars and the concealment of the existence of the Skrulls are undeniable facts, and after being characterized as a ball rape by the Security Council and Americalica, it is even more a shame for S.H.I.E.L.D.

So after Captain Marvel mentions Nick Fury, the atmosphere becomes very weird.

It was at this time.

Ophelia stood up deservedly, although the strength in her body was far less powerful than that of Captain Marvel, but her aura was not weak at all.

Two stunningly beautiful women stared at each other in the air.

Ophelia spoke: "Carol Danvers, Nick Fury is dead, accused of embezzling huge sums of money from S.H.I.E.L.D. and colluding with the alien civilization Skrullians with the intention of destabilizing Earth. "

"These are things that we have already communicated in our newsletter. "

"If you're just here for Nick Fury, then please leave. "

"Or did you choose to go to war?"

Captain Marvel Carol Danvers is undoubtedly powerful, and even when he communicated with the other party for the first time, even the White Mansion and the Security Council felt sincerely amazed.

At that time, Carol Danvers crossed the universe with her whole body, and her strength was incomparable.

However, even the Security Council, the White Mansion and other existences are very jealous of each other.

Ophelia didn't care at all from the bottom of her heart.

I also have hole cards.

To say that Ophelia has never been accepted into the room by Wren before, and she is still a little unsure in her heart.

But yesterday night there was a fight.

Ophelia had already learned a lot of secret information from Wren, and she also knew that there were many people on Earth who could match Captain Marvel.

At the very least, Wren is not afraid of the so-called Captain Marvel at all.

However, the others present did not know Ophelia's confidence.

After seeing Ophelia's tough answer, even Tony, who has always been an extremely unruly tsundere, has a kind of admiration for Ophelia in his heart.

Two peerless beautiful women, one high and one low, confronted each other.

It's been a while.

That Carol Danvers slowly reined in the terrifying qi on his body, and the whole person fell to the ground, smiled suddenly, and said: "I heard little Joseph say before that the new director of S.H.I.E.L.D. is heroic and more temperamental, and it is really not bad. "

"As for what I asked Nick Fury, I essentially wanted to give a gift to Mother Earth, those Skrulls behind Nick Fury, there was a spaceship that stayed on Earth before. "

"In the universe, there is a mandatory rule that higher civilizations are not allowed to interfere with the development of lower civilizations, so I can't bring alien technology back to Earth, so I want to find that spaceship. "

"But now it seems that as soon as Nick Fury died, the Skrulls must have left long ago. "

Listening to Carol Danvers's words, the expressions of everyone present suddenly softened.

Ophelia's expression also softened when she heard this, and said, "Ms. Marvel, it is already a great surprise that you can not forget your original intention and return to Earth to help. "

"At the same time, on behalf of the entire S.H.I.E.L.D., and the Council, I would like to thank Ms. Marvel for her kindness. "

After the misunderstanding and temptation are over.

The two women looked at each other and smiled, but they gave birth to a trace of appreciation for each other.


Tony, who was somewhat disrespectful, said with a somewhat peacock attitude: "Oh, what an amazing ability, Ms. Marvel, introduce yourself, I am the founder of the Avengers, and I am also the chairman of Stark Group, and the smartest person on earth......"


Accompanied by Tony Sao's self-presentation. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Carol showed a very sweet smile, but in his hand, he made a slight fist, and not far away, an anti-aircraft cannon with the Stark Group logo was directly pinched into an iron ball by the void.

Even the missile inside the anti-aircraft gun exploded, and the flames could not escape.

Until this time.

Carol said, "Mr. Stark, I heard little Joseph talk about you, but obviously, the things of the Stark Group are not useful to me. "

"I don't know, Mr. Stark, do you feel like you're useful?"

It's different from the square-faced Captain Marvel in the movie.

Carol in reality, while being stunningly beautiful, is herself a half-interstellar mercenary mixed in the universe, and while acting chivalrous, she also deals with those cosmic criminals.

Just like at this moment, the wheel of the car ran directly into Tony's face, and Tony didn't dare to move.

For Tony, flirting is instinctive.

Maybe there is no malice in this, but after encountering hard stubble, I still suffer from deflatedness.

Tony didn't think his small body would be stronger than the anti-aircraft gun, not even the ship's steel armor.

Shet, how do you let yourself answer.

Moreover, this should be regarded as intimidation, even if it is not intimidation, destroying public goods and the environment or something, it is not good, what if it hits flowers and plants.

Tony's face was embarrassed at the same time. []

The others present couldn't help but snicker.

Fortunately, everyone is a future comrade-in-arms, and it didn't embarrass Tony too much.

Under Ophelia's introduction, everyone also began to introduce themselves to Carol.

But with Tony as a negative example.

The self-introduction of other people is much more formal and serious, and even the incomparably out-of-the-box Thunderbolt Johnny seems to be very honest.

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