On the Mexican Wilderness Highway.

Just when Thor was extremely weak, he was in harmony with Dominic, Mia, the Three Warriors of Asgard and others.

If Ren felt something, he looked towards the sky.

Then, a magnificent rainbow light penetrated down and became a projection of the mighty God King in golden armor.

"Bastard, take your people and go back to Asgard"

"Your Majesty Ren, we meet again. Come to Asgard to have a chat."

The rainbow bridge that reaches the sky and the earth stirs up infinite energy.

In mid-air, Odin is wearing golden armor and riding an eight-legged Pegasus. The majestic condor is like a mountain, covering half of the sky.

After seeing this scene.

Thor stood up instinctively, but under the power of Odin, he did not dare to say anything. He hugged Mia, patted Dominic on the shoulder, and walked into the Rainbow Bridge with the three warriors of Asgard.

At the same time, , Ren also turned the lunar jade ring, leaving a message to the girls of Dragon Ball Island.

Immediately afterwards, Ren walked into the rainbow bridge.

Beside him, there was the nymphomaniac goddess Sif. Boom!

The Rainbow Bridge quickly disappeared, leaving only a huge mark full of scorch marks. At this time, after a moment of dizziness, Renn directly crossed the endless starry sky and met Sif, Thor, and Asgard. The three warriors and others appeared together in Asgard.

It was much more shocking than what Ren had imagined or the scene in the movie.

The entire Asgard was like a floating continent, spread across the endless universe. In the void.

Surrounded by the vast and tranquil starry sky, a straight and bright long bridge spans thousands of meters and spreads to an endlessly glorious city.

Even from a certain distance, you can see a golden palace standing end of city



Just when Ren was looking around,

Thor also recovered a little strength at this time and greeted Odin, but he only received an unhappy snort from Odin.

After glaring at Thor angrily,

Odin's expression, He instantly became softer, looked at Ren, and said:"Your Majesty, thank you for your help and teaching to Thor in Midgard~'"

"At the same time, I would like to welcome the crown prince to Asgard. I have asked people to prepare a banquet in the Golden Palace."

Odin was more polite than Ren expected.

And facing Odin, the god-king who has ruled the nine realms for thousands of years, Ren also showed great respect.

"His Majesty has invited you three times, but Leian'an dares not to come."

"How about your Majesty taking care of the family affairs first, and Renn walking around Asgard to see the sights of the Asa Protoss, and wait until tomorrow?"

Face is given to each other.

Odin is polite and thoughtful, but Renn will not make things difficult for him.

At this time, the Rainbow Bridge has obviously gone through a toss, and Thor and others have just returned.

Lei En En had no intention of letting Odin handle family affairs in front of outsiders.

After all, family scandals should not be made public. Anyway, he was not in a hurry, so it was better not to get involved in the messy affairs of Odin's family.

After a brief exchange of greetings.

Odin quickly followed the trend and asked Sif to accompany Renn for a walk in Asgard, and help Renn settle down in a place to live.

Immediately afterwards, Odin took Thor, Heimdall, and the fairy The three warriors of Gongsan returned to the Golden Palace.

At this time, walking out of the Rainbow Bridge,

Sif also became active, staring at Renn with a pair of big eyes, like a little girl, taking Renn in Asgar. De started wandering around.

It was different from the urban agglomeration that Ren imagined.

The entire Asgard looked like an extremely dense urban agglomeration from a distance.

But in fact, after walking into Asgard, I just discovered that the buildings in the entire city are not dense, but are very sparse among the green trees, flowers and meadows that I looked at.

But each of those buildings is very tall and towering. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Therefore, when viewed from a distance, the entire city appears to be extremely prosperous and dense.

After truly integrating into the city, the internal situation of Asgard is similar to that of a scenic town. It felt quiet, tranquil, and filled with a sense of peace and leisure.

Seeing that Ren was very interested in the urban architecture of Asgard.

At this time, Sif also opened her mouth to explain:"Your Majesty Ren, Are you confused that the buildings here are too tall?"

Ren nodded and said,"I'm a little confused."

"In my opinion, a house that is too tall and empty is actually not comfortable to live in.……"

Sif smiled sweetly and said:"Your Majesty Ren, I also think that two people living together do not need to be too spacious, as long as they love each other, the room should be warmer!"


Sister, please restrain yourself, we are not talking about the same topic at all.

It seemed that he was aware that his attitude was a bit too revealing.

Sif suddenly blushed, and then changed the subject:"Your Majesty Ren, the original builders of Asgard were the ancestors of the Asgard."

"At that time, there were still a large number of giants living in Asgard, so most of the various buildings were relatively tall."

"And now Asgard is the pearl on the crown of the world."

"Creatures from the nine realms will often travel to Asgard and even go to the Golden Palace to worship."[]

"Many creatures from the Nine Realms cannot control their body size, so Asgard retains its ancient architecture.……"

With Sif's introduction.

Ren soon became interested and began to wander around Asgard.

Asgard is also a well-known large city in the universe, where all kinds of creatures live together. It has also inspired a lot of Ren En's subsequent construction of the black market space in the universe (Zhao Mohao).

The Æsir, the Light Elves, the Vanir, the Dwarves, the Mist Elves, the Stone Giants, and the Dragons.

All day long.

Renn's understanding of Asgard is no longer just superficial.

Just like Sif said.

In essence, Asgard is an international metropolis in the universe. The entire nine realms are not just nine planets, but nine worlds.

The plane world is a variant of the dimensional world.

They exist based on the World Tree and are connected to each other.

At the same time, each plane is an independent world, which is essentially no different from the entire real universe.

And Ren also learned about it from Sif's mouth.

Earth, or Midgard as Asgard calls it, is the most special existence.

But what is so special about it, Sif herself doesn't know very well..

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