Hollywood screenwriters are absolutely professional when it comes to experience, training, and plot design.

After telling the writers the basic information about Loki and Thor.

Renn no longer paid attention to the love and murder between Loki and Thor. Anyway, both of them were banned from extraordinary power.

There is Lane's reputation to support it and the Sullivan Group to take care of it.

Anyway, let the writers with their imaginations do what they want, and let Loki and Thor do whatever they want on the entire earth.

When will Renn thoroughly study Gungnir's gun?

The training between the two of them is almost over.

Return to Dragon Ball Island.

Renn did not immediately go into seclusion to study Gungnir's gun, but spent some time having fun with Gwen, Isa, Natasha, Serena, Laura, Firefox and Clarice..

After relaxing all the minds and washing away the fatigue in the soul.

Renn had just entered the underground Danfang with Gungnir's gun.

Although the restrictions on spiritual treasures and the magic restrictions on Asa's artifacts are similar to each other after reaching a certain level, there are still great differences between the two.

Restrictions on spiritual treasures, especially the magical spiritual treasures refined by Ren En.

The internal restrictions of these spiritual treasures all rely on Ren's own understanding of the laws to combine them into chains in the form of heavenly symbols and cloud seals, and use materials with the same attributes to create a composite program with special spirituality..

This kind of spiritual treasure created by restrictions has extremely strong growth potential, but it is weak in the early stage. It relies heavily on the practitioner's understanding of the law and the breadth of his knowledge.

But Asa's artifact is different.

The magic restriction inside the Asa artifact is, in essence, more like a supplement and activation of the characteristics of the World Tree itself, adding the power of the rune text itself.

The branches of the world are born with their own laws and characteristics.

Rune characters are also a manifestation of the law information generated by this world.

When the two are consistent.

Once this Asa artifact is successfully forged, it has unparalleled constant characteristics, and is more like the increase and expansion of a law.

Just like the current gun of Gungnir.

Being born with characteristics such as sharpness, hardness, and speed are the powers given by the branches of the world.

And those rune words, under the skillful hands of the dwarves subordinate to Asgard, constitute a supreme composite magic definition similar to the sky and destiny, infinitely embodying the properties of laws.

In this way, Gungnir's spear has the ultimate power of being able to hit and injure when thrown.

At the same time, the powerful characteristics of Gungnir's Spear were summarized by the Asa Protoss over the endless time, based on the inheritance of the priesthood from generation to generation.

This is why.

Ren thinks that the spiritual treasure he refined is like an acquired spiritual treasure.

The reason why the Asa artifact is like an innate spiritual treasure.

One is a tool for enlightenment. People choose tools and put people first.

One is the embodiment of the law, and it is a tool to pick people. People who are not members of the same attribute of the priesthood cannot display it.

Although this paradoxical difference cannot further advance Renn's path, it has greatly broadened Renn's knowledge and foundation.

Especially the power of the sky above Gangnir allowed Ren to finally get a glimpse of the secrets of the Asa Protoss.

The power of the Asa Protoss is essentially the power of the World Tree.

The relationship between the Asa clan and World Tree should be similar to the relationship between the prehistoric witch clan and Pangu.

The Asa Protoss itself is the aura of law emanating from the World Tree, and was conceived through natural evolution.

Therefore, people of the Asa race do not need any systematic training at all. As long as they grow along with the origin of life, the laws that accompany their blood will continue to grow.

But after generations of reproduction, this bloodline gradually degenerates.

As for the people of the Asa clan, they did not have a complete path of cultivation, which led to the fact that the physical bodies of the people of the Asa clan were gradually unable to carry the growth of that law.

After all, the law is linked to the growth of the World Tree.

The carrying capacity of the World Tree exceeds that of the Asa Protoss by an unknown amount.

In this case, after the Asa protoss grows to a certain level, they must break away from the limitations of the physical body and enter the Hall of Valor as a soul.

This method of practice and growth is of little help to Ren.

On the contrary, the runes summarized by the Asa Protoss based on their own blood and strength record a considerable part of the law information of the World Tree itself.

If one could obtain the complete rune text inheritance, it would be of great help to Ren's practice.

The knowledge of the Luofu world that Ren inherited has great power in itself. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But in any case, the differences in the world determine that the knowledge of the Luofu world is somewhat different from the laws of this world.

The complete rune text inheritance can help Renn correct this difference.

At the same time, with the rune characters for comparison, and after correcting the differences between the heavenly symbols, cloud seals and the laws of this world, Ren's cultivation, path, state of mind, and the will of the world will be more consistent.

This improvement in fit may not have much effect in a short period of time.

But as Ren's realm gets higher and higher, the origin of life becomes stronger and stronger.

Maybe to some extent, it can help Renn seize part of the world's authority from those ancient dimensional demon gods and multi-level stalwart beings.

The most typical example is the ability to seize the right to use a portion of extraordinary energy.

By then, even if he is separated from the Dragon Ball Island formation, Ren will be able to independently absorb the energy of the universe, continuously strengthen himself, and maintain his practice.

That is the real thing, where great power comes to oneself. (Qian Zhaohao)

Instead of like now, when Ren goes out for a wander, he must go back to Longzhu Island to make up for the lack of mana before the mana is exhausted.

Correct the differences between the Heavenly Talisman, Cloud Seal, and Gongfa itself and the laws of the world.

Only in this way can the path to immortality be truly integrated into this world.

Maybe by that time, the will of the world will no longer just favor and pay attention to Renn to a certain extent, but will truly regard Renn as the son of destiny who promotes the upgrading of the world.

An outsider whom God admires, and God's own son.

That weight is heavier, but Ren can still distinguish it clearly.[]

I just don’t know how many runes the Asa Protoss has.

It does not need to be as complicated and specific as the 480 million Tianfu Yunzhuan. As long as you can have one ten thousandth, it can help Renn reduce the correction time by hundreds of years..

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