The fat green Hulk is very strong, and has the talent to become more powerful the angrier he gets. It can be called the strongest creature on the surface.

However, it is impossible for human emotions to rise indefinitely on a single attribute. Anger is a temporary thing. After a while, the emotion will gradually fall back.

Therefore, although the Fat Green Hulk occasionally displays super powerful combat power that is uncontrollable.

But in general, it does not exceed the limit that humans can control today.

Even if there are hundreds of super lizard warriors unable to defeat the Fat Green Hulk, they can still drag him to eternity in a wheel battle.

What's more, it wasn't long after General Ross led his men into S.H.I.E.L.D.

Tony changed into a suit of armor and led a group of like-minded people hired with money, including Spider-Man, Daredevil, and the Fantastic Four, into the battle.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Trident Building was in full swing.

After the fight was over, Ophelia, Tony, Ross and other three parties were still fighting for the custody of the green fat man.

And this time the contract is broken.

With everything going smoothly, after three full days, Renn's men finally found the miserable Thor at the construction site where the contract had been broken.

In the original trajectory, Thor and Jane Foster unexpectedly met and fell in love at first sight.

With all kinds of help from Jane Foster, although Thor did not understand the humanities and customs of the earth, he was not too miserable. At least 910, he was able to eat.

But in the contract break, Sol was not so lucky.

Since falling into the contract, Thor began to search for his hammer recklessly and arrogantly.

Immediately afterwards, Thor's recklessness and arrogance attracted extremely friendly responses from the people of Nuoyue.

If someone is not Sol's opponent, he will directly trick the opponent.

Someone called his friends and beat Thor violently.

In just two or three days, Thor realized that he had no identity or force advantage in the city of Nuoyue, and even his brains were no match for others.

Fortunately, although Sol is not very smart, he can still read people fairly accurately.

After getting advice from a relatively friendly old man, in order to avoid being starved to death or beaten to death, Sol chose to go to a black construction site and work as a temporary worker.

Adapt to this world first, and then look for opportunities to find Thor's hammer.

After he gets back his own power of the God of Thunder, he must repay this city severely.

An informal quarry in the suburbs of Nuoyue.

Ren, accompanied by Firefox, looked at Thor through the window of the quarry office, whose muscles were tensing on the construction site, swinging the hammer vigorously, and hitting the stone hard.

Next to the two of them is a somewhat clever little leader of the Sullivan family.

In the past year, there have been many construction projects in West Central City.

Many of the Sullivan family's subordinates have made a lot of money, and some of them who are more savvy have more or less obtained some benefit transmission chains.

This little boss is one of those shrewd ones.

Relying on the Sullivan family's connections, the young boss obtained part of the material supply from a construction company.

At the same time, this little boss also united with several other gangs and recruited a lot of gangsters, stowaways, vagrants, etc. to quarry stones for himself.

Manpower wages have been reduced to the lowest, but I have made a lot of money.

Although Thor is a bit reckless and irritable, his size and strength are beyond compare.

Even among the gangsters in the quarry, he is still the most handsome.

Originally, the little boss of the quarry, after discovering Thor's strength, had prepared to recruit him as his subordinate within a few days, and even train him to become his confidant in the future.

However, just when the little boss noticed Thor.

The Sullivan family has a special missing person revelation passed down.

This little leader was extremely eye-catching, and he soon discovered that his subordinate Thor, Kuroto, had great similarities with the missing person notice within the family, and he keenly reported the news.

Only then did Ren and Firefox arrive.

After observing Nasol for a whole morning in the quarry.

Renn has been able to determine that Thor is not the kind of person with insufficient IQ, but the powerful force, coupled with Asgard's respected position (bdah) for thousands of years, has caused the opponent's brain to deteriorate.

He has a normal IQ, but is too lazy to use his brain.

For example, after having learned enough lessons in these three days.

Thor was able to adapt and change quickly and became a very skilled quarry worker.

He has basically correct moral values ​​and sufficient intelligence and emotions, but he is not particularly stubborn or stubborn.

This kind of person is actually not too far away from self-awakening. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Previously, Odin threw Mjolnir to his own place in the dimension of destiny.

In addition to inviting himself to Asgard, there is probably some kind of human relationship, asking him to help educate Thor.

It's not a bad thing to have some kind of romantic relationship with the Asa clan.

A lunch time.

Renn looked at the skilled quarryman Sol, and soon had a very complete story flow in his mind to help Sol gain enlightenment.

Immediately afterwards, Ren quickly asked Firefox to call the head of the family at the quarry.

The current little boss looks a bit familiar.

However, in this magically modified Marvel movie world, which is full of stitched plots, Renn is not surprised or surprised by such a familiar person.

After pondering for a while.

Ren said:"Bald guy, you are……"

"Dominic Toledo. The bald guy's face was full of excitement and he said:"Boss, I used to be Boss Irving's younger brother in Los Angeles, and I helped Boss Irving take charge of underground speed racing events.""

"But then I got into so many troubles and was targeted by the FBI."

"So Boss Owen said hello to me and asked me to come to the Nuoyue Headquarters for a while. Later, my girl and my sister came up with the idea to open this quarry."

The bald boy is very eye-catching.

After hearing the bald boy's words, Ren's eyes also lit up slightly.[]

It turns out that Weare is the Fast and Furious boy who was tired of logging.

He attaches great importance to love and righteousness, and he is also very courageous.

That’s it.

This is the talent I need.

Renn patted the bald Toledo on the shoulder and said:"Dominique, now I have a task for you. Yes, it's the handsome quarry guy you asked to find. Go and make friends with him."

"How should I put it? The father of that pretty boy who quarried stones is my friend. He is the king of a small country."

"And that pretty boy who quarried stones was the prince of that small country, and he was raised rotten."

"You don’t have to be too deliberate, just make friends with him. It’s best to become a family member, and then give him some worldliness and so on."

"No matter what the pretty guy from Caishi says, you just believe it and try your best to satisfy him if you have any requests."

"As for the rest, it doesn’t matter. No matter how much money you spend or how much trouble you cause, I will settle it for you.……"

I had a hangover last night, and I still have a headache when I wake up in the morning. I don’t miss more than 50,000 words every day. It’s almost the end of the New Year, so I’ll give another thumbs up to the readers!.

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