Rennes returned from Europe to break the contract, and he had the confidence to spend two months in retreat to break through.

Nowadays, all the businesses under Ren's command are controlled and protected by loyal people.

On the surface, Laura, as the executive president of the Sullivan Group, controls a billion-dollar group and has huge power.

Among the Sullivan Group, Frank and John are in charge of the action team, which is full of intimidation.

Secretly, Isabel controlled the Chaos Witches, turned into a maid, and lurked on Dragon Pearl Island.

Firefox controls the Destiny Cult, develops silently, and collects faith.

Serena became the spokesperson of the Sullivan family in the underworld, stabilizing the entire underground world.

Natasha conquered the entire Red Room and began to lay out the intelligence network of all parties.

Ophelia is back in Snake and Shield and is planning to deal with Nick Fury and Alexander Pierce.

Malena led the Blood Cross War Order and transformed into a goddess guard to guard the outskirts of Dragon Pearl Island.

There is a large group of capable women in charge.

In addition, Renn's battle with Mephisto's clone in the European black market space showed a terrifying strength that was enough to intimidate the officials of various countries.

So don’t say that 08 was just a retreat for two months.

Normally speaking, there would be no problems even if Ren was lying flat on Longzhu Island for two years.

But now, from what Gwen, Isabel, and Clarice said, it seemed that Iron Man and Spider-Man were fighting against the forces under their command.

Even the three little ones, Gwen, Isabel, and Clarisse, came out to fight.

It took me three years to build a global power. Is this cool?

Looking at Ren's confused look.

Gwen, Isabel, and Clarisse immediately laughed out loud. Seeing that they couldn't hide the matter, they simply told Ren about it.

It turned out that during the two months of retreat in Rennes.

The development of the official trend was just as Ren expected.

After Renn showed that he was powerful enough to suppress the Hell Demon God's clone, all the small thoughts and tricks used by all parties around the world to target Renn suddenly restrained themselves.

Even Nick Fury and Alexander Pierce have become quieter and more restrained.

It made Ophelia complain several times.

It was said that Renn ruined his own big thing and showed his super strength, scaring Nick Fury and Alexander Pierce into shrinking turtles and making it difficult to make a move.

But no matter how strong Ren is, there are always some tough guys who are not afraid of him.

For example, Tony Stark suffered a great disaster at the hands of the Ten Rings Gang and returned as king.

While in retreat for a month in Rennes.

Tony Stark relied on his clever brain to create the 1.0 version of the Mark Armor in the broken cave, killed the Ten Rings Gang, and returned to America.

A few days later, the Stark Group broke the news about the battle between Iron Man and Iron Overlord.

From the mouth of the Iron Overlord Obadiah Stan, Tony Stark learned about the secret deal between Ren and the other party.

Originally there was a miniaturized Ark reactor.

Tony Stark didn't particularly care that the Sullivan Group had obtained the manufacturing blueprints for the large Ark reactor, it was just backward technology.

But when I think about myself as a super VVIP customer of Sullivan Group's Lizard Serum.

Lizard Serum has only been on the market for a few months.

Tony has contributed nearly $100 million to the Sullivan Group.

Ryan Sullivan also sold thirty-six undead knights to Obadiah Stan for a little bit of backward technology, causing him to almost die.

This made Tony very unhappy.

After killing Obadiah Stan, Tony put on his steel armor and came to the Sullivan Building to find trouble.

At that time, Isabel was idle and bored, dawdling around in the Sullivan Group.

After Tony came uninvited, and saw Isabel's stunning beauty, he immediately teased Isabel in a mean-spirited way.

Then Tony was directly repaired by Isabel without any moral ethics.

It was the kind of person who used witchcraft to immobilize Tony's soul when he wasn't paying attention, and then hired seventeen or eight super lizard men and various strongman-locked repairmen.

He was knocked down by a little girl named Isabel.

Tony finally escaped back to his lair in embarrassment with the help of the artificial intelligence Jarvis, relying on the iron shell suit.

After returning to his lair, Tony, who refused to admit defeat, began to upgrade his armor frantically. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Especially Tony didn’t know from which force he got the psychic protection metal (Magneto’s helmet).

After upgrading the steel armor, Tony came to the Sullivan Building to cause trouble again.

With the power of psychic protection, Isabel's little magic of controlling objects and gods is naturally no match for Iron Man.

But just when Isabel was defeated.

Gwen, who was doing chivalry on the street, happened to fall from the sky.

With another wave of unscrupulous spider web sneak attacks, Tony Stark once again jumped into the street.

Fortunately, the biggest advantage of the steel armor is that it is hard enough, fast enough, and it can also come with auxiliary flying skills.

Tony Stark, who escaped again, learned from his mistakes after returning to his lair. He revitalized his steel armor and installed an anti-sneak attack function and an automatic laser net-breaking device.

At that time, Maguire's version of Spider-Man was born in a botanical garden.

Tony Stark felt that Spider-Man was a good character, so he formed an alliance with him.

Then challenge Isabel and Gwen again.

Maguire's version of Spider-Man is still very capable. After teaming up with Iron Man and wearing equipment sponsored by local tyrants, he is on par with Isabel and Gwen.

It is different from the solid and reliable characters of Iron Man and Spider-Man.

Isabel and Gwen, who felt that they would suffer if they didn't win, once again showed no martial ethics and secretly called Clarisse, and a sneak attack beat the two of them into pig heads again.

Clarice's portal came too suddenly[]

Tony's anti-sneak attack function didn't even have time to react, so he could only drag Spider-Man away.

Not long before Ren was released from seclusion.

After Tony Stark returned, he didn't know what precautions he took, or what foreign aid he brought in, and once again challenged the three girls Isabel, Gwen, and Clarice.

Listening to the three girls Isa, Gwen, and Clarice talking to each other.

Renn couldn't help being speechless.

I didn’t expect Iron Man and Spider-Man to be so miserable and so stubborn.

However, this is in line with Tony Stark's personality, who mainly plays a tsundere who refuses to admit defeat.

Code writing until 3:30 in the morning, please subscribe, ask for monthly votes, and ask for attention..

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