Renn didn't know about the negotiations and dirty talk between the demon apostle and the dark elf prince.

After spending most of the day shopping in the entire black market.

Ren looked at the three girls Natasha, Serena, and Marlena who were still in high spirits, and he felt extremely depressed.

Creatures like women are really unreasonable when shopping.

If those damn devil apostles and dark elves don't take action, the little patience I still have for the time being will be exhausted.

"It's them, these people just robbed me of my family heirloom and they didn't pay me back"

"Lord Demon, please punish them severely."

Just when Ren was thinking about whether to turn against him and overthrow the entire black market, a group of people looking for trouble finally arrived in the middle of the street.

A group of people wearing purple and black ferocious armor and riding nightmare horses The demon guards, led by a little devil, quickly surrounded Ren and his group.

Then, under the protection of a group of demon guards, the demon apostle and the dark elf in a cloak finally appeared surrounded by them. Come on.

However, before the demon apostle spoke.

02 Ren was already a little impatient and said:"You are the manager of this black market, right? And that skinny guy with a white face, is he shameless?"

"What about the elves? All elves look like this? The elves felt very insulted.……"

Ren's violent attitude made the demon apostle suddenly startled.

I haven’t even used the routines I prepared yet.

Is the other party so polite?

Just when the devil apostle was confused.

The dark elf prince Nuada was ridiculed by Ren. He could no longer suppress the anger in his heart. He lifted up the black cloak and swung the short stick in his hand, turning it into a spear.

"Damn human scum, I, the dark elf, am the orthodox elf"

"Those weak light elves and plant elves have turned their backs on the gift of the goddess of nature."

"They are nothing more than Odin's lackeys."

Ren didn't expect that his casual words would actually hit the opponent's lungs.

In fact, it's normal.

As early as the age of gods, the goddess of nature fell, and most of the elves took refuge in Ah after the defeat of the war. The god-king of the Sacred God family moved to other regions of the Nine Realms to live.

Only the dark elves could compete with Odin at their peak.

At the same time, because of the power of the dark elves, the entire race was slaughtered by Odin. Most of them were also deprived of ether particles and expelled into the dimensional gaps of the nine realms.

On the contrary, other elves who took refuge in Odin became symbols of beauty in the spread of mankind.

They became worse and worse, and those of the same race The traitor got better and better.

The dark elf prince naturally couldn't stand Ren's words.

And the moment Nuada jumped out.

Whether it was Ren or the devil apostle, they all laughed in unison..

Immediately afterwards, Ren's face darkened and he said:"Devil Apostle, manager of the black market, is this how you treat guests? Or are you just here to cause trouble? The devil apostle laughed and said:"The black market does not prohibit the settlement of personal grudges. This is a matter between you and Prince Nuada. Even as a manager, I cannot interfere.""

The tactics of fighting and blackmailing are no longer available for the time being.

At this moment, the demon apostle almost without hesitation pushed the dark elf out to be the spearman.

The prince of the dark elf glanced at the demon apostle, but did not refute..

Mainly because of Ren's words, they pierced the bloodiest scar in the heart of the dark elf prince.

In this life, what Nuada hates most is obedience and respect for human beings.

What Nuada wants to do most in this life is to be completely Tear apart human aesthetics.

Why are those traitors beautiful?

But my own dark elves, the most orthodox elven bloodline, are considered ugly.

They are all those damn humans, damn traitors, and the damn Asa clan.

There is nothing more to say, let’s start killing.

Look at the furious look on the dark elf prince’s face. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Renn was also speechless and patted Marlena’s butt/butt. , said:"Commander of my Valkyrie guards, it's up to you to have a fight with this ugly elf prince."

The elf prince was stimulated again. Without thinking, a bit of cold light came out, and he came towards Ren.


At the moment when the gun light broke through the air, a bright holy sword flashed and blocked it..Marlena was taken advantage of by Ren, but she had to show her platinum armor and holy sword and shield, like a Valkyrie, to stand in front of Ren.

"Your opponent is me!"

After the cold words fell,

Malena was like lightning, holding the sword and shield, and charged towards the dark elf.

As the battle began, the demon apostle came with an increasingly cunning smile, and the wand in his hand He punched the ground hard, and soon there was a folded magic space, covering Malena and the dark elf.

Then, the demon apostle looked at Ren, Natasha, and Serena.

"This customer has come to the black market and must abide by my rules. Please hand over this succubus lady."

"Succubus, are you talking about me? Cackling!"

373 Natasha smiled sweetly, her eyes were cold, but her ultimate charm was like a hook, teasing the desires and aspirations of more than 70% of the creatures present.

Especially the little devil, chirped:"Master Demon, she is the succubus passed down from my family's ancestors.……"[]


Before the little devil finished speaking, the blood in his body had already turned into fire of desire, burning it up.

Even his soul was ignited by Natasha's glance.

Saw this scene.

The demon apostle also turned his face away and said,"Guests, you are making it very difficult for me to do this."

Natasha turned her gaze to the demon apostle. Her six-desire magical power was invisible and formless, making it even more difficult to guard against.

Before the demon messenger could react.

A touch of soul desire ignited his palms. laugh!

The demon messenger did it simply and cut off his arm in an instant, looking at Natasha fiercely.

Natasha sneered and said:"It's difficult to do, so don't do it!"

Then, Natasha dodged like a female leopard, with a flash of lightning, and fought with the demon messenger.

Until then.

Ren's eyes just fell on the open space on one side of the street and he snorted coldly.

Immediately afterwards, Victor from the Jinting clan appeared, slightly staggering, a little embarrassed and fearful..

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