Ophelia will plan the affairs of the Serpent Shield Bureau, and Stern, Sloan and other members of the Cult of Destiny will cooperate.

Gwen went back to college to study.

Laura still takes care of the bright side of the entire group.

Firefox recently took Wolverine, Bishop, Zhengtu and others to inspect the underground world.

Even Isabel, after Ren brought back the obelisk, and a group of maids, fell into a kind of fanatical research.

None of these things can be accomplished overnight.

For a moment, Renn was at leisure.

And when Ren was free, he naturally suffered from Clarice.

After all, Renn has already achieved great success in the Yin-Yang Hehuan Dao.

In the past, people such as Gwen and Isabel, Isabel and Laura, Laura and Natasha, Natasha and Firefox, etc., had already started to form a team to defend Renne.

Now Clarice was the only one left, and facing Ren's powerful attack, she could only cry.

It's early morning again.

After Ren finished his daily breathing of purple energy, he returned to the room and patted Clarisse.

Clariston, who was getting more and more confused, refused instinctively and said:"I won't come, I won't come, I really don't want it, it's full, and people will die."


"Silly girl, I want you to have breakfast. I will have the newly produced Lingmi Fire Date Porridge as soon as possible for you to replenish.

Clarisse reluctantly opened her eyes and said pitifully:"Really?""


For Clarisse's appearance, Ren really couldn't refuse.

After a hard meal.

The breakfast table at Castle William.

Clarisse was like a ragdoll that had been spoiled by play, sipping porridge with every mouthful, and from time to time, she would give Ren a lesson with her eyes.

But whenever Ren raised his head to look at her, Clarice would lower her head and drink the porridge with great care.

At this moment, Clarice missed Ophelia extremely

"Okay, okay, I’ll give you some time off recently to practice the Void Sutra at home."

"When I come back, I will check your practice progress."

When Ren saw Clarisse's little appearance, he felt a little bit of pity in his heart.

It wasn't that Ren was too greedy.

It was that after practicing double cultivation with Clarisse, Ren discovered the other party's innocence. There is a hint of the meaning of the law of space hidden in the yin energy.

After refining this pure yin energy, which contains the true meaning of the law of space, into the Tao foundation,

Ren can greatly enhance his practice of space attribute magic and magical powers.

Even Even the spark portals, space portals, etc. that Ren could not learn before were able to be transformed smoothly and used for his own purposes.

Including shrinking the earth into an inch, the five ghosts flying technique, and even the sacrifice of the lunar jade ring, which greatly improved his ability. Increase.

This is Ren En's gluttony.

However, after the last double cultivation this morning, the true meaning of space in Ren's Daoji has been completely stabilized. In the future, the dual cultivation will continue to grow, but there is no rush.

Just in time, it also allowed Clarice to digest the results of her dual cultivation in the recent period.

After hearing Ren's assurance, Clarice just curled her lips.

But after finishing breakfast, she saw that Ren really let her go for the time being. , Clarisse suddenly became happy and disappeared into William's Castle. Dual cultivation or something, it was good.

But the feeling of lying in bed all day and unable to move was terrible.

Ally, no, It’s a best friend.

Now I urgently need to find a good best friend with whom I can form an alliance. It can only be Ophelia, who happens to have to deal with Alexander and Nick Fury recently. If I go to help, the other party will definitely be very grateful to me.

Clara Liz's disappearance left Ren a little speechless.

Wasn't it because of the feedback from the element-devouring beast that his physical fitness had increased three times. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A little trash.

After the calm meal,

Renn went to Isabel's newly built witch school to take a look.

The rune array on the obelisk seemed very obscure even among the schools of witches and mages with the most extensive knowledge of spiritual practice in the West. Profound.

In recent times.

If Isabel hadn't been acting coquettishly and attracting the ancient mage as a foreign aid.

Maybe it would take even more time to get started with the analysis of the rune array of the obelisk.

Even if With the participation of the Ancient One Mage, it will take at least one or two months to complete the analysis and reproduction.

And in this one or two months,

Renn is going to visit the Russian Bear Country and Europe. Let's go shopping.

Natasha and Serena, after traveling to Russia and Europe, are like missing persons, often not replying to a message for two or three weeks.

Renn would like to take a look.

Look at the red house What are the abilities of the Jinting Blood Clan that have delayed the two women for so long?

After bidding farewell to Isabel,

Renn went to the Underground Hive, Sullivan Building, Destiny Cult, New York University, and S.H.I.E.L.D., respectively. After inspecting it and saying goodbye to Gwen, Laura, Firefox, Ophelia, Clarice and other girls, they opened a doorway that exuded the light of white bones and jade.[]

Go through the portal with a jade-colored halo.

When Ren's figure appeared again, he had arrived at a high mountain covered with snow.

Natasha's lunar jade ring mark is in this snowy mountain. as expected.

When Ren's mind swept away, he quickly found clues in a pure white snow pit.

I have to say that Natasha has a way of lurking.

If you didn't scan with your spiritual sense and just observed with your naked eyes, even Ren wouldn't notice Natasha's existence in this short distance of less than ten meters.

The magic of Heavenly Demon Shaoyin is best at simulating and transforming all things, and can blend with all things.

Natasha's latent experience and talent, coupled with the cooperation of Demon Shaoyin, are really powerful.

The five ghosts are operating in the air and walking in the void dimension.

With a bit of bad taste, Ren came to the edge of where Natasha was hiding, preparing to give her a surprise.

And just before Ren got close to Natasha.

But at this time, Natasha's expression had changed slightly, and she pressed the remote control device in her hand instantly.

Immediately afterwards, in the snow valley basin below the hillside, there were terrifying fires and explosions, which erupted continuously.


At the moment when Ren was surprised, the aura leaked out and the figure was revealed.

Natasha's pretty face was already cold, and the extremely weird Six Desires magical power enveloped the surroundings, which made people confused. At the same time, there was a Widow's Sting with electric light. , stabbing Ren's neck.

"Oh, let me go and murder my husband!".

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