Okinawa garrison base.

When Ren came out of the high-rise dormitory with his arms around him, the officers of the Seventh Fleet who came to receive Ren were stunned.

The chairman of the Sullivan Group really has a big heart.

Just yesterday evening, fireworks were set off all night long in Japan, and countless thugs were rioting.

And this instigator actually took two such beautiful girls to sleep.

In an instant, the officer felt that those Japanese people who had offended Ren were quite worthless.

"Mr. Sullivan, Commodore David asked me to pick you up to visit the USS Nimitz again."

"That's good, let's go, I'm tired of staying here."

Under the leadership of the officers of the Seventh Fleet.

Not long after, Ren brought Ophelia, Clarisse, Logan and others to the Nimitz aircraft carrier again, and saw a slightly anxious David.

In order to please Ren, David worked very hard last night and bombed Japan all night.

And in the agreement between the two parties,

Ren was going to hand over to him some of the evidence about Japan's resistance to America today..Although that thing is a shield, if not, even if he can escape from this Japanese bombardment, he will be in a lot of trouble.

Fortunately, the first time he saw Renn.

Renn With a smile on his face, Ophelia took a suitcase from the audience next to him and handed it to David.

"David, with this, you will become a real general."

Hearing Ren's words, David's eyes lit up.

Immediately, David quickly asked someone to protect the suitcase and said:"Ren, what do you mean?…?"

Renn smiled mysteriously and said:"There is a surprise, you will like it."

The surprises Renn mentioned were exactly what Ophelia provided, some experimental videos about the Bigfoot Gang's creation of orcs and war beasts, and Part of the planning information for the attack on the American garrison.

Before, when Ren and others left the Okinawa base.

Over the Okinawa base, misty light rain has begun to fall.

It won't be long before the garrison troops in those Okinawa bases may have a large number of so-called perfect evolutions.

For America, this was definitely a terrorist attack.

And it is the most insidious and vicious biochemical terrorist attack.

Although this will sacrifice a large part of the garrison in the Okinawa base, it can also further prove the correctness of the Seventh Fleet's bombardment of Japan.

As for how David reports to the military headquarters, it all depends on his eloquence.

On the aircraft carrier, I had another brief exchange with David.

Renn did not continue to wait for the Japanese monsters to slowly grow up here. Instead, under the escort of David, he transferred to Hong Kong Island and took a plane back to America.

It won't take long for the Japanese Monster Park to be fully formed.

During this period of time, Renne's appearance around Asia and Japan could not be concealed.

But fortunately, Renne has always stayed in the garrison base.

Over thousands of American garrison troops, as well as the entire Pacific Seventh Fleet, would prove that Wren had nothing to do with the impending monster disaster in Japan.

And there is also a very good reason for Renn to come to Asia and Japan.

With the help of the Seventh Fleet and the Okinawa garrison, Ren only came to retrieve the lost blood orchid.

That's right, when Ren went to the Yashida ancestral land, there were still a lot of blood orchids left.

Shredder escaped in a hurry, and Ophelia was very well-behaved.

Therefore, most of the blood orchids that were originally lost were found again.

With the blood orchid, Renn couldn't wait to start cultivating and evolving his own five-element spiritual insects.

Back to after the negotiation.

Ren casually set restrictions on Ophelia, Clarice, Logan and others, and after sending everyone to the Sullivan Group, they hurried back to Dragon Pearl Island.

Longzhu Island Underground Hive Laboratory.

In a biological environment simulation room that has been expanded more than ten times.

Renn's heart boiled as he looked at the Green Lizard, Red Scorpion, Jade Toad, Golden Centipede, and Black Snake among the Five Elements Jedi.

Since the establishment of the foundation, Renn has been planning many things in America. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It took nearly a whole year, all for today and for practice.

A flash of spiritual light fell casually, and the Five Elements Spirit Gathering Formation was fully activated.

Zola turned into a cloud mirror, which projected all the records and data of all five-element spiritual insects.

"Sir, would you like to start experiments on the blood sublimation and gene migration of the Five Elements Spirit Insects?"

"That's right, first select the suitable insect swarm and open it for fighting, then activate the poison-raising rune formation to stimulate the bloody nature of the insect swarm."

Accompanied by Ren's voice.

With Zola's assistance, the biochemical environment simulation chamber, which had been operating quietly, began to undergo huge changes.

Misty runes shone everywhere in the simulation chamber..

The extremely pure star aura, after being transformed through these rune channels, turned into a blood evil aura.

And with the stimulation of the blood evil aura, the insect swarms that had maintained a leisurely life suddenly became violent..The blood is boiling, and the evolutionary instinct of killing and devouring is spreading.

Including the five major groups of green lizards, red scorpions, jade toads, golden centipedes, and ink snakes selected by Ren, all of them have activated their hunting instincts.[]

"Sir, according to the"Spring and Autumn Fanlu Five Elements" record, the sky has five elements: one is wood, and the other is fire.……"

"Wood is the beginning of the five elements; water is the end of the five elements; earth is the middle of the five elements."

"I would like to ask whether we should choose the green lizard insect group as the primary experimental target?"

Today's Zola is becoming less and less like a human being.

Other artificial intelligences constantly anthropomorphize the program and eventually form human thinking patterns.

But Ren's artificial intelligence continuously pours in a lot of immortal knowledge. Then he erased his humanity and excess aura, and transformed more and more into a weapon spirit.

After hearing Zola's suggestion,

Ren thought for a moment, turned around, and had arrived at the periphery of the Muxing Jedi Experimental Warehouse.

An area of ​​more than a hundred square meters. In the rainforest simulation environment, there are forty-nine species of wood-type spiritual insects.

Thousands of insects are hidden in them. If it were not for the isolation of the bulkhead, I am afraid that an extreme fight would begin in the next moment.

"The wood of the five elements, the main source of vitality, is the origin"

"Wood is called"bright" and has the properties of growth, growth, straightness and comfort."

"Wood also responds to the liver and is responsible for the guidance and regulation of human qi."

"That's fine, just start with the Wood-walking Spirit Insect first."

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