In a very ordinary boxing gym on Hong Kong Island, everyone from the Triads to the mutants stood silently.

Only in the center of the room.

Ren sat upright, drinking tea, and listened to Mariko telling the whole story.

Nearly a month ago, after Frank received the mission from Renne, he rushed directly to Asia.

Frank's acting style is naturally more explosive.

After arriving in Asia, Frank first visited several shipping tycoons in Southeast Asia in a very friendly manner with the help of the Sullivan family's information, and also eliminated several groups of pirates.

After the initial shock, Sullivan Group's shipping operations returned to normal.

Then Frank went directly to Japan.

Frank was somewhat restrained when it came to dealing with those shipping tycoons and so on. He was just visiting.

But when it comes to Hand Club's"523" and the like, Frank's methods are rough and explosive.

Hundreds of second-generation super lizard warriors directly transformed into an unstoppable super battle group. As long as they found the Hand's stronghold and members, they would transform and sweep them on the spot.

On several occasions, Frank led a large group of super lizard warriors and almost rushed directly to the Japanese capital.

Later, even the Japanese officials no longer paid attention to the Hand's request for help.

At that time, three of the remaining four fingers of the Hand were chopped off by Frank, and the remaining one was seriously injured.

As a last resort, the last finger of the Hand turned to the Yashida family.

It brought a lot of secret extraordinary information to the Yashida family.

As the top chaebol in Japan, the Yashida family cannot confront Frank and others head-on, but it is relatively easy to just hide the news.

At that time, Laura was in New York and directly acquired Byron Mickey Biotech.

After receiving a message from Laura, Frank temporarily withdrew his troops from Japan and instead cooperated with Byron Mickey Biotech Company to go to Borneo to collect blood orchids.

And just when Frank was heading to Borneo.

In order to extend his life, the head of the Yashida family, Ichiro Yashida, contacted the Bigfoot gang through the mutant therapist Ophelia around him, and directly swallowed the last power of the Hand.

The Bigfoot Gang helped Yashida Ichiro recruit Wolverine Logan as promised.

But when extracting Wolverine Logan's life source, Ophelia and the Bigfoot Gang backstabbed him again.

The purpose of Ophelia and the Bigfoot Gang has never been to help Yashida Ichiro realize his dream of immortality, but to annex the entire Yashida family.

At the same time, the Bigfoot Gang did not know where they got a biological evolution mutation liquid.

Relying on Wolverine's powerful life source, Bigfoot used biological evolution mutation fluid to give birth to a large number of war beasts.

However, Wolverine's resilience has been greatly weakened due to his long-term use of genetically modified food.

After spawning a large number of war beasts, Wolverine lost too much of his life source at once, causing him to fall into a coma, recover very slowly, and become dying.

At this time, the other party learned about the Blood Orchid through the power of the Yashida family.

The other party used the last finger of the Hand to set a trap in Japan and spread the news.

After Frank got the news, he fell into the trap of course and was trapped directly.

But because Ophelia and the Bigfoot Gang are too insidious and bad in their behavior.

When the other party planned to ambush Frank and others, Ophelia's mutant subordinates Bishop, Blink, and Zhengtu, together with Mariko and her guards, rescued Wolverine.

It wasn't until he hid his traces all the way and used some loyalists of the Yashida family that he escaped to Hong Kong Island.

Mariko once had some friendship with the Triads, so she hid in this boxing gym.

Immediately afterwards, there was the sudden arrival of Ren.

Time for a pot of tea.

Mariko told the whole story clearly and clearly.

And Ren finally knew why news about Frank and others had not come out recently.

After Ophelia took down the Yashida family, she cooperated with Hydra, Bigfoot, Hand, etc., and now seems to have controlled more than 80% of the light and dark forces in Japan.

In a sense, if it weren't for the Emperor of Japan, there would still be the last remaining power to protect the country.

The entire Japan can basically be regarded as Ophelia's private country.

And Ophelia's identity is even more outrageous than Ren imagined.

This woman is considered to be the second generation of Madam Viper of the Viper lineage in Hydra. She is also a Grand Duchess of Australia and a member of Hellfire, a secret organization of mutants.........

No one knows how many identities this Viper Lady has.

But there is no doubt that every identity of the other party has certain resources and power. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As for now.

Ophelia and the Bigfoot Gang are using blood orchids to improve and transform the biological evolution mutation fluid, and at the same time cultivate more war beasts to guard against reinforcements from the Sullivan Group.

It can be said that Japan today is almost full of traps from Ophelia and the Bigfoot Gang.

After gathering all the information.

Triad members such as Liangzi Nan were all dumbfounded at this moment.

For a long time, in the perception of Liang Zainan and others, Xu Wenwu was the same underground overlord in Asia as Ren was in America.

Unexpectedly, there is such a huge creature as Mrs. Viper hidden under the seemingly calm water.

Renn, on the other hand, didn't have much fear about Ophelia's ability, but instead appreciated it more.

At this time, Ophelia basically controlled the entire Japan.

For Renn, it is not difficult to rescue Frank and others.

But if Ophelia and the forces behind her were to be taught a lesson, the commotion caused would probably cause an international sensation and even cause official fear and disgust in many countries.

1.6 If it is fueled by Hydra, it will be difficult for the Sullivan Group to develop in the future.

Regarding Ophelia and Japan, we need to put it on hold for a while.

After Ren thought about it, he turned to look at Shuang Shui, Zheng Tu and Bishop.

As an American congressman, a White House senator, the chairman of the Sullivan Group, and the overlord of the underground forces in America, Lane is very aware of many secrets in this world.[]

In the 1960s, the Brotherhood of Mutants, X-Police, etc. existed and were still very active.

Plus now the appearance of Flicker, Zhengtu, and Bishop.

Lane has determined that this world is integrated with the movie universe after"Cops" Days of Future Past.

I just don’t know what the current situation of the mutant forces is..

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