The destruction of the Cente family was beyond Frank's plan, but not completely.

The whole operation was completed within an hour after all.

But the black-skinned and clawed monster, and the beads in his hand that could turn into a dry bone demon, made Frank's heart ripple.

Fortunately, an hour later.

Led by the little boss Owen, Frank came from the underground parking lot of the Presbyterian Hospital to a hidden underground palace building, and met Wren.

This is a practice place that Wren expanded on the original underground palace after taking over the Presbyterian Hospital.

The place where the magic weapons are cultivated and the bone demons are cultivated, the evil qi is too heavy, and it is not suitable for cultivation.

So after separating a forbidden place.

Wren has also created a special cultivation place, which has a better environment and is more suitable for living and cultivating.

It's a dojo-like environment, more like a pagoda pedestal.

The entire dojo is also in the shape of gossip, connected to the forbidden place behind it, like the first half of a gourd.

And the moon gate, which is connected to the forbidden land behind, is in the shape of a Taiji circle.

On the moon gate, there are more dense jade inlays, and each piece of jade is engraved with heavenly runes and cloud seals, forming a kind of formation, inhaling the rolling stars and spiritual energy of the forbidden land into the dojo.

At the same time, there is a special prohibition on the moon gate.

Without Wren's permission, even the Hulk may not be able to break into the forbidden land behind.

After Frank and the little boss Owen arrived.

Wren quickly finished his practice, got up from the futon on the high platform of the dojo, and led the two of them to a room similar to a living room.

In this room, there is an incomparably delicate rockery and flowing water, as well as a lotus flower in Jingtan.

Clear flowing water, surrounding the rockery and the small canals at the foot, merging into the quiet pool, condensing the white mist.

This water is the spiritual water that has been nourished by the aura of the stars.

That lotus flower is a rare spiritual plant specially cultivated by Rennes.

The clear springs of mountains and rivers, together with the gathering of spiritual plants, form a bizarre feng shui pattern, which can calm the mind and nourish the spirituality.

It's a pity that in that quiet pool, there are still two spirit fish.

Otherwise, the still water creatures, this feng shui bureau, can be completely activated, and the utility will be increased several times.

But even so.

The unity of heaven and man, which is unique to Oriental Taoism, also shocked Frank.

"Boss, is there any magic applied here?".

"I feel that here, the originally manic and bloodthirsty mind has become extremely peaceful and comfortable. "

Frank is not the kind of person who twists and turns, and directly asks his own questions.

At the same time, this is undoubtedly a kind of temptation for Wren.

It can only be said that this kind of temptation is too rough.

But for a typical American soldier tough guy like Frank, this is probably the limit.

"This is my temporary cave house in the center of the city, well, you can understand it, a research institute with a living environment. "

"And the power I practice is not magic, but Taoism. "

"In this cave, there is the aura, that is, the extraordinary natural energy that you perceive to be diffused, and after being arranged, a special magnetic field is formed, which can calm people's minds and nourish wisdom. "

Wren quickly ushered the two into their seats and made tea with his hands, which was very noble.

After a few moments, a pot of spirit tea was brewed.

That Owen had been here once, and after seeing the spiritual tea in front of him, the whole person suddenly showed obvious joy and expectation, and carefully sucked the tea.

In fact, this spiritual tea is not a treasure.

After all, this piece of Dojo in Rennes has only been built for a little over a year.

The so-called spiritual tea is just the aura dipped into the water, after brewing, ordinary people can drink it to remove a certain amount of dark wounds, so that sub-healthy people, back to a healthy and full state.

But even so, for a black bastard like Owen, it is very precious and magical.

Seeing this, Frank was also a little curious, and after tasting it, he just finished it in one gulp.

"BOSS, to be honest, this water is a bit bitter, not very tasty, it might as well have some whiskey, if it really doesn't work, rum or vodka will do. "

Hearing Frank's words, Wren also had a black line on his face.

Made, I know, it is in vain to expect these barbarians to taste the life of the tea ceremony.

Wren glanced at Frank with disdain and said, "Wild boars can't eat fine chaff, and wait for the aura in the tea to exert itself." "

Wren calmly sipped his tea.

Even Owen, sucking the tea little by little, also glanced at Frank with disdain.

As soon as Frank wanted to say something, the aura in the tea had already begun to diffuse, as if there was a fine and dense warm current, with a strong vitality, repairing the infinite dark wounds in Frank's body.

This feeling is even more comfortable than letting a girl do a spa in a hot spring.

It's a full five minutes.

After the effect of the aura in the tea was completed, Frank's face also revealed a feeling of unfinished business.

After a pause, Frank was cheeky and said, "BOSS, you're right, I'm a wild boar, give me some more bitter water, no, it's tea." "

Vulgar, brutal, but capable.

If it weren't for the lack of a capable warrior under his command, a rough man like Frank, Wren wouldn't have even looked at it.

Eh, in the early stage of entrepreneurship, it can only be done.

Wren drank the tea calmly, pointed to the teapot, and said, "I want to drink it and pour it myself." "

As long as the people under him do their jobs beautifully and remain loyal, Wren doesn't mind a certain level of training.

In this world of the age of the end of the Dharma in disguise.

If Wren wants to practice and move to a higher realm, he needs a lot of helpers to help him expand his power, gather wealth, study technology, and so on.

As early as the beginning of his practice, Wren understood this.

The gods, demons and the like in the Marvel world are absolutely unreliable.

However, all kinds of black technology, biotechnology, etc. in this world can help you create a lot of resources to climb the immortal path.

In this case, a warrior like Frank is still very useful to train a good student.

And just while Wren was sipping tea.

Frank was also not polite at all, and poured three cups of spiritual tea in a row, before he was a little satisfied, and said: "BOSS, tonight, in the villa of the Cente family, those monsters with black skin and claws, do you know?"

"Also, this bead you gave the boss, it seems to be ......".

Wren directly interrupted the other party and said, "It's a ghoul!"

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