Obadiah Stan is a very ambitious and flexible guy.

Just looking at the past ten or twenty years, the other party has been willing to hide in the light of Stark and his son.

This kind of forbearance is not something ordinary people can do.

In a sense, this guy can even be called a heroic figure.

And it is not surprising that such a heroic figure, as a local snake, was able to receive the news that Ren was able to wipe out the witch group in a very short period of time.

At the same time, this is also the reason why Obadiah Stan came in a hurry without even having time to eat lunch.

When Obadiah Stane saw Ren.

Ren, Isabel, and Firefox were enjoying lunch made by the maid with extraordinary ingredients.

The witches that Obadiah Stan had once been extremely wary of when he saw them were all well-behaved, like pets, serving them obediently.

Seeing this scene, Obadiah Stan’s whole psychology was extremely shocked.

Before, Obadiah Stan asked to see Renn again and again, but he was always dismissed by Firefox.

This feeling of being slighted once made Obadiah Stan very angry.

But now, Obadiah Stan feels that he may have underestimated the new king of contract breaking before.

Isn’t it just being looked down upon by others? What’s the big deal?

The two generations of the Stark family, father and son, all have this virtue, in one word, tolerance.

Obadiah Stan, who was very aware of current affairs, did not disturb the meal of the three Rennes. He even stood aside dryly and waited for nearly an hour.

Until after the meal is over.

Renn just looked at Obadiah Stan and glanced at him slightly.

“Obadiah Stan?”

“Yes, Obadiah met His Majesty Sullivan.”

Obadiah Stan was very sensible and capable in his forbearance stage.

The other party chose to seek an audience with Ren through the channels of the Triads, so in terms of basic etiquette, he also chose the Dark Council of the underground forces. Set.

Crown is a kind of honorific, which is the respectful attitude of the inferior to the superior.

At the same time, this is also something passed down from the Middle Ages by the Dark Council, which is very ritualistic.

Even Renn thought of Oba Obadiah Stane can do this.

You know, in the plot of”Iron Man 1″, Obadiah Stane has a very strong ambition and domineering temperament.

But Ren can also see it. Come out.

The current Obadiah Stan has not yet reached the situation where greed destroyed his sanity a few years later.

At this time, Obadiah Stan is definitely a smart man who understands current affairs.

For this kind of person, Lei En likes it very much.

Because as long as the other party is smart enough and aware of current affairs, the probability of Ren getting the Ark reactor will be greater.

Otherwise, if Ren wants to get the Ark reactor, he can only use special means.

But for steel When a guy like Xia, who is almost the absolute protagonist, uses special means, Renn doesn’t know what unintended consequences it will cause.

Even in this world infused with the will of chaos, there is still a plot inertia.

This is something Renn has tested personally.

In the earliest Spider-Man, Wren made certain interventions and changes to allow the ghost Spider-Man to appear, which led to the accident where Kingpin crazyly turned on the particle collider.

This is also the reason why Wren is getting closer to the way of heaven in Xianji. After building the foundation, he gained the secrets from the process of enlightenment.

So before he is truly invincible in the world,

Renn does not want to change the fate of Iron Man, Captain America, Thor and others too much.

But if it is Obadiah Stan, the big villain who personally created Iron Man, took action. Lane said that he could try a wave to observe the follow-up.

Anyway, after Obadiah Stan leaves, Lane will re-sacrifice the Bone God and Demon.

It won’t take long. In time, he will become a true Heavenly Father-level powerhouse.

If any accidents or troubles really happen, Renn will not feel that he can be threatened.

Thinking of this,

Renn will no longer test anything with Naobadi Stan. He smiled strangely and said:”Smart choice. I like your forbearance and awareness of current affairs. I will give you a chance to say what you want.”.?”

“Remember, you only have this one chance, you are smart, seize it, don’t let me down.”(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Faced with Ren’s unreasonable words,

Obadiah Stan had prepared a lot of words, but they were all blocked. Throat.

Almost instinctively, Obadiah wanted to conduct a wave of testing like usual business.

But after seeing Ren’s almost indifferent eyes,

Obadiah suddenly felt something in his heart, and he had an extremely Weird thoughts came.

What if, what if what the other party said was true?

Bet, or not bet?

Being stared at by Ren’s indifferent eyes, Obadiah suddenly felt another mountain of pressure coming over him, struggling in his heart. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Fortunately, Ren didn’t urge the other party to make a decision.

After five minutes of silence,

Obadiah’s eyes flashed fiercely and said:”Your Majesty, I want to kill him Tony Stark, I need your help to become the master of Stark Corporation.”

Ren became a little interested and said,”Oh? Tell us your plans!”

Obadiah’s eyes flashed ferociously, and he said:”Your Majesty, I have connections that can push the royal families of some Central Asian countries to purchase large quantities of weapons from America.”

“At the same time, the other party will designate the purchase of high-end weapons from the Stark Group, and Tony Stark will introduce them.”

“In a place like Central Asia, Tony Stark would die in a terrorist attack”[]

This is the plot of”Iron Man 1″.

Ren glanced at Obadiah inexplicably, feeling a little bit grumpy in his heart.

Damn it, your destiny is guided by (the one who has money), but you don’t even know that you are so bald, why do you come here to ask for help!

Ren said calmly:”So? What kind of help do you need?”

Obadiah took a deep breath and said:”Your Majesty, maybe you don’t know that Tony Stark is not a human being. Buy it for all the bodyguards around him. A generation of lizard serum, the protective power is too powerful”

“There is also the military. Tony has a deep network of relationships with America’s military, the White House, and S.H.I.E.L.D.”

“The military will definitely protect Tony Stark, damn the military also has super lizard warriors”

“So I need a more powerful lizard serum, just like Mr. Owen and his men under your command.”

After finishing speaking, Obadiah glanced at Ren with resentment.


Madhu, it turned out to be his own fault?

Or is it that the way of heaven or destiny in this world is using its own hands to correct the chaos?.

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